What are you doing now other than viewing LPF?


New member
Sitting here waiting on **** WF to stop glitching. I can't keep away from that place. It drags me back one way or another...


New member
Killing time on the forums. Not that I have much exciting to look forward to anyway. My RDO today. Back to work tomorrow. So am just sitting here trying not to do anything constructive and just relax - that's so not me. Prolly should start packing. I'm already rebelling, I'd rather find anything else to do that what I know I have to ;)


New member
Same thing I was last time I posted. Not much. Battling my inner voices telling me to get organised. Don't want to, but know I should. When I'm focussed I'm great; a powerhouse, but when I'm rebelling I'm a real stubborn lazy *** XD

Might go have some breakfast.



New member
Listening to APC (The Noose) and contemplating, and contemplating. **** this Bourdon trait for indecisive.

Also cringing at what one of my friends just said to me. You've gotta pick a couple's song. For a sad fact, I know that Barbie Girl is mine and Penny's (lol). Okay if that be the case, I can only think of two songs that could possibly fit under that catagory: Carolina Drama by The Raconteurs (we both love that song) and Ten Thousand Fists by Disturbed in which we both play a lot.



New member
Not much, listening to the rain, contemplating usual serious and / or literary thoughts, nursing my cat on my lap, drinking a cup of tea, and cursing my computer for being slower than the second coming of JC, that's about it.


New member
I am...grumbling a bit. Looking for worthwhile stuff to crit on WF - I should go to WB, it'd be better. Also admirin' ma purty dragons.


New member
Just got home from the movies - saw My ****** Valentine with Jensen Ackles in it - haha, was kewl. Not fantastic but still better than I thought it would be, a nice surprise - Lisa shouted me for mah bday. My shout for Friday the 13th remake next month - woot!

Aside from that sitting here contemplating writing. Exactly what I dont know. I should probably sleep, and there are a stack more things I should be doing, but I simply don't wanna.

So instead, here I am. Alone on LPF *sigh*

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