What are you doing now other than viewing LPF?


New member
^ You mean for good?! Wow, really was short then ;)

Am watching The Simpsons. And it's kind of sad that I am quoting it as much as I am. Yes, aloud. Did I say sad? I mean pathetic. Haha. Ahh... memories...



New member
Am having a discussion about dinner with daniel and how i have to wash up afterwards *cries* drinking goon, still, and listening to the white stripes.

edit. im deciding to write episodes, so this one which I am still finding hard naming, but have got more episodes up for grabs.



New member
staring at your signature without blinking and ****, its weird...maybe its the tipsyness, gonna go fill up another glass of straight goon this time.


New member
Reading the 1999 NEW Ritual of Exorcism: The Novus Ordo Rite of Exorcism - De Exorcismis et Supplicationibus Quibusdam.


Because I can, thats why ;)

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