video games

Pheonix791989 said:
i got a gamecube the gameboy(s) PS1 (broken) PS2 (broken) N64 and a bunch of older stuff like the original nintindo with that pong game XD but i'd have to take a look at what all games I have. I cant count em.

Just shows you how unreliable Sony is... :)

@ Misery: Dude I just saw the NDS Lite... very sexy. I'm definately trading some stuff for it.
I won't say sony is unreliable.. My original ps2 works.. and i play it everyday.. I got it the day it came out.. its all how you handle your stuff....
Well I guess it's just a coincidence... but I always here about how someone's PS2 broke or their PSP. I've had my Gamecube since it came out and it works perfect. My friend had a PS2, and took good care of it.. and it just quit working. His PSP has 2 dead pixels, while my NDS has none.

But oh well.
The first several batches of PS2s were awfully glitchy, and have an annoying habit of breaking/going senile after 6-12 months of use.
The Nintendo thing is not suprising though. Time and time again, Nintendo has proven to make the longest lasting, strongest system in terms of package.

On X-Play, they had a test of consele strength. They took an XBox, PS2, and GC and kicked them (1), hit them with a hammer hard (2) and then dropped them one story (3)
(1) Part of the PS2's outer shell broke off and damaged the power button when it was kicked, and it didn't work. It did nothing to the Xbox or GC.
(2) The XBox's lid was smashed in by the hammer, so that it worked but could not play any discs. It didn't affect the GC.
(3) After being dropped, the GC's lid was permenantly bent and broken. However, if one forced it down shut, the machine ran just fine.

Another case in point: A Game Boy color was left outside in a yard for a month once, were it survived weekly rain storms, lawn-mowing, and getting chewed on by the family dog. And the thing worked fine.

Its a testament to Nintendo's superb engineering. Now if they could just make some good games. XD
ryan is that an evil link in your sig? anyways yeah my gammer friends are really devoted to the nintendo since it last a real long time, they are big fans of super smash brothers melee. i have a pair who are brothers and one of them who is killer on melee hates the xbox...he calls it the fatbox...rather ammusing. well im not a big gammer and i dont have many systems...but i do play occasionally. :thumbsup: yeah...that and the playstations...they last quite awhile but nintendo has greay durability...gotta love the japanese. i also heard the Revolution (nintendo) is gonna be straight up like fifty times better than the gamecube.
Clogz said:
The first several batches of PS2s were awfully glitchy, and have an annoying habit of breaking/going senile after 6-12 months of use.
The Nintendo thing is not suprising though. Time and time again, Nintendo has proven to make the longest lasting, strongest system in terms of package.

On X-Play, they had a test of consele strength. They took an XBox, PS2, and GC and kicked them (1), hit them with a hammer hard (2) and then dropped them one story (3)
(1) Part of the PS2's outer shell broke off and damaged the power button when it was kicked, and it didn't work. It did nothing to the Xbox or GC.
(2) The XBox's lid was smashed in by the hammer, so that it worked but could not play any discs. It didn't affect the GC.
(3) After being dropped, the GC's lid was permenantly bent and broken. However, if one forced it down shut, the machine ran just fine.

Another case in point: A Game Boy color was left outside in a yard for a month once, were it survived weekly rain storms, lawn-mowing, and getting chewed on by the family dog. And the thing worked fine.

Its a testament to Nintendo's superb engineering. Now if they could just make some good games. XD
I saw a GameCube drag test, it was amazing. Some guy tied a rope around the GCs handle, threw it out the window of his truck and drove around any kind of terrain you could imagine. It was trashed when he got back to his house, but it still worked perfectly. I'll try to find it for you guys, it's pretty impressive.

Edit: And Nintendo makes great games for it's system, easily the best first party support out of the three. It's the third party developers that aren't making good games for Nintendo systems.
I myself got one of the first PS2s that came out. It recently quit working, despite taking good care of it for the most part (May have hit it a few times). So now I have the new PS2 system and it works splendily. right now im saving for a PS3. However though, that just half the battle, the games for it are gonna cost like $90.
Wow.. Mine has worked fine (PS2).. It has been through 2 moves with me.. and it take it on vacation all the time.. Plus i have 2 little sisters who love to mess up my stuff in my room.. Good luck, maybe?