watch out for cows...


New member
it was a public dirt road that is open to atvs. and you can hardly call 60 speeding... it would be her fault. they should be fenced in. not roaming the streets.

I still would have had words if you were trying to yell at me cuz my goat was in the middle of a damm dirt road, i mean come on buddy, if i lived the road i would have told you to slow it down and keep your eyes open.

it's hard to explain to some people, but in this situation had you wrecked and hurt yourself or your passenger.....the atv privelage most likely would have be reconsidered on that road, it's because of dangerous actions and irresponsible riding that some of our riding spots get revoked. Be smart, ride smart, and most of all don't blame the goat!



Active Members
so, by your reasoning, it is niether the owners nor the goats fault, therefore it is my fault. so the owner could sue me for damages done to the goat that she lets play in the road?


New member
yes that is true, just as if a person or a child was in the road (yield to pedestrian). If you're flying down a dirt road on a 4 wheeler at 60mph you can very easily have charges put against you if you hit somebody. Now, would a goat owner sue you for running over her goat? most likely not, but that's not my point. I was talking about your personal safety and how you tore the owner a new one because her goat was in the road. As i mentioned if you came yelling at me cuz my goat was in the road i'd tell ya to slow down and yield to my goat on a dirt country road, i mean seriously you have no right to tell at somebody in the country cuz their goat is on an old back dirt road.


Active Members
its not an "old back dirt road" its right by pavement and bar/resturant that is always busy. and 60 is the speed limit. ok 55. but isn't that splitting hairs. i've never gotton pulled over doin 60. must be legal :gr_driving3:


New member
i suppose you're right, i was just concerned with the goat owner when somebody came at them after they hit their goat on some back road, lol.

i guess i was thinking dirt road country where animals roam. Around here, if you're in the country you are likely to see a dog, cat, cow, horse, goat, chicken, turkey... deer.

there's a couple dogs that always chase us and you have to keep going fast or else they will get ya! tire biters!



Active Members
don't get me goin with the friggin DEER!!! most scary **** ever and it runs threw my head constantly. almost did my friend in on his yfz...

Phantom Z

If the ATV is legally on the road, speeding or not doesn't matter it is the animal's owner's responsibility to keep that animal reasonable restrained from getting out in to the path of oncoming traffic. If an accident had happened the owner's homeowner policy would take care of liability.

This actually happened about a month ago to one of my customers, a storm dropped a tree on the fence to their horse pasture and one of their horses wandered out onto the road and was struck by a passing truck. Even though they showed no signs of negligence their policy payed to fix the truck.

PS Let's move on :thumb:


Phantom Z

so, the real question is countrydude, was the 4 wheeler legally on a legal road?

it was a public dirt road that is open to atvs.

This has been covered like the media on the Rodney King beating so lets get back on track :thumb:

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