Way to go Brits!

Yeah yeah,rant on about the ''good'' you've done.When you have balls to admit the wrongs that you've done,get back to me.
What do you want?do you want everyone to worship you for first destroying their original homes and families?
People don't give a **** if you build them palaces.When you're poor,what little you have is beautified.And if that beauty is taken away from you and replaced,it won't mean much to you.
Tell me CES,can america bring the dead back to life?Cos I think people would much rather have their families back than all the money you throw at them.
What I've noticed about americans is that,whenever you do something good you expect to be paid back,or have people kiss your ass for it.
Us muslims are taught to give and not expect anything in return.

''And they give food,inspite of their love for it,to the poor,the orphan and the captive,''

Saying:''We feed you seeking Allah's Countenance only.We wish for no reward nor thanks from you.'' 76:7-8

I for one am very proud of my people for fighting against you and throwing you out of my country.If people don't want you to interfere,DON'T!!
You are not peace makers.Peace is never gained through more blood shed.Bitterness and hate follow.
If you are attacked and you attack back,what's the next thing that will happen? Yes,you are attacked all over again.It will just be a never ending cycle that solves nothing.
I'm not saying that america is the only country that's wrong,but it's you that don't wanna acknowledge your mistakes.
You get upset whenever someone says something negative about america,this brightens your arrogance even more!

I don't deserve to live in England? What right do you have to say that?
I earn my living.My family works.So I'm hardly being spoonfed.
Iam not grateful to no person.I'm grateful to God for everything I have and I don't grieve over what I don't have.I don't view any person higher than me or lower than me.That's a big difference between us CES.
We have the greater sense of equality than you. Besides slavery was your thing,wasn't it???
Peace is never gained through more blood shed.Bitterness and hate follow.
AIG, again you show your utter stupidity, go look around the nearest graveyard ... pretty peaceful, wan't it?

If you are attacked and you attack back,what's the next thing that will happen? Yes,you are attacked all over again.It will just be a never ending cycle that solves nothing.
Islam declared war on the west 1300 years ago! Are you mad because we're winning. Ya'll started it, but WE might just finish it!

I don't deserve to live in England? What right do you have to say that?
I don't care where you live, but it is interresting you're not in your beloved ****-hole of an islamic desecrated landscape. You leave that islamic ****-hole for a 1st world country, and you try **** it up by bringing the same islamic social degenerating disease with you.

I earn my living.My family works.So I'm hardly being spoonfed.
Iam not grateful to no person. I'm grateful to God for everything I have and I don't grieve over what I don't have.
Why do you think England is Rich and Somalia is poor? Use your brain and figure out that islam is detrimental to prosperity.

Besides slavery was your thing,wasn't it???
Actually Slavery historically has been more prominant on the African continent, tan any other continent. The vast majority of slaves that were brought to America were PURCHASED from african slave owners.
Blah blah blah ...get back to me.

Whaay whaay whaay ...Us muslims are taught to give and not expect anything in return.

Ha Ha Ha ...this brightens your arrogance even more!

Hmmph ...I don't deserve to live in England...

Burp ...That's a big difference between us CES.

The only difference between you and I bitch, is that I love my country, devoted 20 years of my life to service to my country, and spent the better part of my career globe trotting to various places to help ingrates like you. My government is not perfect, but you cannot point to a better one anyplace on this planet, and that's a FACT!

England? Oh yeah. The finest purveyor of African slaves in the history of the ****ing world! The most imperialistic dogs ever to launch a Navy. Hell, we got rid of the bastards over 200 years ago ourselves. England. Nice place to live Acckk . I'm sorry to see that they will let anybody in there now days, but then again, keep up your rhetoric! It just might get you a fast one way ticket back to that ****ed up sand hole place that you were born in.

Without a doubt, of all of the places I've been to in my life, Somalia and Ethiopia ties each other for the countries with the absolute ****ing dumbest people I have ever seen. Hands down.

