What are you doing now other than viewing LPF?

Oh I remember now.
No glasses, all in the dishwasher and here I am drinking a goon sunrise outta a mug that says "get back to work dad". hahaha, this is the good goon. Did you have that Collabah stuff before? I had some really nasty **** at South Campus with friends with goon and I don't think it was this stuff that I was having before.

Do what I say not what I do.
Oh I remember now.
No glasses, all in the dishwasher and here I am drinking a goon sunrise outta a mug that says "get back to work dad". hahaha, this is the good goon. Did you have that Collabah stuff before? I had some really nasty **** at South Campus with friends with goon and I don't think it was this stuff that I was having before.

Do what I say not what I do.
You sound like MY mother ;)

I don't remember what I had before. Wasn't Coolabah no. This was something fancy. Meh. Fancy and goon don't belong in the same sentence, but it's like Claytons - the drink you're having when you're not really having a drink. Cheers.
I have to work tomorrow now anyway and my drinking buddy has gone to Bundaberg for a few days so I am staying sober. Oh well, saves my brain cells another mass genocide so I can sit and write more I suppose. Later. I am... thinking about where now to take it. Awesome though. 16 pages and going nuts. Aside from that just... kicking back enjoying the last few hours of solitude. Thinking. I really should get off LPF for a while but damn it it's so freakin addictive... Someone should invent anti-internet patches or something...:mad:
Hahahaha my mummy tells me to stop putting holes in my body...true story, she said that to me an email today. She went through the roof about my tongue.

ALMOST finished the next update to The Linkin Park Files.
^ You mean for good?! Wow, really was short then ;)

Am watching The Simpsons. And it's kind of sad that I am quoting it as much as I am. Yes, aloud. Did I say sad? I mean pathetic. Haha. Ahh... memories...
Am having a discussion about dinner with daniel and how i have to wash up afterwards *cries* drinking goon, still, and listening to the white stripes.

edit. im deciding to write episodes, so this one which I am still finding hard naming, but have got more episodes up for grabs.