Wake up, people ... and smell the socialism.

On Sep 18, 10:20 pm, Bert Byfield <BertByfi...@nospam.not> wrote:
> >> Learn to live with it: President Hillary Clinton...

> > Yep, she's is the salvation of America...the great American hope
> > and last shot at the American dream. But Bert, is that before or
> > after America is standing on the world's corner with a dark pair
> > of sunglasses and tin cup holding up a sign, "Will work to exist".

> I share your pessimism. But who can stop Hillary?
> > Hillary demonstrated her problem solving skills when she took it
> > upon herself to address the health insurance issue when her
> > playboy husband was running the show. After the millions spent,
> > what became of it? Nothing.

> Hillary is a socialist criminal. But, even so, who can stop Hillary?
> The Democrats love her, and enough Republican women will vote for her
> to make the difference. I am so annoyed at the criminal war against
> Iraq that I might vote for Hillary myself.
> > ...And that was at a time when fixing
> > health care was a a hell of a lot easier than it is now.

> I saw an article in the regular newspaper about how she has learned
> from her mistakes and won't burn down Blue Cross this time.
> > Not to
> > mention, the economic land mines that have been set by this piece
> > of **** administration.

> All the powers the Bush regime arrogates to themselves now will be
> passed on to President Hillary...
> > Sorry senor Bert, she doesn't have what it
> > takes. If by some miracle she is elected; expect more of the same
> > ****--in the good ole Yale tradition.

> Sure. But that has never stopped America from electing criminal idiots
> before, and won't now. It seems impossible for an honest person to be
> elected to anything important now.
> >>> We need a third....fourth.....fifth...etc...party now!!!!
> >> Americans don't vote for third etc parties.

> > Wrong. Clueless Americans don't vote for 3rd parties because they
> > are not capable of seeing beyond the choices spoon fed to them by
> > those screwing them royally in the first place.

> Yes, but none of this is going to change.
> >>> America has no greater enemy than our corrupt, full-of-****,
> >>> two party system. These drug store magicians pulled off the
> >>> greatest illusion in history...duping the people into believing
> >>> there is a difference between the two parties and that they
> >>> actually have choice. LMAO!!!!

> I agree, but now what? Knowing the Truth does not solve the problem.
> The Libertarian Party is great on knowing the truth, but they can't get
> elected to anything.
> >> The illusion has succeeded in fooling 99% of American voters.

> > Closer to 92% Believe it or not there are people in this country
> > capable of independent thought and who can see through the
> > bullshit you 2-party supporters embrace and bite: hook, line, and
> > sinker.

> Democrat vote + Republican vote = 99%.
> >> > The accomplishments of the last three presidents
> >> > should have told you otherwise.

> Bush, Clinton, Reagan? I liked Reagan. The other two are criminals.
> >> Americans learn from nothing, because they know that beyond the
> >> two parties are a bedlam of screeching fanatics of all stripes
> >> who want to screw things up beyond our wildest nightmares. The
> >> two-party system is our defense against chaos.

> > ...way. But the real issue here is those who learn for neither
> > insight nor experience who also are so eager forfeit "real" choice
> > merely to be a member of the herd--and do it time and over again.
> > Then they bitch and moan about how bad life is gotten in this
> > country.

> "People get the government they deserve."
> > Yea, the key word here is "defense". When was the last time
> > either party took the initiative to lead the country above the
> > chaos and returned it the prosperous and respected country it once
> > was? The answer is simple: NOBODY!! Nobody with such leadership
> > abilities and skills gravitates to either of the corrupt and
> > intellectually bankrupt parties. Surprise!!!

> Join the Libertarian Party. At least you will be with people who
> understand you. You still won't get anyone elected to anything.
> > I guarantee you that if there were 3 -5 parties running, we would
> > have a FAR better choice of candidates to choose from--especially
> > if their campaign fund raisers didn't get contributions from
> > renegade corporations.

> But there ARE 3-5 parties running. There are lots more than that.
> There are something like 100 parties running. Right to Life Party,
> Independence Party, Socialist Workers Party, Communist Party, the nazis
> must have a party, so on. So -- happy now? Gus Hall ran for US
> President for about fifty years. Did you vote for him? No? Then what do
> you expect.

NO! The Federal Election commission, run by (surprise!) Republicans
and Democrats,
has created very restrictive rules and makes it almost impossible for
other parties to become legit and get on the ballots.

Citizen Jimserac
>> But there ARE 3-5 parties running. There are lots more than
>> that. There are something like 100 parties running. Right to Life
>> Party, Independence Party, Socialist Workers Party, Communist
>> Party, the nazis must have a party, so on. So -- happy now? Gus
>> Hall ran for US President for about fifty years. Did you vote for
>> him? No? Then what do you expect.

