Vote for newest Off Topic Forum Mod here

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Premium members may now vote, with the exception of C.E.S. and Outlaw2747.

Good luck to you both.

If we do not receive the required 5 Premium member votes after 3 days, we will turn the poll over to REGULAR members until a Mod has been declared by a 10 vote, remember, your votes IN HERE will count as 2, I will adjust them accordingly. If you have NOT voted in HERE by the end of the 3 days, you will have to vote in the REGULAR POLLING BOOTH and your vote will only count as 1 vote.

This topic is NOW open for discussion.
I think CES is the man for the job. Both are good choices though. Good luck to the both of you.
I never said I would make the choices EASY... hell I might even make you FIGHT for it if we don't reach our 5 premium vote requirement by Sunday..

In case you are WONDERING how we chose our Moderator and runner up contenders... The plan was simple..

Us MODS came up with our own choice, which is C.E.S., and next we examined posts to find out which member OTHERS wanted to be a Mod. I tallyed up the "THIS GUY SHOULD BE A MOD" type promo posts, and came up with Outlaw2747.

I figure a MODS choice .vs MEMBERS CHOICE poll would fit nicely into our little contest. It should prove VERY interesting indeed.

HA HA, HAD YA ALL FOOLED !! Wanted people to think they needed to promo THEMSELVES !!

The good thing about this poll, is the runner up STILL WINS !!

They get to ALSO have idiot boxing privileges.. Just not Super Moderator privileges..

So once again, Congratulations, and GOOD LUCK to both of you.

And again, I would like to remind you ALL(TIZZ:rolleyes: ) not to disclose the NAMES of the choices to anybody except fellow PREMIUMS until we have our new MOD or until SUNDAY when the poll ends....
Come to think of it, C.E.S. kinda looks like Stone Cold with that one profile pic of his he used to post.

You should put that PIC back up as your avatar CES !!

Or maybe THIS ONE :

Sure fits the IncognitoEgotistSumbitch heading under your name.
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before i say anything i just wanted to say i never considered myself as a choice because of my rusty debate skills. I speak from experience not from news articles (of which i trust few because i hardly know **** from shinola.......and freely admit that). I would have gladly taken on the position but never ever thought i would be a canidate in the running. So i am not upset, mad, or even remotely suprised by the canidates (infact i like them both and agree totaly). I sorta see myself as the big pink jester of WYPO. Im far to laid back to be true WYPO mod...and if i was a decision maker i would see that a mile away..........

But what i am suprised at is that I am an openly gay man and in a rant/debate site i have gotten the extremely high rep that i have in the short time i have been here. And for that i thank you all. I figured i would be the bottom of the barrel queer asshole(and unfortunately i really am not) that everyone would hate. Guess there isnt as many biggots in the world as i thought.........(minus the republican party)

..........hmm this may have been the wrong time to bring this up because it may look bitter that i wasnt a choice........and that isnt it. I have thought that since the first month i came here....i just wanted to give my thanks to everyone. When you think of the phrase "Off Topic Forum" and being openly gay and dealing with the hatred day by would think that being on a faceless, no holes barred, speak your opinion without the actual physical confrontation would think i woulda been run outta town the moment i got here....

and because i wasnt..i thank everyone!

With that said.........

phreakwars said:
Us MODS came up with our own choice, which is C.E.S., and next we examined posts to find out which member OTHERS wanted to be a Mod. I tallyed up the "THIS GUY SHOULD BE A MOD" type promo posts, and came up with Outlaw2747.
But i thought nominations didnt mean anything....I wouldna nominated a few others...but was just trying to not rock the WYPO boat...:(

Cept i woulda said the 2 mentioned, guess that was moot

phreakwars said:
HA HA, HAD YA ALL FOOLED !! Wanted people to think they needed to promo THEMSELVES !!
I never promo'd myself..other than shed my "everyone has to like me skin" and start calling people out for being a dipshit....But this was a very good thing. Its something i have always wanted to correct about myself. I posted long ago that i always lived by "the golden rule" (which i still do) but here...i dont really care who likes me or who doesnt. So this contest has made me step up to what i truely want to apposed who i think i should be................

phreakwars said:
The good thing about this poll, is the runner up STILL WINS !!
yep..and they both deserve it....and my congrats to you both!

phreakwars said:
And again, I would like to remind you ALL(TIZZ:rolleyes: ) not to disclose the NAMES of the choices to anybody except fellow PREMIUMS until we have our new MOD or until SUNDAY when the poll ends....

