What are you doing now other than viewing LPF?


New member
Watching Entertainment Tonight, eating ice cream and... contemplating the things I have to do before I head off on Wednesday morning. Lazy me I don't really feel like doing anything. Might just grab a drink and postpone everything else until tomorrow XD


New member
Talking to my brother and a really good internet friend in MSN. *roll eyes* My brother's giving me a hard time for changing my screename to "Elocai." And he's supposed to be the Disturbed fan!

It'd be cool if I could see my other friend some time. We do get along really well, in IMs at least. Common interests and all that good stuff. Don't even know where each other lives, but whatever.



New member
Raging at the world in general and WF in particular. People give me negative rep without giving a reason...why?!?!


New member
Talking to my LPA sister Marjolein (Marj) who lives in France xD And trying to figure out my LPA family tree.

Thank *** my LPF family tree has been figured out.

Jen (US) > mother

Derek (US) > father

Marj (France) > older sister

Vasiab (Greece) > twin sister

Penny (Greece) > twin sister (basically Vasiab Penny and I are triplets)

Mike (US) > older brother

Chris (US)/ Brian Molko > brother in law - married to Penny

Jack White > husband :D (I got to him before Penny suddenly changed her mind)

Maynard James Keenan > brothet in law - married to Vasiab

... um....

And I don't know if this is a good thing, but I swear my LPF family is screwed up.



New member
Thinking. Said my farewells on writingforums.com a minute ago. Like anyone'll miss me.

Dammit, why am I so depressed now?



New member
I'm starting to think you had the right idea. There are cool people on there, but the dumbasses outweigh them by far...
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