> NO! The Federal Election commission, run by (surprise!)
> Republicans and Democrats,
> has created very restrictive rules and makes it almost impossible
> for other parties to become legit and get on the ballots.
> Citizen Jimserac

The Federal Election Commission is run by Republicans and Democrats
because these parties get 99% of the vote. When I was in the
Libertarian Party, we could get on the ballot with a signature drive,
but we still just could not attract votes. Americans just don't trust
third parties, seeing them as fanatics who would make things even worse
for us. If this is wrong, it is nevertheless true that they believe it.
Capitalism and Communism are both bad. The problem with
capitalism is that it puts no special value on people. Capitalism is
based on supply and demand. A capitalist company that made potato
chips for example would need--X number of potatoes, Y amount of salt,
and Z number of human beings for labor. The human beings have no more
value than the potatoes or the salt. And they consider it good to pay
the humans as little as they possibly can to increase their profits.

According to capitalist theory people must compete to see who
will work for the least pennies per hour. They say everyone must
compete with the people in Mexico and China to see who will work for
the fewest pennies. If a company makes billions in profit while paying
its employees starvation wages that is perfectly fine. At least the
sacred laws of supply and demand are not violated. If the people die
of starvation that is fine too. You can always get more people. If
there is not enough work for everyone to do then they think people
need to die off. Ebenezer Scrooge did everything right according to
the capitalists and followed the beliefs and values of capitalism.

The apologists for the Scrooges correctly point out that
people only start business for a profit. Of course that is true.
Anyone can see that communism is a big mistake. But wouldn't people
start the business for only millions in profits rather than billions?
What if there were laws that made sure working people got a reasonable
share of the profit? Would that be so terrible?

In a hypothetical case suppose technology progressed so far that
the work were done by machines. Huge farms gathering food and all
automated. You would think everything would be great, but under
capitalism the people would starve because there wouldn't be enough

Capitalists oppose welfare and say that orphans and other needy
people should be helped by charity. How much charity would there be
when capitalists openly say that selfishness is a great virtue? If
there was no welfare then the charitable people would have to pay for
everything while most people would not pay one thin dime. We have
welfare so people all pay their fair share. It is part of having

We have many laws that make things better for people.
There are laws that give people extra pay if they work over forty
hours. There are laws that ensure people will have retirement.
Capitalism is for doing away with the laws so businesses can be free
to be as greedy as possible.There are laws that keep people from
getting ripped off when they buy a house. Capitalism is against that.
Capitalism is bad for people.

http://www.ihr.org/ http://www.natvan.com

http://www.thebirdman.org http://www.nsm88.com/

"Citizen Jimserac" <Jimserac@gmail.com> wrote in message
> On Sep 18, 3:30 pm, "Patriot Games" <Patr...@America.com> wrote:
>> "Lars Eighner" <use...@larseighner.com> wrote in message
>> news:slrnfeu2gu.fhi.usenet@debranded.larseighner.com...
>> > In our last episode, <46eefe47$0$15399$4c368...@roadrunner.com>, the
>> > lovely
>> > and talented Patriot Games broadcast on alt.politics:
>> >> "CitizenJimserac" <Jimse...@gmail.com> wrote in message
>> >>news:1190037627.852738.197390@g4g2000hsf.googlegroups.com...
>> >>> On Sep 17, 9:34 am, WhoGivesAFig? <doit...@earthlink.net> wrote:
>> >>>> Wake up, people ... and smell the socialism.
>> >> Yes, that's an actual problem. FOR THEM. Its NOT a problem for ME.
>> > If you don't pay taxes or ever go to a hospital. Otherwise, you pay
>> > for
>> > health care for the poor.

>> I know that.... If we're paying for healthcare for the poor ALREADY then
>> who are the (alleged) 47 million people WITHOUT health care insurance?
>> > You pay taxes for the losses of public hospitals,
>> > and you or isurance carrier pay more for hospital services in order to
>> > cover
>> > the losses of the emergency room. This is a lot more expensive than
>> > preventive and maintence care, so not only do you pay, you pay for the
>> > most
>> > expensive level of treatment.

>> I know that...
>> > Moreover, you are exposed to communicable diseases you would not be
>> > exposed
>> > to if others could afford to get treatment, and you pay more for
>> > products
>> > and services because employers have to cover time that is missed by
>> > sick
>> > employees.

