What Are You Currently Thinking About? v1


New member
Then I'm lucky!!!!

Need to know how to put a pic of myself. I thought it was the same as putting sig on but nope



New member
Why am I listening to Midnight Oil?? **** you Sound Relief.

Peter Garrett reminds me of Michael Jackson. Both look and dance freaky, and both can do the moon walk well. But Garrett has only been accused of molesting the environment and not little kids *lol*

And thinking "Why am I liking Beds Are Burning?"



New member
Considering the Year Zero lore, and how potentialy prophetic it is, and how screwed we all are.

And food. I can't be all deep and solemn for long.



New member
i'm thinking about going back to sleep since i have nothing better to do although ive only just got up and its nearly 4 in the afternoon...hmmm, decisions. maybe ill sleep on it, lol
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