I don't find much of a difference to be honest.. Some things are moved around, which i don't like, because now I have to find them again, lol.. but it loads faster.. and thats about it, lol.. or thats about all i notice
Ah, I like it...you did a great job considering you haven't been workin with PS for quite some time...well, actually you did a great job no matter what!:thumbsup:
How sad is it when you surprise your self with a finished sig.. Like, i had no idea what I was doing, and i just landed with this.. and its probably my best and furthest from my comfort zone yet.
K, i dunno if I am just being hard on my self or what, but i really don't like this one.. Like I like it, but then when I look at it, I am like "****, Hailey that looks like ****"
The blending is kind of eh... but I like the lighting and the color. And the person kind of sticks out. Like at first glance it looks pretty awesome, but then you look closer and then there's these little things that just don't look too good.