All I have to say is...

Why the **** don't you go live in a MUSLIM country Bitch if Allah is so goddamn wonderful? I'll answer it for you...

Because you are a fraud...that's why. Deep down in your heart you KNOW that any country with ISLAM as the center of political and social life, is TOTALLY ****ED UP! Mohammed can go **** my pig. ****ing Drunken Child Molester.

The country you live in now Bitch is there because we, the United States of America, saved it from its certain destruction by Der Fuhrer, Adolf Hitler! Every Brit with 2 good functioning brain cells knows this and appreciates our wartime efforts.

Up until now, I've basically ignored you, but you and your bullshit needs to be knoced down a few notches.

You piss me off so Piss on you and your piece of **** beliefs. You
My dears,Islam has nothing to do with why people are poor.You'd like to tell yourselves that,to blame your mistakes on something else.
The whole of africa is not Islamic BTW!
Africa was ****ed up cos of you greedy ****s blindly searching for gold.
The country you are so proud of was not even yours.It was taken away from people by force and you built it through bloodshed.
I would rather be poor and live in a cowshed,than be proud of such a country.
I thank God with every breath that I'm an african,rather than be one of you arrogant ****s that care for nothing,except making money and believing that you are better than everything.
You comfort yourselves by pointing out that you donate money to africa and other poor countries.
I don't call that kindness,since all you're doing is putting them in more debt,that they will spend their whole lives paying back and they will never develop.

Muslims do alot for this world,regardless of what you say.Ever heard of Islamic Relief.It is a charity organisation run by muslims that works around the world,helping those in distress.
They build hospitals,schools and orphanages in africa and asia.
Guess what! they give food aid by hand to the people instead of using your technique and throwing it from the air.Why do you do that?Are you afraid of having skin contact with ''the filthy,lowly africans'' O mighty ones??
And Islamic relief donated 300 000 pounds for 7/7, to the victims' families.And they don't expect to be paid back.
Muslims around the world sponser children through them.
They have oraganisations all over the world.Even in america.Muslims around the world donate money to them.
That's what I call helping people.Not the american way of plunging poor people into more debt and throwing packages from the air,injuring people rather than helping them.Recording it,just to get people to believe that they are helping.
Islamic Relief Site

Be proud of your country CES,they have done so much ''good''.Thanks for the bad rep by the way,it really moved me to tears boohoo! :rolleyes:

Fullauto,I don't need to ask builder to defend me.I've never asked him to do so.He chose to by himself.
I don't need any defending from scum like yourselves.

MRIH,you're mexican,don't forget that.Just cos you were given the green card don't make you american!!!

The english are far better people than you,despite of the past.
My dears,Islam has nothing to do with why people are poor.

Really? Is that so? Hmm...

(You Stupid Bitch... you obviously don't know me around here, but I am the KING of ****ing facts and you just stepped on a whopper of a land mine!)


"Of the 55 member states of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) only five are classified as high income group while 21 members belong to the middle group. The remaining 29 countries are classified as low income group, an OIC economic conference under way here was told.

Since 90 percent of OIC countries trade is being done with countries, not members of the organization, the economic performance and future prospects of OIC member countries will be largely influenced by developments in the industrial countries, said a report presented to the conference by the Jeddah-based Islamic Development Bank.

The report added that while member countries in Asia and Africa have somehow sustained their macroeconomic performance, Muslim countries in the Common Wealth of Independent States (CIS), which gained independence following the collapse of the Soviet Union, are facing the prospect of weak macroeconomic performance."


"A report on the status of the economic and social development in OIC members spoke of widespread poverty, lack of proper health services and high rate of illiteracy. The study by the Ankara-based Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Center for Islamic Countries, said some 37 percent or 344 million people of the total population of 28 OIC member countries were suffering from poverty. Total Muslim population is about 1.4 billion.

