Way to go Brits!

RegisteredAndEducated said:
WOW TH (douche), that site looked like it said August 25,2005 to me :eek: , what does everyone else see when they look at it??? :confused:

JACKASS!! :cool:
TH's stupidity no longer shocks me, I now sort of expect it! ... The Brits have been mulling over it for a while, but now they are taking action!

BTW, read the dip-shits comment on CES's post about Ex Post Facto laws, he is so stupid it's hillarious!http://Off Topic Forum.com/showpost.php?p=347980&postcount=132
I swear sometimes I hate this country... then I think about it....

**** THAT ! This is MY ****ing country... and if these ****ing grape nut eating, sandal wearing fags aren't going to fight for it, then I guess I'll have to, and suck it up with a bitter pill when these ****ing fags catch a free ride to freedom on my coat tail!

This country may be ****ed up, but it's MY ****ed up... not yours... keep the **** out of it...

My country may be led by assholes, but they're MY assholes... not yours!

We have problems in this country, and they are OURS to fix... not yours!

We have enemies, and if we want to bomb them, that's OUR prerogative.. not yours!

So here it is! my official statement to the world!

If you think we are greedy... **** YOU... No country has given more then this country... Yes we want to make money, but who the **** doesn't... offer anyone $50 for free and see how many turn it down on principle! People that bitch about how rich we are are just pissed because they haven't figured out how to do the same yet!

If you think we want to conquer the world.... **** YOU! we could have taken this ****ing rock over 50 years ago! BUT WE DIDN'T! We still have the power to take this ****ing earth over BUT WE DONT! We could erase every ****ing protein based life form off the planet if we wanted to, so why haven't we done it? If we're so ****ing hell bent on conquest...

THIS IS JUST A BIG ****ING CHESS GAME! The only time people bitch during a game of chess is when they haven't taken time to learn the rules! If your country is in last... don't blame the US... blame the players in your country!

If you hit 30, and you haven't figured out the rules yet... sit this round out! we don't need malcontents trying to pilot this ship!
fullauto said:
I swear sometimes I hate this country... then I think about it....

**** THAT ! This is MY ****ing country... and if these ****ing grape nut eating, sandal wearing fags aren't going to fight for it, then I guess I'll have to, and suck it up with a bitter pill when these ****ing fags catch a free ride to freedom on my coat tail!

This country may be ****ed up, but it's MY ****ed up... not yours... keep the **** out of it...

My country may be led by assholes, but they're MY assholes... not yours!

We have problems in this country, and they are OURS to fix... not yours!

We have enemies, and if we want to bomb them, that's OUR prerogative.. not yours!

So here it is! my official statement to the world!

If you think we are greedy... **** YOU... No country has given more then this country... Yes we want to make money, but who the **** doesn't... offer anyone $50 for free and see how many turn it down on principle! People that bitch about how rich we are are just pissed because they haven't figured out how to do the same yet!

If you think we want to conquer the world.... **** YOU! we could have taken this ****ing rock over 50 years ago! BUT WE DIDN'T! We still have the power to take this ****ing earth over BUT WE DONT! We could erase every ****ing protein based life form off the planet if we wanted to, so why haven't we done it? If we're so ****ing hell bent on conquest...

THIS IS JUST A BIG ****ING CHESS GAME! The only time people bitch during a game of chess is when they haven't taken time to learn the rules! If your country is in last... don't blame the US... blame the players in your country!

If you hit 30, and you haven't figured out the rules yet... sit this round out! we don't need malcontents trying to pilot this ship!
Very well said. I agree with you 100%. Im tired of the bullshit too. I have realized that the other countries will more than likely always hate us just for the simple fact that we are American.
Ill also second the BIG **** YOU to all those *****s.
Team America - **** YEAH!
Well here's my take on what Nazz and Fullauto said.

This world is more than just one country. This world is ****ed up, is full of problems, assholes, and everything else that Fullauto listed. Everyone that lives in this world has a right to care about the future of it. So if one country is ****ing it up, then we have every right to speak out about it. Whether we are on the giving or recieving end doesn't matter, it's the duty of every responsible citizen of this PLANET to care about our future and the human race as a whole, not some petty bull-**** like borders that only serve to seperate and alienate ourselves from each other. And after all, all of you have bitched and complained about other countries, so maybe you should practice what you preach. I mean, saying that other people don't have the right to question what we do would be like saying you don't have the right to question what goes on in any other state than your own.

So yes we have problems in this country, but moreover we have problems in this world. And they're all of our problems, whether your American, or Iraqi, Chinese, or Korean, English or German or anything in between, and its up to ALL of us to try to fix them. So saying that other countries shouldn't worry about whats happening in any other country besides their own, well that just appears to be rather foolish.
GF Admin said:
You know if you were really sorry for killing the moment you would submit your own little diddy, set your own issue with your country aside and express some gratitude for the things we all have to enjoy and be proud of
When we get attacked my aliens, I'll be proud to be human...

But since we are being attacked by everyone else, to include you liberal meat whistles, I'm gonna be proud to be American... and to further break it down, I'm gonna be proud to be an American that will fight and die if necessary for other Americans like you, regardless of how you try to undermine me...

There is nothing more misunderstood than a healthy sense of National Pride.

It never ceases to amaze me how quickly otherwise normal people will go off the deep end and accuse you of Racism, Nazism, Fascism, or what ever they can think of, if you express a strong sense of National Pride. Somehow, if you believe and express that your country is the best in the world, then that makes you narrow-minded.

That is one of the many reasons I moved to where I live.

Findlay, Ohio - A.K.A. "Flag City USA"

That's right. There are more American Flags on display at homes, businesses, and public locations than anywhere else I have ever seen.

