Video game for ol skoolers remember this one..??


New member
RPG's are pretty cool.

As an aside, I love the old Forsaken game. If I need to fully involve myself to create a new headspace, that game is the ****. Old-hat, I know. And quick.

The cheat for the priests is, right click the temple, enter "hoyohoyo" in the chat box. It doesn't work for captured/converted priests.

I just send posses of priests all over the map, and convert buildings to draw fire, then convert the best of the enemy's weapons and turn them on their masters.

The home base is walled and towered, so I just play the tourist, and get them priests happening. With full armour, they can cop direct hits from catapaults, and I set two priests to heal the priests doing the conversions.

A new slant on an old game.



New member
"China will grow larger."

"Let's build."

"It will look real nice when it's done!"

I am death with the China Tank General. :D



New member
"China will grow larger."
"Let's build."

"It will look real nice when it's done!"

I am death with the China Tank General. :D
Where can I get me one of them China Tank Generals? ;)



New member
Where can I get me one of them China Tank Generals? ;)
C&C Generals has an expansion pack called Zero Hour. In fact you can buy both of them together or sepearate. Features totally new units, some upgraded patches (the rest you can find online), and I believe 9 new Generals, each with totally different strenghts and weaknesses. For example, the China Tank General has tank drops, cheaper tanks, auto-loaders for Battlemasters, nuclear engines, uranium shells, and the new Emperor Tank (basically an Overlord with an already equipped with a speaker tower and upgradable with a gatling cannon) but on the downside it has more expensive aircraft and no artillery. Basically with him, build a very effective and mixed legion of tanks and MAYBE a few aircraft if you are feeling quite rich and aggressive and rush the **** out of someone's base. IMO, quite effective against guys who need to build fast to win like the Super Weapon General.



New member
Been a while since I have played any other Command and Conquer but you might wanna try out Generals. Very nice, not exactly canon but very intense action. :)

Oh.... will do Outlaw2747 ....Oh, I like toying with the enemies...I don't get satisfaction with quick's a window of an oppotunity to try all sorts of tactics, when there is a lull in the fighting.. :cool:

Generals eh? :)



New member
Oh yes. It is even more beautiful when you capture other people's technologies. I had a 8 army free for all one time playing as the USA and i captured a Chinese base and a GLA base. As a result, I had a Particle Cannon, a Nuclear Missile, and a Scud Storm and used all 3 superweapons against the rest of the armies. Not to mention I had my Crusader and Paladian tanks team up with Chinese battlemasters and GLA Scorpion tanks. Simply beautiful and total ownage.


New member
By the way Sixes, I completely owned the map yesterday with the tank you had as a avatar (before it was changed to the jester). Oh man, it was beautiful seeing the terrorists being blown to **** by a LEGION of little battlemasters! :D


New member
You played the game yet? I used the best battlemasters in the game...from the China Tank General. His Battlemasters not only cost cheaper than the rest, but like all Battlemasters, when grouped in a party of 5 each of them hit harder and take less damage, they can be equipped with auto-loaders which means they can fire 3 rounds at one time quickly, they can be equipped with uranium shells which makes them hit harder as well, and they can be equipped with nuclear engines which makes them move faster and when destroyed leave behind nuclear fallout. Add that to the normal promotions they get (units become more combat effective when promoted) and you have an extremely deadly force.


New member
China Tank ,thanks for the info. No I'm not playing it yet. Just reading the site. There are alot of good things being said about that tank. I should be up and running by the end of the weak.


New member
Oh but don't get me wrong. Nearly any unit can be a turning factor in a battle IF put in the right hands. Battlemasters just so happen to rank high up there. I believe the Paladain and Scorpion tanks have pretty good reputations as well.


New member
Paladain and Scorpions yeah just read up on that not to long ago, depending on what suits how I can best game. I will use. Starting with China Tanks.


New member
Well lets kinda compare...I'm no super expert (I have had my me, some quite embarassing.) but we can kinda break down a few of the MBTs (main battle tanks) here.

Scorpion: GLA Tank, medium armor, fast speed, light cannon, can be upgraded from salvaged vehicle parts they have destroyed, can be upgraded with side rockets, can be upgraded with toxin shells, can have their ammo upgraded to do more damage, can be upgraded to self destruct (though this is not usually recommended), can be camoflagued

GLA teams are usually good for sneak attacks and hit and runs. Cheap to produce. I don't use any other GLA army but the Demo general so it could have other abilities I have no noticed. In any case, this tank is good for attacking light armor and their rockets can kill infantry as can their toxin shells but they are better used in large groups in conjunction with Quad Cannons as these tanks are primarily vehicle killers.

Paladin: USA Tank, heavy armor, heavy gun, laser defense against missiles and infantry, medium speed, can be equipped with scout, battle, or hellfire drone for extra firepower/sight

Any vehicle is good used in groups, this one doesn't need such a large group due to its power. USA depends more on technology and technology you shall have with this tank. Its laser can kill infantry but it has a slow firing rate so it is better used in conjuction with humvees. Though effective, it is quite expensive and some argue it is not much different from its little brother the Crusader.

Battlemaster: armor between the Scorpions and Paladin, fast, cheap, abilities explained in past post including being able to equipped nuclear shells

Deadly in large groups as said before. Not true infanty killers however. Use in conjunction with gatling tanks. China relies on heavey numbers and brute force to kill its opponents.


smutt butt

New member
I still have my Atari Pong with flip toggle switches to change between games.
I hooked it up once, to show my sons...

All 3 of them looked at me like I was from another planet and had lost my mind.

Then I told them about my VIC-20 computer!
My pong has been lost but i still have my original atari and about 25 games.My daughter gives me the WTF look when i get it out and play it.



New member
My pong has been lost but i still have my original atari and about 25 games.My daughter gives me the WTF look when i get it out and play it.
I LOVE the old school stuff.

The thing I love about the Nintendo Wii is you can download the old stuff to the hard drive...even stuff from Turbo Grafx...8 bit Nintendo etc.

I have been lucky enough to get my daughter into the old stuff as well as the new.


smutt butt

New member
Space invaders!!! hahahahaha I can't believe I spent countless hours on this game...compared to whats available now..but back then this game was dope.Then it was superceded by Galaga and defender..then Donkey kong(I'm not sure which order...been that long)....brings back a flood of memories.
Well you can play this one online now ...just wait for it to d/l and enjoy actually sucks now but its a part of video game history!!! ;)
I still love donkey kong. Space invaders is the first game i can remember from the .25 arcades. Gorf was my favorite.
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