On the transport and communication sector, viewed as the backbone of development, the report painted a gloomy picture on the conditions of air, land and seas transport while noting that Muslims states are still lagging behind in information technology and communication.

On the state of transport infrastructure and capacity the paper noted that while the total area of OIC countries is almost three times that of the United States, United Kingdom, France and Japan put together, the total road network in those four countries amounts to 8.8 million kilometers or three times that of the OIC
'Excuse me while I laugh and barf at the same time. Yeah, like engage in terrorism, cut off hands and feet, whip people, hang people, behead people, subjugate women, oppress people and keep them in poverty and the list goes on and on.'

What bullshit! That stupid article of yours simply stated the number of muslim countries in the world and those that are poor.It doesn't say that it's a religion that has rendered it into poverty.So I think I've sidestepped any land mines a pathetic arrogant **** puts under my foot.
With your above quote it shows that 9/11 and the media have made you forget that generalization is wrong.Or maybe you just were never blessed with it the moment your mama popped you out.
You're laughing at Islamic relief cos they are muslim?I don't see the joke.Is american ''aid'' the only thing that is a good deed?

I do thank God with every breath that I'm not arrogant or ungrateful to Him.
Tell me CES,why the hell should I be grateful to people for what I have?

Why do you keep saying that I shouldn't be in England?I have no problem with english people and they don't have a problem with me.
The only right you might have had to say **** like this,is if I was (God forbid) living in america.

I'm not denying that my country is poor.
If I remember I wasn't insulting land or comparing who has more money.I was actually insulting your arrogance,hypocrisy and poor charactor.
Oh I guess I shouldn't be too suprised.
You're trying to make me feel lower than you by insulting somalia's poverty,but what you're actually doing is showing me more flaws in you.You don't value human life unless it's american.You sir, can go **** yourself,cos you haven't shown me any reasons to actually respect america for anything it's done.

Here is a list of muslim aid organisations to make you 'laugh'':

Muslim charities
Facts annoy you don't they AIG?

Of the OIC nations, more than HALF are poverty stricken and 50 of 55 are economically strapped. What's their common denominator? The economically and societally punitive system of ISLAM.

The Islamic religion is the single most restrictive and backwards religion operating in the world today, and has brought nothing but pain, suffering, economic woes, and subjugation of women and homosexuals. This is also a fact supported by thousands upon thousands of documented Islamic deeds in the modern world.

American aid is not the only good in the world, but it is a good. Not the plague you attempt to portray it as. As far as Islamic Relief goes, I'm sure there are even some good to come of that as well, although I suspect it diverts some of its contributions to religious extremists. I am almost certain of it.

You have the nerve to slam Americans and how we are a proud and giving people, and then justify your own abandonment of your homeland to go to England, and then wear it as some sort of badge of honor. It isn't. You still haven't answered the question as to why you are not in Somalia anymore. Be honest about it.

I have no desire to make you feel inferior because you were born in a poor country. What I am trying to show you is that you feel justified bashing the USA and Americans in genera for our patriotism and loyalty to our country and its guiding principals, yet you have ABANDONED your own little slice of the Muslim world, your HOMELAND. Tell me again please, who's the hypocrite here?

As to valuing human life, I can assure you that in the service of my country, I have served more of my fellow mankind, in more places on this planet, in helping them to establish a sense and stability in valuing human life, than you could possibly imagine.
The Islamic religion is the single most restrictive and backwards religion operating in the world today, and has brought nothing but pain, suffering, economic woes, and subjugation of women and homosexuals.

Then if it is so bad why the hell are many,many,europians and americans embracing Islam? I mean even a rock star (Yusuf Islam) embraced it.Who was restricting him.There is not one place in the Quran where it says kill homosexuals.And this whole western idea of saying that muslim women are oppressed is just bullshit.The Quran states all mankind is equal.Nobody can say that they are more special to God than anyone else.
Both men and women will be equaly judged on what deeds they have done in this world.

