

Well-Known Member
May 5, 2005
OK so I HATE war. Looking at it on paper, the statistics lagistics blah blah blah I can understand in someway why people do it, but the realization and reality of war is disturbing to me. The idea that anything is worth all the hate destruction, death and dislocation, the wiping out of cultures, the families left to pick up peaces, the unavoidable innocents killed, mamed or left lost in the world, it's all just beyond my comprehension. It literally tears me up. I understand to a degree why the us is at war, though I cannot understand why this particular location supercedes so many others when it comes to supposed liberation, I can also understand why so many people in the middle east have picked up arms against the us. This leaves me torn between loyalty and love for those fighting for the us and my empathy and compassion for those fighting back. I just cannot come up with a justafiable reason for war. I cannot come up with a justifiable reason to take another life in hate, intolerance or ignorance. I hate war. I hate the inner conflict it leaves. I hate the mindless support of destruction, I hate the loss of life I hate it all. Memorial day is coming up when we set aside a day in the US (not just to through a cookout people) but to remember those who have served and died. It is for me a day when I set aside time to reflect and try once again to understand why all those names have to placed on a memorial to begin with, why so many lives are cut short, why so many are left to go back to their lives so changed and so bitter. Why so many families are left to find strength to move on after loosing their loved ones to battle. When monday comes around, no matter what part of the world you live in, take a moment just to remember that people, real people and most often young people, have died defending something, following orders or simply for an ideal of somesort. PLease don't forget the families left behind on both sides. Never forget that for all the griefe passion and hate there is on one side, there are people just like you with those same emotions on the other side. Perhaps if more people understood that war is two sided and leaves the same griefe on both side, more people would see just how pointles it all is.

I HATE war!
War, good God y'all, what is good it good for. Absolutely nothing. Say it again.
War, ain't nothing but a heartbreaker, war, made only for the undertaker.
GF said:
War, good God y'all, what is good it good for. Absolutely nothing. Say it again.
War, ain't nothing but a heartbreaker, war, made only for the undertaker.

Ohhh! War is an enemy to all mankind, The thought of war blows my mind.
War has caused unrest within the younger generation. Induction then destruction...who wants to die? Ohhh!!!
i like war, it gets rid of dictators and extremists, and it keeps the world population in check.
War is one of those things I see as a necessary evil, what sucks is that war usually almost always have to have casualties. I guess maybe one of the things that keep me devoted to moderating this web board, is the idea that maybe I can get people to just fight without all the weapons, without the sticks, and rocks, and frying pans, and peanut butter, and nerve gas, and knives, and guns. And whatever else one could dream of in there head to maim, or impale another human being.

It always seems to me, war is nothing more then reinforcing your beliefs to the extreme.

An extreme measure that was built up
Forget all your directions of hate. Channel it. Focus it. On the gooks! Since
their arrival. All of the American assimulation process has faded and slithered
into the sea. War is hell, but Afganistan is JUSTIFIED ! Iraq NOT !
Forget all your directions of hate. Channel it. Focus it. On the gooks! Since
their arrival. All of the American assimulation process has faded and slithered
into the sea. War is hell, but Afganistan is JUSTIFIED ! Iraq NOT !

Would you stop it with this "gook" bs already? Seriously, you're posting this stuff in like every thread you post in, and make plenty completely new ones about it. I'm sure you're pissed about it for whatever reason, but judging every asian by the acts of one family near you is hardly a jusifiable argument against their culture.