War of the Roses

cynthiaa89 said:
As a female, I can't say that it's a bad idea, but as a person in a relationship, it's ****ing nosey and retarded.

I would be pissed off if I was a guy and my girlfriend called - even if I sent her the roses and "passed." It's bullshit....Why can't people just get rid of their partner if they don't trust them any more than that?

If someone I was with was so paranoid they tested me on a ****ing public radio station, I'd dump them.

Very true. If you fail the test, your partner has every right to throw your cheating butt out. If you pass the test, you have every right to toss out your paranoid and accusatory partner.
Personally, if I had heard about the whole thing before it happened to me, I'd just intentionally say some random name......Even though that's kind of mean.......:rolleyes:
cynthiaa89 said:
Why can't people just get rid of their partner if they don't trust them any more than that?
Because people like me with trust issues would be forever single.
GF Admin said:
I totaly agree.

No one, and I mean no one, just totally trust their partner, over the years you figure out various ways to “test’ the current status of things. Little comments or questions, maybe looking at the phone bill a little closer etc..

What you find over the test of time is your ability to resolve any issues, and move forward how to remain committed to the relationship, give each other space and not **** each other over. “Do no Harm” is a motto people in relationships should have tattooed on them immediately after committing.

Wrong, I don't check up on my wife. My parents don't check up on each other. Sounds like you are a bit insecure. If ya caint trust em....don't marry them.
NazzNegg2 said:
I am not sure but how many times have you been married again? Blind trust is not trust at all; it is just one person choosing to ignore reality. Not checking up on your mate could be considered simply as “just not giving a ****” I guess its all about perspective.

Speaking of such things, how did things work out with Wez??

Who cares, obviously people who have no life!
GF Admin said:
You know that guy you were all into, the one that was going to move up there with you, the one you were going to hooked up with.......ya that guy....WEZ:p

Hows the karma working out on that one?:D

haha.. Someone just told it like it is....
GF Admin said:
You know that guy you were all into, the one that was going to move up there with you, the one you were going to hooked up with.......ya that guy....WEZ:p

Hows the karma working out on that one?:D
I'll tell you as soon as you tell me all the details of your last relationship, how's that?
atlantic said:
Kind of like you being supposedly harrased by Trademark and then TJ let's him back on.

How is that ANYTHING like that? And what do you mean by "supposed"? I'm not the one who claims people stalk them when they really are the ones leading them on.
Chi said:
How is that ANYTHING like that? And what do you mean by "supposed"? I'm not the one who claims people stalk them when they really are the ones leading them on.
You don't have all the facts Chi, but I do have traced phone calls thru the phone co. so I understand why you think the way you do, also, what proof do you have?, and I really don't think it's anyone's business about my past relationships; also, my original point was you had once stated TM was constantly hitting on you, and you were glad he was gone, but now he's back, you don't remember that. My point being that you cannot be trusted, I told you a few things in confidence, I didn't post them on a site. So have you told Trademark on a post yet how you feel about his constantly hitting on you?
atlantic said:
You don't have all the facts Chi, so I understand why you think the way you do,
I have more than quite enough to go by, your own words and my own observations of everything that has transpired thank you very much.

atlantic said:
also, my original point was you had once stated TM was constantly hitting on you, and you were glad he was gone, but now he's back, you don't remember that?

About TM, again how does that have anything to do with this? That little maggot is no threat to me, I can handle him just fine, so it is no worry to me that he has been let back in at the other sites. Sure he's a nuisance, but I will deal with him accordingly.
Chi said:
I have more than quite enough to go by, your own words and my own observations of everything that has transpired thank you very much.

About TM, again how does that have anything to do with this? That little maggot is no threat to me, I can handle him just fine, so it is no worry to me that he has been let back in at the other sites. Sure he's a nuisance, but I will deal with him accordingly.
My feelings obviously changed at some point, which happens; and also for good reasons I might add. I also don't feel the need to bud into other people's business all the time, just wanted to try it out, sucks actually ;)
You changed your response ok....
atlantic said:
but I do have traced phone calls thru the phone co. so I understand why you think the way you do, also, what proof do you have?
-yap, yap, yap....I have already answered that in my above response. You said Wez was stalking you to me then over at SWYW you denied it up and down in front of him and everyone else there that you never said that and now once again saying he was again to Phantom, KathyA and who knows who else, so which one is it? Make up your mind.

