Weirdo America


May 14, 2005
The United States of America should go to the UN and ask to have itself declared a weirdo nation. France, marching to their own schizophrenic drum would probably veto the resolution, but the point would be made - America is weird. It would be official with a plaque and proclamation and fireworks.

Why would they do this? Simple actually - lowered expectations. Think about it. In every city there’s one weirdo in your neighbourhood, downtown is full of them. What do they all have in common? No expectations or obligations! No one pressures them to perform, to get along, to figure out indoor plumbing. They can fight, yell, pee in carparks, sleep in doorways, never return library books and no one cares. And, here’s the best part, no one asks them for money. See the advantages of being a weirdo?

Let’s face it, America is already there they just don’t know it. They’re too close to the situation, like the guy wearing the tin hat and pushing a shopping cart full of plastic bags (of what I hope to never know) they don’t think they’re weird at all. But we can see it. We’re close enough to hear the muttering, the shrieks in the night and what is that smell?

They just need to be sold on the benefits associated with weirdness accreditation. They can do all the things they do now - run news about Michael Jackson during an 8.7 earthquake, randomly invade surprised countries, launch lasers into space to defend against weapons they invented, and all that praying (praying, the weirdos downtown are always praying).

But no one would care! That’s the beauty of this whole idea. What does everyone do when they see a weirdo? They avert their eyes and walk around him. Overnight America would become an ex-issue of discussion. After all it’s not good form to poke fun at those less fortunate is it? And the best part of this whole thing is that if America did something that required a bit of skill, people would be so amazed. “Look at what America did today” they’d say. “America elected a President, all by itself” they’d coo.
cute analogy.

But most weirdos dont have the power to kill thousands of people..america does....

Untill we decide to start using diplomacy instead of war we are going to always be "dangerous"
thousands hell! we can do a lot better than that! Proud to be a wierdo american....where at least I know I'm wierd.........hows the rest of that go? :rolleyes:
Well if it helps i wouldnt mind moving to canada!

And from an american perspective the only 2 reasons i ever had to make fun of canada is this

A) Its cold all year ( living in minnesota which borders your country...i understand obviously that that is false)

B) Canada has done what ? Not sure. Its a very quiet, shy if you will, country. And seeing as how our nation has been acting its a good thing!!

Oh Canada..oh...( thats all i know)
Dallan I met some Canadians in Grafenwohr GE at the Canadian Army Trophy Meet, a NATO tank competition for countries of NATO to compete against each other in live fire exercises. The dudes partied hard and invited me out for a Sunday morning breakfast and a ride on their Tiger tank, in fact they let me drive the damned thing. Now there just isn't a feeling to match cruising as smooth as a sports car in a 66 ton tank at 60MPH slowing to 40 and going through a ditch 4 feet deep with mud and strait up an embankment and flopping down on top of the 40 foot high embankment. Tankers are short people with earned attitude and earn the right to be condescending all frigging day long. But Canada could pave a highway with drug paraphernalia from the northernmost outpost to the American border and you have to Tiger to fall back on for your condescending position.
Dallan said:
The United States of America should go to the UN and ask to have itself declared a weirdo nation. France, marching to their own schizophrenic drum would probably veto the resolution, but the point would be made - America is weird. It would be official with a plaque and proclamation and fireworks.

Why would they do this? Simple actually - lowered expectations. Think about it. In every city there