God treats men and women as spiritual equals., Quran 3:195 tells us :

"Their Lord responded to them: "I never fail to reward any worker among you for any work you do, be you MALE OR FEMALE, YOU ARE EQUAL TO ONE ANOTHER........."

Many of the Muslim countries who claim to follow Islam are treating women as a second class citizens, and some of these women accepted this situation thinking that is what Islam is advocating. As mentioned previously, God, in the Quran made a complete spiritual equality between men and women(3:195)

Most of the degrading, humiliation and poor treatment in these Muslim Countries for women, came from the desertion of the Quran , and refusal of the word of God in favor of some fabrications written in Hadith books that put women on the same level with animals.

The total respect and rights guaranteed by God for the Muslim women can not be taken away by a lie written in another man-made book. While God made men and women spiritually equal as seen in 3:195 the traditional Muslims who prefer Hadith over Quran always remind the women of these hadiths.

Hadiths are just man-made books(which naturally have defects) not what God says, not what the prophet who represents the message of God could have said, since some statements are totally against the Quran. Because women usually do not have the physical strength of man, hadithists see them as "naturally defective". They forget that women have other natural qualities in which they are superior to men, like their ability to endure pain, the ability to bear children, etc.

Hadithists see women as "morally defective", conveniently ignoring the fact that the vast majority of individuals jailed for murder, rape, child abuse, etc. are men. And hadithists claim that women are "religiously defective" but it is they (not God in the Quran) who forbid women from doing many things.

Their problem is that they have taken the words of men instead of the words of God.

However what God revealed in the Quran is very different. The spiritual equality between men and women is mentioned in 4:124, as follows:

"As for those who lead a righteous life, MALE OR FEMALE. while believing,
they enter Paradise; without the slightest injustice"

and again in 16:97:

" Anyone who works righteousness, MALE OR FEMALE, while believing, we will surely grant them a happy life in this world, and we will surely pay them their full recompense for their righteous works."

and yet again in 40:40,

[40:40] Whoever commits a sin is requited for just that, and whoever works righteousness - MALE OR FEMALE - while believing, these will enter Paradise wherein they receive provisions without any limits.

I believe it is time to go back to the Quran,cos it leads the path to living a good and righteous life.

CES,I don't dislike all americans or america.I deslike your government,and I got upset cos of the amount of arrogance and hypocrisy here became unbearable.
Or have you forgotten the beautiful souls that wrote this:

This country may be ****ed up, but it's MY ****ed up... not yours... keep the **** out of it...

My country may be led by assholes, but they're MY assholes... not yours!

We have problems in this country, and they are OURS to fix... not yours!

We have enemies, and if we want to bomb them, that's OUR prerogative.. not yours!

So here it is! my official statement to the world!

Or maybe this is more to your taste:

''I'll never understand these ****ing foreigner rag heads wanting to bash the USA especially SINCE THEY ARE LIVING HERE! Go home! Go to the Middle East. Move to Saudi Arabia and go kiss the ****ing mullah's ass and dance around the Kabba until you drop dead. I don't care but don't you dare stand here in MY country and threaten it. Get the **** out because WE DON'T need you!''
'yet you have ABANDONED your own little slice of the Muslim world, your HOMELAND. Tell me again please, who's the hypocrite here?'

I'm not a hypocite.I'm not insulting england am I? Plus I'm not insulting america.I mean what's the point of insulting land? I'm insulting your arrogance,or are your quotes a jest.
I had a good life in my homeland.I learnt english over there.
I came to england cos my mum's arthritic and she needed further medical care.
I don't know how this makes me a hypocrite.And I don't know why I have to tell you about my life. :confused:
There you go CES,I've told you the reason I came to england.I'm I gonna step on one of your BIG BAD LAND MINES?? oooh I'm so frightened
tiptoes carefully :eek:
Back on the topic of the British...

Good job for them for kicking out 'hateful' people. Now they just have to do the same to NON foreigners, and the country will be perfect.