atlantic said:
My point being that you cannot be trusted, I told you a few things in confidence, I didn't post them on a site.
No, YOU cannot be trusted. Other members have told me lots of personal things in confidence and I have never told a soul. I only repeated what you told me because it had to be said. Wez was attacking Eddo because of you and your claims and us trying to "help" you and I wasn't going to let that happen having found out what kind of person you really were. I have said it over and over again, two-facedness in one of my biggest pet peeves.

atlantic said:
So have you told Trademark on a post yet how you feel about his constantly hitting on you?
Uh, duh. Where have you been? OF COURSE I have told him. In PM's, public posts, you name it, have you not noticed? I've been mean, civil and serious with him. He doesn't seem to get it, I have continually told him to knock it off. He says he will then starts his crap all over again. He thrives on annoying people. The old negative attention better than none I guess.
Chi said:
You changed your response ok....-yap, yap, yap....I have already answered that in my above response. You said Wez was stalking you to me then over at SWYW you denied it up and down in front of him and everyone else there that you never said that and now once again saying he was again to Phantom, KathyA and who knows who else, so which one is it? Make up your mind.

No, YOU cannot be trusted. Other members have told me lots of personal things in confidence and I have never told a soul. I only repeated what you told me because it had to be said. Wez was attacking Eddo because of you and your claims and us trying to "help" you and I wasn't going to let that happen having found out what kind of person you really were. I have said it over and over again, two-facedness in one of my biggest pet peeves.

Uh, duh. Where have you been? OF COURSE I have told him. In PM's, public posts, you name it, have you not noticed? I've been mean, civil and serious with him. He doesn't seem to get it, I have continually told him to knock it off. He says he will then starts his crap all over again. He thrives on annoying people. The old negative attention better than none I guess.
Grow up Chi, first off, I was getting calls in the middle of the night, then calls where my son would answer the phone, and say Hello, then I would get that call on my cellphone minutes later of my son saying hello; I guess you would like that kind of thing. I do NOT consider hang-up calls stalking, they are annoying, and will be dealt with. I also told KathyA and Phantom that I wasn't sure yet if it was him , that I was tracing the calls; but they also thought it was him. The calls did stop for awhile and they started up again a few weeks ago. I will not discuss this any further as it is still under investigation. I do not have absolute proof yet. Only a few of the calls showed up on caller id and that I can confirm. Also, I take it very personal when anyone ****s with my son, they better watch the **** out!
atlantic said:
Grow up Chi, first off, I was getting calls in the middle of the night, then calls where my son would answer the phone, and say Hello, then I would get that call on my cellphone minutes later of my son saying hello; I guess you would like that kind of thing. I do NOT consider hang-up calls stalking, they are annoying, and will be dealt with. I also told KathyA and Phantom that I wasn't sure yet if it was him , that I was tracing the calls; but they thought it was him. The calls did stop for awhile and they started up again a few weeks ago. I will not discuss this any further as it is still under investigation. I do not have absolute proof yet. Only a few of the calls showed up on caller id and that I can confirm. Also, I take it very personal when anyone ****s with my son, they better watch the **** out!!
You're the one that needs to grow up, Pinocchio. You told me you KNEW it was Wez because of caller ID. Now you are saying you don't know for sure and had to have the calls traced and it's "under investigation"-?. You need to get your lies straight. You cannot for anything be believed or trusted, you have proven that time and time again. I am done.
Chi said:
You're the one that needs to grow up, Pinocchio. You told me you KNEW it was Wez because of caller ID. Now you are saying you don't know for sure and had to have the calls traced and it's "under investigation"-?. You need to get your lies straight. You cannot for anything be believed or trusted, you have proven that time and time again. I am done.
Since you can't read, I'll start all over again dummy: The calls in the beginning did show up on caller id, I did not trace them as I did not feel the need to prosecute it. Now that my son is having to deal with these calls I started tracing them, because this time I will prosecute.
Don't want to put yourself and your son in harm's way? Quit inviting and trusting any Tom, Dick and Harry you meet. ESPECIALLY when you were warned beforehand by several people in the first place.
Chi said:
Don't want to put yourself and your son in harm's way? Quit inviting and trusting any Tom, Dick and Harry you meet. ESPECIALLY when you were warned beforehand by several people in the first place.
I have learned a valuable lesson. You are right, I will definetly never trust anyone online ever again, thanks ;)