In my neighborhood, we ALL have a flag on our homes. Mine is lit with a light so it flies 24 hours a day 7 days a week. We have Support the Troop ribbons on cars everywhere you look and the military efforts of the soldiers will never go unappreciated around here.

The 4th of July is a CITY WIDE celebration. Almost everybody goes to celebrate our Independence Day.

National Pride is a HEALTHY, RESPECTED, and DESIRABLE trait here. God Bless America. We're not perfect, but our intentions are good, our hearts are compassionate, and we love freedom!

I'm proud of the Brits. They are starting to care enough to boot the trouble makers. We need to do so as well. Immediately.

Free speech is one thing, but incitement to violence and terror is quite another.

I'll never understand these ****ing foreigner rag heads wanting to bash the USA especially SINCE THEY ARE LIVING HERE! Go home! Go to the Middle East. Move to Saudi Arabia and go kiss the ****ing mullah's ass and dance around the Kabba until you drop dead. I don't care but don't you dare stand here in MY country and threaten it. Get the **** out because WE DON'T need you!

Now, where the hell is my blood pressure medicine again...
WTF??? How the hell can you say this,when your country has been doing the exact same thing?

This country may be ****ed up, but it's MY ****ed up... not yours... keep the **** out of it...

Hellooo,are you dead in the head?Hasn't america occupied countries cos they are apparently ''****ed up''.

My country may be led by assholes, but they're MY assholes... not yours!

Well,I reckon saddam is an asshole.Who came and interfered,and removed him? america

We have problems in this country, and they are OURS to fix... not yours!
Apparently Iraq and Afghanistan have been having problems,who went there to ''FIX'' these problems? america

We have enemies, and if we want to bomb them, that's OUR prerogative.. not yours!

This must be the stupidest statement I've ever heard.So you have the right to bomb other countries and no-one can say anything??How ****in' arrogant,and you still have the nerve to ask why people hate americans so much.You ****in' disgust me.
Then I think you need to apply these statements to yourselves cos america has done everything on this list more times than the rest of the world can put together.It's time you minded your own business and not interfere with other countrys' problems.No matter how much you praise yourselves,to me and many others most of you are just arrogant stuck up assholes!!!

So here it is! my official statement to the world!

Yes! the whole world should fall prostrate to whatever statements an american makes.we know,Oh almighty ones above all.Tsk sickening!

Fullauto,you need to wake up to the fact that what you call yourselves don't really mean that's what you are.
You try and sugar coat every single flaw that america has,by praising and exalting yourselves.
Stop thinking yourselves to be higher than all creations.Stop pretending you have all the solutions.
I think you need to learn what equality really means,then perhaps people will be inclined to feel something good for you and your country!
8_BALL said:
Very well said. I agree with you 100%. Im tired of the bullshit too. I have realized that the other countries will more than likely always hate us just for the simple fact that we are American.
Ill also second the BIG **** YOU to all those *****s.
Team America - **** YEAH!

Well then maybe you should actually try and understand what you're doing wrong instead of cheering like a high school cheerleader.****in' *****!

The world doesn't hate the american people, what it hates is the way that american politicians manipulate their people through patriotism and hollow words like liberty and security. If America could look at itself from our prespective without 'god bless america' syndrome it would soon see why there is a general anti-americanism throughout the world. Another reason behind it is we see no Americans standing up to this. All we see is the political right reinforcing this seemingly moral superiority which makes you think you have the right to interfere in other countries affairs. These are only some reason behind and are mostly the modern ones, but as long as you are prepared to use your overwhelming military strength to enforce your values on others anti-americanism will run rampant.
AIG, you are an "arrogant stuck up asshole".

Got your attention? Good.

America does not threaten its neighbors. We do not invade our neighbors. We do not wage genocide on anyone. We do not drop chemical weapons on our citizens. We do not imprison torture and kill citizens who speak out against the current political leadership. We do not allow our leaders to state that they now rule "for life". We have the very finest free elections in the world. We have churches and religious structures of every religion in the universe, and they peacefully coexist and are equally protected under the law. We have the greatest legal system in the world, and although it is not perfect, it damn sure tries to be the very best. We have the finest military in the world and we use it most judiciously use it when the need arises so that we and the world may remain safe. We have separation of government and religion because we know that the mixture is like gasoline and fire. We give and give and give to most of the rest of the world until it hurts and then we give more. We never bother anybody who is not bothering us, unless they are rapidly increasing as a threat to the world at large. We rebuild everyone and everything we are forced to destroy in the course of war. We don't slaughter the defeated; we build them back up again stronger and more solid than they were before. Afterall, the country that probably made that computer your typing on, waged war on us for no reason, and after defeating them in war to the point where they surrendered, did we annihilate them? No. We rebuilt them better and stronger. I personally tried to do the same thing in that **** hole called Somalia during Operation Restore Hope, but that in and of itself is another story altogether.

You had better examine the people we've "picked" on. Saddam Hussein, Momar Kadafi, Ho Chi Minh, Idi Amin, Khomeini, Noriega, Ortega, and the rest of those assholes. Nobody would consider these people anything but tyrants and despots except perhaps you!

I don't give a flying **** what you think you know about us Americans. You don't know **** you little Somali girl. You cannot possibly understand what it means to be an American and what it takes to be free.

The countries you claim don't like us, are MUSLIM piece of **** countries who are THREATENED by us because we see through their MUSLIM BULLSHIT.

If you are here, you should leave because you don't deserve to be here. You do not appreciate it. Go back to that MUSLIM warlord infested dustbowl called Somalia.