Weird Party Experiences?


New member
Heh yeah a friend invited me to his party and everyone was going crazy. Like i remember falling into there pool fully dressed XD,then the guys were throwing these BIG water balloons and one of them hit me in the back of the head and i fell face first straight to the ground....ow but it was kewl.


New member
There was a huge party at my house (us and my parents both had parties). Well anyway we were really loud so some people called the cops cause they thought we were some loud college students. At that time it was like 3 in the morning. And so one of my parent's friends is a fireman, so he went hiding in our backyard in a Speedo cause he knows all the cops............Then another time.......recent......this guy was going home after a party and he lived right next door but there is a long driveway. So he is wet and in his underwear cause it was at a house with a pool. He decides to drive his motorcycle home and crashes in his driveway. Then a random guy pulls in cause he saw his headlight on the ground and helped him up to go home. Heheh. I bet that guy was surprised.


New member
my friend stepped in a fire at a party i was at. he was pretty drunk and almost set his pants on fire. someone pulled him out really fast though. it was pretty funny


New member
i went to this party and everyone was either really ****** or tripping on acid. i was drunk because i drank a whole bottle of Jack Daniel's. i made out with girls and boys. then me and some of my friends were trying to have an orgy in the backgarden but we were all far too wasted to actually have ***. Then i went with my friends debs, marit,edward and tommy to get more alcohol and we got beaten up. so we went back to the party and sat around smoking loads of dope. i looked really bad the next day.


New member
i went to this party and everyone was either really ****** or tripping on acid. i was drunk because i drank a whole bottle of Jack Daniel's. i made out with girls and boys. then me and some of my friends were trying to have an orgy in the backgarden but we were all far too wasted to actually have ***. Then i went with my friends debs' date=' marit,edward and tommy to get more alcohol and we got beaten up. so we went back to the party and sat around smoking loads of dope. i looked really bad the next day.[/quote']

wow all that and you still remember what happened?

anywayy. for me? umm pretty simple i got drunk/stoned whatever you wanna call it and madeout with some girl oh and i remember waking up at a friends house instead of mine.
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