Video Game Violence... True or B.S.?


New member
okay, i have to do this thing for public Speaking class about video game violence

personally i think it's bullshit but thats just my thought.

so what do u guys think?

Does violent video games lead to teenagers becoming Violent or aggressive behavior?

do discuss!


Scotty B

New member
BS it is a lot of **** violance has been around for ******* ages like in films and music and on Tv why is it that then a game ocmes out people think kids are gonna do the same thing like that kiud who killed someone with an axe to the head apparantly the kid was copying manhunt thats **** games cannot be blamed for the actions of people these days it is mostly the way they are brought up by the parents


New member
Total bullshit, Violence in school, is what leads to violence. They see two kids fight, and they want to fight, it's just the way to be cool, video games take no part of it.


New member
yes it does. Firstly, children play video games from a young age so they see violent images from an early age whish desentizes them and also emotionally makes them associcte being destructive with pleasure and fulfillemt (from when they like kill some and gain a point). Also, some people have like a 'violent side' in them and i believe video games could trigger it to show.


New member
why are youngins playing violent games?

they should play games like... spongebob

but no, i dont think it makes wanna hit others and stuff..



Active Members
I say its complete B.S.. I can remember watch my dad play DOOM, and even playing it alittle my self as a young child.. and then I had basically ever gaming system since them, including hand helds.. Not all the games were violent, the majority weren't.. But the ones that were in no way influenced my personal behavior.. If any ones says they were violent because they say it in a video game, are just tryin to get out of something they deserve.. Come up with another lame defense.


New member
my opinion:

if they play it form a young age it may give them the idea that violence is a good thing... but then its whoever lets them play these violent *** games fault for that ****



New member
It's bullshit unless you already had some sort of mental condition to begin with,but in most cases it doesn't cause any behavioral problems


New member
It's a load of ****. Okay, people (/kids) have done violent things after playing some games or watching violence on tv, but it's not related. It's at people's own responsibility not to commit crimes. If anyone plays the games and copies them, they're either kids not mature enough, stupid, or sociopaths.

HOWEVER, if you're exposed to violence for a long time, for example on tv, it could lead to some sort of brainwashing. This is in my opinion apparent in the States for example. The bullshit media tell people nothing but news of terror alerts, breakins, murders, rapes, etc, so everyone gets pumped up full of fear into buying various ****, that people are made to believe will help them, from for example the "very evil and violent" male african-american age 20-30. How many times haven't you heard on the telly "suspect is a male african american"?

Now, back to the video games...unless it's long term brainwash, there's nothing wrong with the video games, once the kid reaches a certain age. And then again, long term use that boarderlines brainwash isn't the recommended usage, so people making video games are guilty of nothing.



Active Members
I think if you already are depressive or something like that...a violent game could maybe give you some kind of inspiration of what you could do...

but if you are a normal intelligent person it shouldn't cause any damage



New member
hehe, like most of u said, BS(for me)

This is why:

I've been playing video games for as long as i could remember, violent ones also. BUT! I had enough sense to figure out that this was just pretend and that i wasnt really hurting anyone. I figured out that it was fantisy and not reality. MOST People can do that. Those who cant have other problems than video games that are contributing to violence


Scotty B

New member
all these studie will not prove anuthing each test will have different outcomes all the time there will never be an answer to any of this ever


New member
It all depends on the person who plays them.

Obviously, most of us who play video games on here have the sense to know whether it's real or fake. We can express ourselves. Others on the other hand, don't have much sense at all. It's these people who follow the examples video games tend to give them. It all comes down to ones intelligence.

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