WH understands frustration with Cash for Clunkers


Active Members
I never said private insurance would be screwed, your putting words in my mouth, in fact, I have said AGAIN AND AGAIN the main thing I don't like about HR3200 is it mandates insurance. This can only be to the benefit of insurance companies. And again page 16 does NOT say that you ******, read it, READ IT IN CONTEXT with the rest of the section, it's a grandfather clause so that insurance companies don't try pulling off a rate hike. It has absolutely NOTHING to do with a public option, which BTW, isn't even in the bill.
Jesus how many of these stupid outright LIES do people have to keep debunking until you idiots get it through your heads the **** you think is in there, really isn't.


I just posted your own words saying exactly that Bender, Too bad you can't keep track of what you say, but I remember very well.

I did read it Bender, so if this is about rate hikes, why does it say things like :

"issuer offering such coverage"

If they are offering coverage, it is not already in effect..........You fail my friend, not me.

That's only if you wanna believe RASMUSSEN.
Nope, the push for the public option is strong. Just because you can yell louder and freep a bunch of online polls doesn't make you a majority. A sad fact the Republicans learned this last election, and a sad fact they just can't get over.


Um, "EVERY" poll, including the severely liberal slanted polls all show that most Americans do not want Obamacare. Even your 60 vote majority you were crowing about not that long ago is no longer there for Obama because many of his own liberals are standing up against him. The Blue Dogs mostly but many others are comming away from their trips home with massive doubts and an earful from their voters who do not want them to pass this garbage.

In many ways it would be good for Republicans if Obama uses the back door method to get this passed even against his own party members because that will prove beyond any shadow of doubt that Obama is an elitist who refuses to listen to the people.



New member
If anyone is a socialist it is you Hugo, not me.
It is clear you are a *** **** commie. A capitalist would complain about the favors Wal-Mart obtains from local governments, not Wal-Mart's free market practices.



Active Members
It is clear you are a *** **** commie. A capitalist would complain about the favors Wal-Mart obtains from local governments, not Wal-Mart's free market practices.

What the **** are you talking about hugo?

I was not complaining in the slightest, I even offered you an example of a hunting leopard but your seeing what you want to see I suppose instead of what I really said.

Your blinding yourself hugo, and that is a sign of being a socialist my friend.

Oh, I did complain about the favors from local governments, that was the politics part I mentioned in the second post, your getting as bad as Bender in failing to actually read and comprehend what people say.



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Why are you asking Jesus to keep up the stupidity?
Well it is like Clinton going to church, the liberals try to use religion for appearances sake, but do not really understand it very well. So they make a few mistakes in their attempts to invoke it, lol.



New member
How many times is Obama going to get away with his "If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan,"

It simply isn't true.

Either the President knows it's not true, which would make him a liar; or he doesn't know it's not true, which would make him ignorant.

Got to be one or the other.



Active Members
I believe it is pretty clear he knows the truth, this is why you can't ever pin him down on any details, he has deniability as long as he never admits to any specific point and down the road he can claim that he offered guidelines but it was congress, not him who designed the specifics so when it goes "wrong" it will not be his fault.

The bill does not directly remove private insurance, but it indirectly does this as my Wal-Mart example where they will be offering the same products for much less money and creating regulations that will severely increase cost to the private companies.

As the tide flows and more people move to the Government system, less market share will further drive the private insurance companies out of business, one person at a time. Will this be overnight? Heck no, even Obama said it will take around ten years to completely erase all private insurance companies.



New member
Last night, during my Braves broadcast, I saw a KIA commercial spewing on about "everyone has a right to drive a new car".

"Right to drive a new car". Hahaha.... that's rich.

I'd get a horse and buggy before driving a KIA.



Active Members
Yep, everyone has the right to drive a new car. IF THEY CAN AFFORD IT.
And it is the more extreme idea of everyone having a right to a new home that caused the housing/bank problems. When things become a 'right' the Government gets in the middle and always will create problems that were never accounted for.

Something interesting.........the C4C program paid for more foreign cars than domestic. That means most of the profit was sent off to other lands, not America. If you ask me, this is one of our biggest problems. How can an economy thrive when most of the things we buy do not come from here? Recycling money is one of the things our economy needs. When so much of it is going to places like China, that takes more money out of America to circulate other places but not here. Then we get loans from those same Countries who we send all that money too..........sounds pretty silly to me.



New member
Toyota, Honda, Mercedes, BMW, Subaru, Huyndai's etc, AREN'T built in the USA by American workers? :eek:

Man, what do all those American workers do at those factories then?





New member
Toyota, Honda, Mercedes, BMW, Subaru, Huyndai's etc, AREN'T built in the USA by American workers? :eek: .

My Toyota Tundra was built in Princeton, Indiana by non-union workers under the guidance of lean manufacturing philosophy.



New member
Toyota, Honda, Mercedes, BMW, Subaru, Huyndai's etc, AREN'T built in the USA by American workers? :eek:
Man, what do all those American workers do at those factories then?


Ohh... as addendum to the previous post?

What do all those American workers do at those factories? A lot and I mean a lot more than the average union worker in Detroit.



Active Members
Toyota, Honda, Mercedes, BMW, Subaru, Huyndai's etc, AREN'T built in the USA by American workers? :eek:
Man, what do all those American workers do at those factories then?


Please go back and read what I posted before you run off in the distance on something I never said.

I was commenting on the vehicles involved in the C4C program. These are all small gas efficent vehicles. Based on the reports, Toyota was the big winner and yes, Americans did benefit, I am not disputing that, but as I said:

That means most of the profit was sent off to other lands, not America.

