War in Iraq: Show or clout, or get the hell out?

Hugh G. Rekshun said:
No, 'cause I don't give a ****. But thanx for the little tidbit (of which I already knew) of edification.

You give a **** about something, surely?

You must like to read? ;)
builder said:
You give a **** about something, surely?

You must like to read? ;)
Only articles that are pertinent to my stage in life with respect to my current aspirations and endeavours. Old civics and mundane history lessons are at the bottom of the pile
Hugh G. Rekshun said:
Only articles that are pertinent to my stage in life with respect to my current aspirations and endeavours. Old civics and mundane history lessons are at the bottom of the pile

Oh ****...the door is WIDE open and I've just gotta walk through it once...

Um Hugh... Articles pertinent to your stage in life...like?

- Managing Overactive Bladder (OAB). :p

- Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome or Senility. :D

- Overcomming Erectile Dysfunction. :eek:

- Managing geriatric conditions contributing to frailty. ;)

- Ultimate Denture Comfort.

Oh ****...LOLROTF. Sorry, I couldn't resist. Hell admit it! From one Jarhead to another...Even YOU laughed - you old Grunt!
Yeah, I let that one slide. Good to see it was picked up and run with the full length of the field.

builder said:
Well then, you'd be struggling, full stop.

I'm at a complete loss as to your standpoint.

You are extrapolating the Iran fiasco to explain Arab/Muslim antipathy to the West, I believe.

That may be the case. It certainly would justify Iran's animosity. However, that irritant pales in comparison to Arab hubris over Israel and America's blind support of that country, and the disparate distribution of wealth between the West and the Arab countries.

As to your other claims, I may two observations. Your knowledge of history, as evidenced by your remarks regarding Vietnam, and your understanding of current issues such as the London bombing suggest you need to separate fact from fiction.

And secondly, I am NOT American.

If you wish to debate, for goodness sake do your research. You look like an ass when you make inaccurate and untrue statements.
Rotwang said:
I'm at a complete loss as to your standpoint.

It's clear that your sentence should have ended at "loss".

Rotwang said:
You are extrapolating the Iran fiasco to explain Arab/Muslim antipathy to the West, I believe.

LOL. wake up hippy.

Rotwang said:
That may be the case. It certainly would justify Iran's animosity. However, that irritant pales in comparison to Arab hubris over Israel and America's blind support of that country,

Israel is running your gov. Money talks, bullshit walks. Start walking hippy.

Rotwang said:
and the disparate distribution of wealth between the West and the Arab countries.

Your point was?

Rotwang said:
As to your other claims, I may two observations.

Here, let me wipe your glasses for you.

Rotwang said:
Your knowledge of history, as evidenced by your remarks regarding Vietnam,

I read anything not written by those who made complete fools of themselves in Vietnam.

Rotwang said:
and your understanding of current issues such as the London bombing suggest you need to separate fact from fiction.

The Londom bombings were so amateurish, they made a mockery of Islam
The lies about that sad scenario are still being exposed.

Rotwang said:
And secondly, I am NOT American.

Then, the correct spelling of your name is Arse. Not Ass. Feel free to select from the available descriptors.

Rotwang said:
If you wish to debate, for goodness sake do your research.

Do your own research, you lazy arse.

Rotwang said:
You look like an ass when you make inaccurate and untrue statements.

American? Refute them with something more than simple monosyllabic insults. Otherwise, stop breathing, and save us the air. :cool:
I'm sorry.

I was not aware that you are a resident of Queensland.

Had I known, I would certainly have not wasted my time and yours trying to argue with logic and reason.

I'll just leave you smoulder in your dense ignorance as befits an Australian redneck. I wont bother you with fact and logic ever again.
Rotwang said:
I'm sorry.

I was not aware that you are a resident of Queensland.

Had I known, I would certainly have not wasted my time and yours trying to argue with logic and reason.

I'll just leave you smoulder in your dense ignorance as befits an Australian redneck. I wont bother you with fact and logic ever again.

Most considerate of you. :rolleyes: