Was Jesus a Buddhist?

ToriAllen said:
I don't see what the big deal is in thinking that Jesus traveled. Wouldn't it be much better if he were well travelled and well educated?

YEAH! Because being 'The son of god' is just not enough of a resume for me! MY messiah has to be well traveled, AND a snappy dresser too!

kiss ;)
I see where you are coming from but the concept of an adversary is found in the oldest book of the Hebrew and Christian Bible- Job. Though "Satan" (the adversary) was definitely explained more in depth in the NT, he most certainly was not originally invented by Jesus nor was he remotely described as being a god.

Satan was always making guest appearances throughout the whole book from Genesis(the first book of the bible) to Revelations(the last and quite possibly my favorite), as for the lost years theory it seems pretty simple, just look at what guys do today between the late teen years and their early thirties. He went out hitchhiking got his party on and probably even went to Cali for a while to "find himself". Most likely a bunch of stuff that would not help his rep as a righteous savior kinda guy, so they didn't print those parts.;)
Anna Perenna said:
Jesus appears to have gone missing from the ages of 12 to 30.

A common theory is that he travelled to India, Tibet, Nepal etc and studied Buddhism.

I'd be very interested to know what the religious people on this forum think about this topic.

I'll share my theory if you share yours.

Well the answer is Jesus is a muslim. The term muslim means a person or anything that submits itself to the will of God. And Jesus did that, therefore he is a muslim.

''He(Jesus) said: ''Verily I am a slave of Allah, He has given me the scripture and made me a Prophet;

''And He has made me blessed wheresoever I be, and has enjoined on me Salat (prayer), and Zakat (charity), as long as I live;

''And dutiful to my mother, and made me not arrogant, unblest.

''And Salam (peace) be upon me the day I was born, and the day I die, and the day I shall be raised alive!''

''Such is Isa (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary). (it is) a statement of truth, about which they doubt (or dispute).''

''It befits not (the majesty of) Allah that He should beget a son. Glorified (and Exalted is He above all that they associate with Him). When He decrees a thing, He only says to it: ''Be!'' -and it is.''

''(Jesus said) : ''And verily Allah is my Lord and your Lord. So worship Him (Alone). That is the straight path.''

Qur'an 19: 30-36.
Well the answer is Jesus is a muslim. The term muslim means a person or anything that submits itself to the will of God. And Jesus did that, therefore he is a muslim.


If we want to play word games, then sure. Every religious person would be a Muslim by that definition.

A Muslim Jew? Poor Jesus. Talk about inner turmoil.
If we want to play word games, then sure. Every religious person would be a Muslim by that definition.

Well No actually. Christians worship a man, Hindus worship idols, Buddhist cant see past themselves , Oh arent the Jews the ones God cursed?

A Muslim Jew? Poor Jesus. Talk about inner turmoil.

He wasnt a Jew in Character or Faith.
Well No actually. Christians worship a man, Hindus worship idols, Buddhist cant see past themselves , Oh arent the Jews the ones God cursed?

He wasnt a Jew in Character or Faith.

This entire statement is ignorant!

seriously... do you read anything besides your crap?
Well the answer is Jesus is a muslim. The term muslim means a person or anything that submits itself to the will of God. And Jesus did that, therefore he is a muslim.

You are all cattle! And beef is on the menu!

Christians worship a man

They believe they worship the Son of God as well as God. You know, the one you think is the same as Allah. ;)

Hindus worship idols

Right. The ones that represent their Gods.

Buddhist cant see past themselves

True. hehehe

Oh arent the Jews the ones God cursed?

Not permanently. Oh, but they still worship their God.

The Muslim population of Earth just went from 1 billion to 5.75 billion according to your definition.

He wasnt a Jew in Character or Faith.

That's odd. Being that He was the one who came to fulfill Jewish law. :rolleyes:
Phantom said:
To me it isn't a big deal. However, secular scholars use the theory of His supposed travels to pick up foreign religions, return to Israel, then teach said religion as something new in order to draw a following.
So what? If there is one thing I hate worse than seculars trying to use crap like that to disprove Christianity, it is Christians who blindly disagree with any secular theory that might threaten their personal belief. Maybe he did spend time traveling or learning about other cultures and beliefs. So what? Wouldn
ToriAllen said:
So what? If there is one thing I hate worse than seculars trying to use crap like that to disprove Christianity, it is Christians who blindly disagree with any secular theory that might threaten their personal belief. Maybe he did spend time traveling or learning about other cultures and beliefs. So what? Wouldn
Phantom said:
I agree. We know he spent his toddler years in Egypt to escape the wrath of Herod, traveled to Jerusalem as a child, and also roamed the Israeli countryside during his ministry.

