What Can America Do To Improve It's Global Reputation?


Jul 18, 2006
First off, for the record I'm no right wing American lover.

However, can America ever be right? It seems that no matter what the yanks do these days they'll be criticised for it. If they use force they're policing the world and if they ignore wrongdoing they're the stuck up western pigs who only care about themselves. Damned if they do, damned if they don't.

What can America do to improve its global reputation without being further criticised?
MeTHoD-X said:
What can America do to improve its global reputation without being further criticised?

Choose a better government. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the american public.
Choose a better government. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the american public.

I hope that you mean, the current administration, and not the system of government.
MeTHoD-X said:
First off, for the record I'm no right wing American lover.

However, can America ever be right? It seems that no matter what the yanks do these days they'll be criticised for it. If they use force they're policing the world and if they ignore wrongdoing they're the stuck up western pigs who only care about themselves. Damned if they do, damned if they don't.

What can America do to improve its global reputation without being further criticised?
There is nothing we can do to avoid criticism. This country is too divided. We used to be America, no matter which party was in office, but now we are the 'us and them' culture. I don't think things will ever go back to being the United America again. As long as we are the 'us and them' culture we will be criticized, because each side prints lies and exaggerations about the other side and the world has a field day with it. The opposing party is too busy thinking about the next election to stand behind our country and its elected officials. After 9/11, for about one week, we were America again. I
ToriAllen said:
There is nothing we can do to avoid criticism. This country is too divided. We used to be America, no matter which party was in office, but now we are the 'us and them' culture. I don't think things will ever go back to being the United America again. As long as we are the 'us and them' culture we will be criticized, because each side prints lies and exaggerations about the other side and the world has a field day with it. The opposing party is too busy thinking about the next election to stand behind our country and its elected officials. After 9/11, for about one week, we were America again. I
Well this is just my two cents, and maybe I'm too young and ignorant to make an well informed answer to a question like this, but I think, at the point, the only way we could improve our Global Reputation would be a series of well intentioned administrations with the same common goal in mind who could give a **** about their popularity at the poles and do what needs to be done to get this country off its ass and back on its feet. But seeing as how most Americans, and most people in general regardless of nationality, only care about the present and could give two ****s for what happens 10 or 20 years down the road, I doubt we'll set ourselves right before we completely collapse.
From what I can ascertain from dubious sources such as this board, other offshore boards, and the common media bullshit, Americans in general don't give a **** about anyone else. Period. Hyped into the psyche from a young age, is the belief that being a US citizen, is to be born at the top of the heap.

Sure there are many with the gift of introspection, reflection, and humility, but they are the exception, rather than the norm.

That said, any culture given the freedom to choose, the ability to dissent, the capability to succeed, and the tools to prosper, will churn out any number of class types and moral standards. From gutter-snipe drive-by hitmen, to super-capitalist pigs, the US has representatives from all in between.

The very descriptor, The United States says a lot for mine. Many states, not under one rule, but banding together for the safety in numbers trip, while maintaining rather dated feudal systems, and carrying on with racism, classism, homophobia, idol-worship, bullying, and one-upmanship, while denying that any of this is happening, by maintaining a false bravado, and a faux inter-county companionship in the media.

I'm not convinced. North still hates South. Pomgolians can go to hell. And anyone who even thinks they can stand alone, without US assistance/overlord help, will suffer the indignity of regime change.

The flag-wavers come out, cheering on campaigns of carnage, cunningly labelled, like Shock and Awe, when the reality is, many civilians mercilessly killed and maimed. Any detractors and dissenters are slotted in as lefty liberals, conveniently positing them in the looney class, so the fervent patriots can laugh at them openly.

Pull your collective heads out of your collective arses, and take a look around.

Your ****wad prez is currently dragging your imagined high image down into the gutter, and all you can do is wave little flags, and imagine he's helping.
builder said:
From what I can ascertain from dubious sources such as this board, other offshore boards, and the common media bullshit, Americans in general don't give a **** about anyone else. Period. Hyped into the psyche from a young age, is the belief that being a US citizen, is to be born at the top of the heap.

Sure there are many with the gift of introspection, reflection, and humility, but they are the exception, rather than the norm.

That said, any culture given the freedom to choose, the ability to dissent, the capability to succeed, and the tools to prosper, will churn out any number of class types and moral standards. From gutter-snipe drive-by hitmen, to super-capitalist pigs, the US has representatives from all in between.

The very descriptor, The United States says a lot for mine. Many states, not under one rule, but banding together for the safety in numbers trip, while maintaining rather dated feudal systems, and carrying on with racism, classism, homophobia, idol-worship, bullying, and one-upmanship, while denying that any of this is happening, by maintaining a false bravado, and a faux inter-county companionship in the media.

I'm not convinced. North still hates South. Pomgolians can go to hell. And anyone who even thinks they can stand alone, without US assistance/overlord help, will suffer the indignity of regime change.

The flag-wavers come out, cheering on campaigns of carnage, cunningly labelled, like Shock and Awe, when the reality is, many civilians mercilessly killed and maimed. Any detractors and dissenters are slotted in as lefty liberals, conveniently positing them in the looney class, so the fervent patriots can laugh at them openly.

Pull your collective heads out of your collective arses, and take a look around.

Your ****wad prez is currently dragging your imagined high image down into the gutter, and all you can do is wave little flags, and imagine he's helping.
Just be glad that Australia still has the sense to cowar and grovel in our greatness, or you'll be next!:rolleyes: :D
yanks backward as you all seem to be , i nazimick will help you with your dilemma.1. leave the middle east as you did vietnam [runng scared]say sorry to the iraqi people for killing and abusing them , stop backing the jews they are just child killers .2. dismantle your nuclear weapons.3. support al-qaeda they make good execution vids
nazimick said:
yanks backward as you all seem to be , i nazimick will help you with your dilemma.1. leave the middle east as you did vietnam [runng scared]say sorry to the iraqi people for killing and abusing them , stop backing the jews they are just child killers .2. dismantle your nuclear weapons.3. support al-qaeda they make good execution vids


<Edit- The this site sucks pic was the wrong one>
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Kick out the Bush Administration. Put some people in who will listen to what the public want. Under the Bush Administration, it just seems like the government has a dictorial influence on it.

Also, if they want to make better friends with the Middle East, and if they want oil to go back to being under 40 dollars a barrel, they should stop supporting Israel's violent and savage actions.
tiredofwhiners said:
Have you ever thought any administration has done a good job? Or are you just anti-war?

I am anti-Shrub and HIS silly, wasted, drunk-induced, lying, Naziesque, piecce of poop administration and yes, his little "war" for oil.

How's dat?