What are you??


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2005
Lefty or Righty...

I am Right-Handed.

Maybe we should have a polll...

I have heard a statistic somewhere where on average, right handed people live longer... Not sure if it's true.
I'm a right winger..
I'm a right hander..
and I'm always right!:D
And I think right handers have bigger balls too.
Well-I can use both hands for anything. Except writing-only write with my right hand. Then again, in theory I can write with my left. It'll just be illegible to 75% of the population.
I use both like Angie. I write with my left, but it's usually so ackward with other people and bumping into them that I'm out of practice. My left leg is stronger than my right also since in high school I had to wear a leg cast for 3 months. Blech.
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
I hate jacking off with my left hand... It feels like cheating!

Yeah but how do you work the mouse if your right hand is busy?:rolleyes:
manicmonday said:
I use both like Angie. I write with my left, but it's usually so ackward with other people and bumping into them that I'm out of practice. My left leg is stronger than my right also since in high school I had to wear a leg cast for 3 months. Blech.
My left leg was always stronger and more flexible until I had knee surgery. Now I favor my right leg-but what do I do when I have the right knee fixed? I guess they'll both suck :rolleyes:
Lethalfind said:
I hear that if you lay on your normal jack off hand until it goes to sleep, it feels like someone else is jerking you off...

Well, if you have no feeling in the hand you lay on since the circulation is gone, you wont feel your meat with your hand when your beating it... Seems true.
Lethalfind said:
I hear that if you lay on your normal jack off hand until it goes to sleep, it feels like someone else is jerking you off...
Hey, that was in Gone in 60 Seconds. Good movie.

I am also ambidextrous, meaning I can use either hand. I use my right hand for the most part, but most things are made for right-handers. I have two right handed kids and one left handed kid.
Did you know in most left handed people the hemispheres of the brain are switched? The language centers of left handed people are usually in the right hemisphere instead of the left. Hence the saying,
I'm right handed, can't do too much of anything with my left, I have nerve damage in my upper spine from working out at the gym a few years back that has weakened the left side. 3 years and tons of physical therapy later I can lift maybe 10 lbs on my left..

I want to get the surgery to fix the problem, but I'm not too keen on the idea of someone ****ing with my spine.
GF Admin said:
Are you saying that you ambidextrously masturbate? Kind of like watching a DJ switching back and forth between turn tables, faster and faster and faster, rubbing and rubbing and rubbing Ooooooooooooo both hands glistening with the sweat and juice, forearm mussels bulging, index finger twitching, head arched back, hair wet, back flexed, legs spread wide OoooooOooOooooo toes clenched, thighs glistening
ToriAllen said:
I guess women have more pleasure spots than men. I just wish I had more hands...

There's me, Snafu, RO, NazzNegg

That's an extra 8 hands...and there's your husband...10.

So you could have 12 hands all together on that lovely body of yours...on that part just below the waist...