If he traveled, so what? I don't feel Jesus was a Buddhist because the difference between Buddhism and Christianity have some extreme differences. The main one being Christianity/Judaism centers around a single deity while Buddhism has no deity- followers of Buddhism strive for "enlightenment," not the salvation of any god.
Buddhism is more philosophy than religion. You can appreciate the philosophy and teachings without renouncing God.

Anna Perenna said:
But it does call into question the (literal) claim that he is the Son of God.
Not necessarily. Just because he was innately human, doesn
Jesus may have been an Essene

Philo's first account of the Essenes: (24.)

"They do not offer animal sacrifice, judging it more fitting to render their minds truly holy. They flee the cities and live in villages where clean air and clean social life abound. They either work in the fields or in crafts that countribute to peace. They do not hoard silver and gold and do not acquire great landholdings; procuring for themselves only what is necessary for life. Thus they live without goods and without property, not by missfortune, but out of preference. They do not make armaments of any kind. They do not keep slaves and detest slavery. They avoid wholesale and retail commerce, believing that such activity excites one to cupidity. With respect to philosophy, they dismiss logic but have an extremely high regard for virtue. They honor the Sabbath with great respect over the other days of the week. They have an internal rule which all learn, together with rules on piety, holiness, justice and the knowledge of good and bad. These they make use of in the form of triple definitions, rules regarding the love of God, the love of virtue, and the love of men. They believe God causes all good but cannot be the cause of any evil. They honor virtue by foregoing all riches, glory and pleasure. Further, they are convinced they must be modest, quiet, obedient to the rule, simple, frugal and without mirth. Their life style is communal. They have a common purse. Their salaries they deposit before them all, in the midst of them, to be put to the common employment of those who wish to make use of it. They do not neglect the sick on the pretext that they can produce nothing. With the common purse there is plenty from which to treat all illnesses. They lavish great respect on the elderly. With them they are very generous and surround them with a thousand attentions. They practice virtue like a gymnastic exercise, seeing the accomplishment of praiseworthy deeds as the means by which a man ensures absolute freedom for himself."

Philo's second account of the Essenes: (25.)

"The Essenes live in a number of towns in Judea, and also in many villages and in large groups. They do not enlist by race, but by volunteers who have a zeal for righteousness and an ardent love of men. For this reason there are no young children among the Essenes. Not even adolescents or young men. Instead they are men of old or ripe years who have learned how to control their bodily passions. They possess nothing of their own, not house, field, slave nor flocks, nor anything which feeds and procures wealth. They live together in brotherhoods, and eat in common together. Everything they do is for the common good of the group. They work at many different jobs and attack their work with amazing zeal and dedication, working from before sunrise to almost sunset without complaint, but in obvious exhilaration. Their exercise is their work. Indeed, they believe their own training to be more agreeable to body and soul, and more lasting, than athletic games, since their exercises remain fitted to their age, even when the body no longer possesses its full strength. They are farmers and shepherds and beekeepers and craftsmen in diverse trades. They share the same way of life, the same table, even the same tastes; all of them loving frugality and hating luxury as a plague for both body and soul. Not only do they share a common table, but common clothes as well. What belongs to one belongs to all. Available to all of them are thick coats for winter and inexpensive light tunics for summer. Seeing it as an obstacle to communal life, they have banned marriage. They view women as selfish, excessively jealous, skillful in seduction and armed, like actors with all sorts of masks designed to flatter and ensnare men, bewitching and capturing their attention and finally leading them astray. They believe that where children are involved, women become audacious, arrogant, swollen with pride, shamelessly violent and employ attitudes dangerous to the good of the common life. The husband, bound by his wife's spells, or anxious for his children from natural necessity, is no more the same to the others, but becomes a different man; instead of a freeman, he becomes a slave."

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