I doubt it'd work for america, though. Our country's too physically large, and we're too big on nitpicking to agree on who the assholes are and export them.
'yet you have ABANDONED your own little slice of the Muslim world, your HOMELAND. Tell me again please, who's the hypocrite here?'

I'm not a hypocite.I'm not insulting england am I? Plus I'm not insulting america.I mean what's the point of insulting land? I'm insulting your arrogance,or are your quotes a jest.
I had a good life in my homeland.I learnt english over there.
I came to england cos my mum's arthritic and she needed further medical care.
I don't know how this makes me a hypocrite.And I don't know why I have to tell you about my life. :confused:
There you go CES,I've told you the reason I came to england.I'm I gonna step on one of your BIG BAD LAND MINES?? oooh I'm so frightened
tiptoes carefully :eek:

The only land mines I lay are landmines of FACTS. Nothing more.

Going to a country where your Mum can get proper medical treatment which is not available in Somalia is nothing other than entirely honorable. You are a good daughter. I commend you.

What you don't realize because you arrived during my brief absence and were not here from my many other posts on the subject, is that I don't fault your intentions, or your beliefs. On the contrary, I fault all religions. I view them as self serving manipulations of the common man by unscrupulous "religious" leaders. I fault the desires of some to say this book and that book are by God, those others are ****, and so on. They are all man made books. Every last one of them. If there was a GOD and it wanted to communicate to us in a book, it would appear, and would not need prophets and intermediaries, and it would be incapable of being altered, changed, or twisted in any fashion. There is no such communication from GOD.

My dear young lady, you do not need a religion or a "book by GOD" to support the internal drive to have ideals, principals, morals, and a code of ethics on how you treat other human beings on this planet. You just need conviction and fortitude.

My country is not arrogant, nor is your country stupid. My country operates in what it believes to be its best interests. So do all other countries. Unfortunately, we stand out more, because we do more and are the biggest target.

I have made my opinions known in great detail here, how I do not concur with my current governments choice in world diplomacy at this moment, but I am an American and this means a great deal to me. The current President is dutifully elected, and so are the Senate and the House of Representatives. They make the policies and laws, not I. They are not forever, but only at best, for a small 8 years. 8 years in the scope of the world's timeline, is nothing. Until those 8 years are over, I accept my government
I came to england cos my mum's arthritic and she needed further medical care.
I wouldn't let those barbaric islamic savages touch my mother either! No one blames you for leaving the islamic ****-hole, it's your constant defense of the islamic ****-hole that gets me. If it was so great, you'd be still there and their great medicine would be curing your mom's arthritis.
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
I wouldn't let those barbaric islamic savages touch my mother either! No one blames you for leaving the islamic ****-hole, it's your constant defense of the islamic ****-hole that gets me. If it was so great, you'd be still there and their great medicine would be curing your mom's arthritis.

I'm not suprised that you generalize my people to be barbaric and savage.Ofcourse we are muslims,therefore we are all the same right? I get the drift MRIH,so you don't need to mention the same thing over and over again.
I just wanna tell you for the last time that nothing you say will ever make me feel different about my religion,nor is anything I say ever gonna make you feel any less about the correctness of your religion.So it's all pointless!

My mum has not received any good medication here.They just give her pain relief pills.She's actually become worse here.
I watched a program a few weeks back.A british guy was touring africa.He went to Somalia and visited a village doctor.The doctor told the guy about how he healed one of his patients.
The patient came in with a shattered leg.There was nothing left of the bone.
The doctor said he took a camel's thigh bone,structured it and replaced the shattered bone with it.The patient was walking around as normal.
It was amazing,a far better treatment than having these cumbersome plastic things they have in the ''modern world''.
So MRIH,these ''barbaric beings'' may not have been able to solve my mum's illness,but these british doctors are also as clueless and cover it up with bg,shiny machines.
Well they are definately cheeky buggers if anything

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