"What are you doing?" game

i am just sitting here taking it easy since i dont have to go to school tomorrow due to a funeral, and um i am just trying to make time go by so i can take a shower late to where my parents will already be going to bed so i can get on the phone and stay up late. the end
being bored...sitting on my ass....writing my journel....playing my fender...
heheheehe *gloat * :D i love my fender and my boyfriend but he gets jealous of the fender, CHRIS I'M JOKING! i love u more really! fender. no really i do love chris
many regards and crap like that...
evil hamster aka psychobunnyyel-yor
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im saying stuff that idunno what does it mean,n' im saying it in japanese accent like"jon yan yui" lol also im recording it n' make it like an ant voice
becoming furious....for school i've to make a childbook :( I really have a good idea I've worked it out en now I''ve to do something with a program "word" but it won't be as I have it in my head :(

and soon I'm going to bed.....it's night and I am tired..