Tizz may be our resident forum whore...but she does keep the premium secrets.............its the new premiums we may have to worry about!

In conclusion i realized this post seems like i might be bitter because i wasnt in the poll. And that is totaly untrue. I only stated i would have done it if asked......not that i deserved it. I was just sharing my strategy and me not changing myself (totaty) to be a moderator. I enjoy being the comic relief (even if people dont find me funny or entertaining).....I know my role in life, and in WYPO......and nothing will change matter how much support and opposition i get.........

I love this place...and probably always will. We all rock in our own shape and form..and it will only get better!

Kudos to Outlaw and CES.....your going to do a kick-ass job...and you have my full support!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The suspense is who gets kicked off the island this week.......:D

(burns inscense and a chicken head to the WYPO gods)
I'm gonna vote against the grain. I like both these guys equally, and since Outlaw doesn't have any votes as of yet, I'm gonna cast mine his way. Good luck to both of you guys and congratulations. :D
Phreak will ya give me SOME credit ONCE!!!!! I will say NADA!!!!!

I say CES he just has that essence of ass mixed with a sufficient IQ and witty wording that seems to always make a good mod. (he is also pretty damn fair with judgements)

Go gettem kid!

Fallauto..... You ARE good but not a good as CES have fun with the semi-mod position
phreakwars said:
Come to think of it, C.E.S. kinda looks like Stone Cold with that one profile pic of his he used to post.

You should put that PIC back up as your avatar CES !!

Sure fits the IncognitoEgotistSumbitch heading under your name.

Okay...I put in in the profile pic again (I love my avatar too much) so everybody can poke fun at it. Enjoy!
tizz said:
Phreak will ya give me SOME credit ONCE!!!!! I will say NADA!!!!!

I say CES he just has that essence of ass mixed with a sufficient IQ and witty wording that seems to always make a good mod. (he is also pretty damn fair with judgements)

Go gettem kid!

Fallauto..... You ARE good but not a good as CES have fun with the semi-mod position

Thanks Tizz, but how's that Bloody Mary this morning? :eek:

Fallauto? [sic]

He's not even choice number two dear.

It's Outlaw2747. LMAO!
How did you know I got my perios this morning? Freaky

and ya I have no idea where that came from. I am being harrased by my daughter as she acts out "Labyrinth" and I am tired beyond reason after painting the last few days

Ya I am an idiot I ment OUTLAW (I think I got confused because Fallauto kept sayin he wanted the position)

off to get another cup of coffe now, that MIGHT help
One thing to keep in mind, is we WILL add more mods as the site grows. (Will be slow for a while) but people who didn't get the vote THIS time around will probably have there shot again.

Of course, the METHOD we use could and more then likely WILL be different from the method we used this time. I say you all did a great job, it truely was very difficult to sort through all the members, we have some excellent posters here.

To name off the canidates: AIG, builder,Vortex,KVH,MRIH,SD87,ParasiteGod,Satan, Spleefman,CrazyWumbat, and a couple other names were talked about (cept' tizz:D, ****ing forum whore ). Hopefully next time around one of these names will be chosen, maybe someone new will suprise us all, who knows..
sniff sniff I know you are only keeping e around till you get back those posts you wiped out. sniff Nobody wuvs me.

runs of wimpering

NEVER!!!!!!!!!!! I warned ya from teh start! I have a big mouth, my mind goes 100mph and I like to get it all out there :p Plus being around a four year old all day I kind of like being able to talk about more than poopies, jellyfish, and pretend birthday parties.

I am, ever so quickly, LOOSING MY MIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In case you hadn't noticed
Phreak and I know what you need Tizz...


Yeah, that's more like it! :D
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