The Ford Focus was the number 2 car though, I guess that counts for something.

I guess my point is we are sending out tax dollars to other Countries, to me that seems a tad silly. How much intrest or inflation will we absorb in the long run for short term gain? And if we are going to create such interest and inflation, should we not be trying to keep all the money here in America?


The Ford Focus is only made from 50% American materials.



New member
Doesn't matter if the foreign companies are making the money (we owe them anyway for all that cash Bush borrowed after our surplus money he blew ran out). The important part... and a key component behind C4C, is that it is putting Americans back to work.





Active Members
Doesn't matter if the foreign companies are making the money (we owe them anyway for all that cash Bush borrowed after our surplus money he blew ran out). The important part... and a key component behind C4C, is that it is putting Americans back to work..

Something like this is a borrow from peter to pay paul though Bender. Most of the car sales would have happened anyway, just not so fast. Those future sales now will not happen so did anyone really gain anything?

Not really, but it sounds good from a political point I am sure.

And talking about Bush borrowing money when Obama is burrowing much, much more is not really helping your cause very much, lol.

Anyway, back on topic, the failure to plan ahead for something so very small shows the limits of Government and Government employees. They just can't handle things like this very well, so putting all of healthcare in the hands of these complete fools is stupid.



New member
Doesn't matter if the foreign companies are making the money (we owe them anyway for all that cash Bush borrowed after our surplus money he blew ran out). The important part... and a key component behind C4C, is that it is putting Americans back to work..

At what cost?

For how long?

Why not just write a check for $4500 to every household in the United States?

If that money doesn't get used to pay down personal debts, you know the entitlement looter crowd will go out and buy things they couldn't afford before any ways.

SUVs, CUVs, Hybrids!

Big screens! DVDs! DVRs!

That operation you've always needed!

With a $4500 check in my hands, I could buy a **** ton of lottery tickets.

My rather flamboyant reply will earn me some rebukes, but I don't fukken care. I've always believed that to jolt or surge the economy is to get people out there spending frivolously.

Better yet... pool the money to pay down the national deficit.



New member
I've always believed that to jolt or surge the economy is to get people out there spending frivolously
You mean like make major purchases like cars?
As for our tax payer dollars paying for it... No biggy. How much of that $4500 gets pumped back into the system VIA taxes on the new vehicle? In my state, your looking at a good $1500 or so on a $20,000 vehicle.

Right now my wife (who makes seats for the Ford Escape) is on overtime, scheduled for it, well into NEXT FUKKING SUMMER, and they're looking for more help because not only do they need to restock the dealers, they need to work on next years models. But on the other hand, we have a different type of factory in town that is shutting down leaving 220 people without jobs. I'll gladly contribute $4500 to keep my wife and others in my community, working steady hours instead of the 30something hours they were getting.

As for the dealers not getting paid yet... like I said before... it's been a fukking MONTH since C4C started...BIG DEAL.

I love that comparison to health care, your basically saying the government couldn't run it right because it will be so popular. You call THAT a rebuttal?

Nobody is in the entitlement crowd here, it's simply stimulating the economy by giving people jobs, which in turn gives them more money to spend, which in turn, gives someone else business.

WELL worth the $4500 investment.





New member
You mean like make major purchases like cars?
Not while they're giving them away! Go to any dealership and the average Joe Bad Credit can roll out in a brand new car, sure he will have inflated payments, maybe a balloon payment at the end of the loan, or he might just have a repoman take it away.

As for our tax payer dollars paying for it... No biggy. How much of that $4500 gets pumped back into the system VIA taxes on the new vehicle? In my state, your looking at a good $1500 or so on a $20,000 vehicle.
Oooo.... nice.

Right now my wife (who makes seats for the Ford Escape) is on overtime, scheduled for it, well into NEXT FUKKING SUMMER, and they're looking for more help because not only do they need to restock the dealers, they need to work on next years models. But on the other hand, we have a different type of factory in town that is shutting down leaving 220 people without jobs. I'll gladly contribute $4500 to keep my wife and others in my community, working steady hours instead of the 30something hours they were getting.
All of your little speech would matter, if you were paying attention.

As for the dealers not getting paid yet... like I said before... it's been a fukking MONTH since C4C started...BIG DEAL.
I know! Those stingy old greedy bastards wanting to pay some bills, payroll, and the like!

Will the greed ever stop?

I love that comparison to health care, your basically saying the government couldn't run it right because it will be so popular. You call THAT a rebuttal?
Ohh... it will be popular. Don't get me wrong. Every disgusting fat body from here to fukken California will jump on that bandwagon.

The comparison is a simple one and it is a legitimate rebuttal. The government has absolutely positively no incentive for doing a great job in an efficient manner. The government has absolutely no reason to be honest and forthright. The government has absolutely no motive to make a profit.

Your health will be in the government's hands and that can be compared to the dealerships who have their livelihood in the government's hands.

Nobody is in the entitlement crowd here, it's simply stimulating the economy by giving people jobs, which in turn gives them more money to spend, which in turn, gives someone else business.
Wow... thanks for the basic economic lesson!

What good is the money that hard work, toil, tears, sweat, blood, and aching bones has earned if inflation and a trillion dollar deficit looms over us?

WELL worth the $4500 investment.
I'd almost give you the $4500 to take Basic Economics classes at your local community college or online... University of Phoenix --- Hook'a brutha up wid an ed-you-cashen.



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