Was Mohammed(mpbuh) pervert?


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2004
Since it is well documented that Mohammed married Aysha when she was 6 years old and then consumated the marriage when she was 9, was Mohammed(may piss be upon him) a pedophile?
Mohammed - (may faecal matter be upon him,) was certainly a disgusting paedophile pervert scumbag.

Shame the glorius crusaders didn't kill this vile pig.

May his grave be annointed with bacon,pork dripping and cheap wallmart burgers.

May sharpened pig bones be used to prise open the sinful shrine that houses this acursed corpse.

May its rotten tongue be ripped out from its stinking mouth, deep fried in lard, then fed to a sypillitic sow.

May a blasheming arab be forced to hack off its smelly head, with the jaw-bone of a pig.

May his crumbling corpse have a pig's trotter pushed into its mouth, and another up its anus.

May pig-piss be poured into its filthy ears. May pig-**** be heaped into its arm-pits .

May The One True God (dead moslems be strewn before him) see fit to direct the corpse be enviserated and sewn up with a dead piglet it it.

May modified master-race pig-lice be bred especially to harrass the corpse , until the foul thing is utterly destroyed . Forever......So be it, So be it . All is well...Amen, Amen..
slip_knot said:
Mohammed- faecal matter be upon him, was certainly a disgusting peadophile pervert scumbag.

Shame the glorius crusaders didn't kill this vile pig.

May his grave be annointed with Bacon and pork dripping. May his crumbling corpse have a pig's trotter pushed into its mouth, and another up its anus.May pig-piss be poured into its filthy ears. May pig-**** be heaped into its arm-pits . May modified pig-lice be bred especially to harrass the corpse , until the foul thing is utterly destroyed .Amen, Amen..

Very creative. Have some rep for dissing that abominable, serial goat raping, **** phagoid.
I don't know why we put up with Islam at all. We have the resouces to defeat it, yet most of us are subject to islam-loving-get-along-with-everyone-and-everything bullcrap which is forced down our throats everyday either in the media or in public education. If we don't stand up and reveal the truth about what islam is and what it teaches then we will have to deal with terrorism, women's rights abuses, pedofilia, islamic fanaticism, and islamic expansionism forever. Islam won't be satisfied until it covers the entire earth with it's disgusting and evil presence, and we westerners are going to be the first to feel the effects of what islam's goals are if the islamic world ever unites again.

I know evil when I see it.

In today's standards the guy is indeed a kid****er, but please note that in 7 AD people didn't take this into consideration, possibly due to people having shorter life spans and people marrying off their daughters at a young age for financial reasons (Something only a crapitalist would do) and because we lacked the same moral and technological developments we have today. No one had a clue about anything like psycological trauma. So yes even then he was a pedophile, just in a time when no one gave a **** if anyone was a pedophile or not.

And how old was Mohamed? In AD 7 you were considered a man before you had your first hair on your ballsack
There has never been any culture in wolrld history that ever condoned 53year old men having sex with 9 year old girls. Also keeping in mind that Mohammed was having sexual fantasies about her when she was 6 and it was never really Ayesha's choice to marry the prophet, I would say that even for his time and culture Mohammed was a pervert. Mohammed was not only a pedophile, but a murderer, terrorist, rapist, pirate, and most of all- a false prophet who either conned or forced the arabs to accept his twisted religion and then make war on the entire world, murdering and subjugating as they went.