>> Lemme see if I understand this... If I pay MORE TAXES you're claiming
>> that
>> I'll eventually get that back in CHEAPER PRODUCTS?
>> >> Socialized healthcare FOR EVERYONE is a POOR solution for everyone
>> >> EXCEPT
>> >> those 47 million.
>> > It's cheaper and better for everyone to live in a healthy society, and
>> > every
>> > other industrialized country on earth has realized this.

>> That's is the LAMEST BULLSHIT EXCUSE of an answer I've read in WEEKS.
>> >> Are you one of the 47 million? Do YOU have a vested interested in
>> >> this?
>> >> If not then the problem to be solved is with those 47 million ONLY.

>> Our society is healthier now than it has ever been.
>> Just because OTHER industrialized nations have flipped to SOCIALISM is NO
>> REASON why America should.
>> You are DUCKING the PROBLEM.
>> 253,000,000 MILLION Americans DO have health insurance.
>> You are offering them NOTHING except HIGHER TAXES to pay for the
>> (alleged)
>> 47 million who do not have health insurance.

> NO GOOD Games but nice try. The latest economic statistics indicate
> that the MAJOR CAUSE OF PERSONAL BANKRUPTCY in the United States is

I know that. But its NOT MY PROBLEM.

> In case you did not know it, many of those HEALTH CARE COMPANIES have
> little provisos and exclusions in their "policies" so if you have a
> chronic disease, after so many months the insurance company STOPS


> With UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE coverage, the conditions are covered FOR AS
> won't have to worry about catching a drug resistant strain of TB next
> time you go to that baseball game or take a walk in the park.

I don't have to worry about it now.

And MY taxes haven't gone up.

On Sep 19, 10:32 am, Bert Byfield <BertByfi...@nospam.not> wrote:
> >> But there ARE 3-5 parties running. There are lots more than
> >> that. There are something like 100 parties running. Right to Life
> >> Party, Independence Party, Socialist Workers Party, Communist
> >> Party, the nazis must have a party, so on. So -- happy now? Gus
> >> Hall ran for US President for about fifty years. Did you vote for
> >> him? No? Then what do you expect.

> > NO! The Federal Election commission, run by (surprise!)
> > Republicans and Democrats,
> > has created very restrictive rules and makes it almost impossible
> > for other parties to become legit and get on the ballots.
> > CitizenJimserac

> The Federal Election Commission is run by Republicans and Democrats
> because these parties get 99% of the vote. When I was in the
> Libertarian Party, we could get on the ballot with a signature drive,
> but we still just could not attract votes. Americans just don't trust
> third parties, seeing them as fanatics who would make things even worse
> for us. If this is wrong, it is nevertheless true that they believe it.

Third parties a little TOO RADICAL for them, eh? Well then, they
probably have not noticed the mess that a group called the neo-CONS
have done ever since they gained control of (surprise!) BOTH MAJOR

Citizen Jimserac
On Sep 19, 3:15 pm, "Patriot Games" <Patr...@America.com> wrote:

> > With UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE coverage, the conditions are covered FOR AS
> > won't have to worry about catching a drug resistant strain of TB next
> > time you go to that baseball game or take a walk in the park.

> I don't have to worry about it now.

Er... the state with the HIGHEST NUMBER OF PEOPLE
TEXAS (sorry Games, that's YOUR state is it not?)

> And MY taxes haven't gone up.

But the value of the dollar has gone DOWN!

You are paying one way or the other for the Iraq farce.

If it were a real war and we could just nuke them it would
be OK. If I had my way, the Tora Bora mountains and a certain
Bin Laden with no longer exist - there would be a radioactive
hole there as a warning to any future sub humans.
But it is NOT a real war as you very well know -
so... enjoy your low taxes...

Citizen Jimserac
"Citizen Jimserac" <Jimserac@gmail.com> wrote in message
> On Sep 19, 3:15 pm, "Patriot Games" <Patr...@America.com> wrote:
>> > With UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE coverage, the conditions are covered FOR AS
>> > won't have to worry about catching a drug resistant strain of TB next
>> > time you go to that baseball game or take a walk in the park.

>> I don't have to worry about it now.

> Er... the state with the HIGHEST NUMBER OF PEOPLE
> TEXAS (sorry Games, that's YOUR state is it not?)


>> And MY taxes haven't gone up.

> But the value of the dollar has gone DOWN!


> You are paying one way or the other for the Iraq farce.

Yep, so?

> If it were a real war and we could just nuke them it would
> be OK. If I had my way, the Tora Bora mountains and a certain
> Bin Laden with no longer exist - there would be a radioactive
> hole there as a warning to any future sub humans.
> But it is NOT a real war as you very well know -
> so... enjoy your low taxes...

WWII was a real war and we didn't nuke Germany or France.