What Can America Do To Improve It's Global Reputation?

Crazywumbat said:
And were you asleep during 1992 when he took office?

No. That's why, contrary to the liberal spin, I was aware that the economy was on an upward cycle before he even took office.

It's amazing that people don't realize how little effect most administrations have had on the economy. Alan Greenspan was the Chairman of the Federal Reserve through 4 different administrations, from Reagan to W (just stepping down this year). There have been cyclic ups and down during his entire tenure at that position.
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Clinton RUINED our economy, dip-****... or were you asleep during march 2000?

Not at all, were you -- sad little name-caller?

Clinton was the best... still is. Grieve.
hugo said:
Who cares what the socialist pussies of Europe think?

Exactly, who cares about what anyone save ourselves think? After all, we all know how easy it would be to thrive as a country if we completely cut ourselves off from the rest of the world. :rolleyes:
Crazywumbat said:
Exactly, who cares about what anyone save ourselves think? After all, we all know how easy it would be to thrive as a country if we completely cut ourselves off from the rest of the world. :rolleyes:

Ain't no country in the world dumb enough to cut off the American consumer.
daddybear41 said:
Not at all, were you -- sad little name-caller?

Clinton was the best... still is. Grieve.
Great debate, nim-rod... did you get all them smarts from your mommy or daddy?:rolleyes:

Fact is, Clinton shipwrecked the greatest economy on earth... if you liked him that's one thing, but if you intentionally bury your head in the sand because you like him and can't listen to anything negative about that stupid arkansas hillbilly, that's another.
hugo said:
Goldwater would have been better.

I think George Wallace would have been the best. He was running as an independant, that is, until he was shot.

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Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Clinton RUINED our economy, dip-****... or were you asleep during march 2000?

Basically, what you really mean is that Clinton didn't send troops into the middle east and massacre the muslims you hate so much. He was too soft right? Come on that's what you meant, or are you gonna deny it and say ''I don't hate anyone''. Try it, maybe Jesus(AS) will believe you and see what a ''good'' person you are and beg God to save you from Hell.
Basically, what you really mean is that Clinton didn't send troops into the middle east and massacre the muslims you hate so much. He was too soft right? Come on that's what you meant, or are you gonna deny it and say ''I don't hate anyone''. Try it, maybe Jesus(AS) will believe you and see what a ''good'' person you are and beg God to save you from Hell.

No. Clinton only bombed people when it benefited him, not the US or anyone else. (i.e. bombing raids, on Muslims, to deflect attention from his purjury case.)

Clinton was a *****. (i.e. when Clinton pulled US forces out of Somalia after being attacked by Muslim extremist. US peacekeeping forces in that country, that were supplying humanitarian aid.)
ImWithStupid said:
Clinton was a *****. (i.e. when Clinton pulled US forces out of Somalia after being attacked by Muslim extremist. US peacekeeping forces in that country, that were supplying humanitarian aid.)

LOL. Still using that excuse for us kicking your butts,eh? Humanitarian Aid? Last time I checked, my fellow brethren shot down fighter planes. When are you people gonna learn that the world is better off without your ''help''.Maybe people would appreciate your ''help'' if it didn't involve killing their children and setting their homes on fire. And when people choose to defend themselves against your illigal invasion, they are called, ''extremists, terrorist..'' or whatever names you come up with in your sick little minds.
LOL. Still using that excuse for us kicking your butts,eh? Humanitarian Aid? Last time I checked, my fellow brethren shot down fighter planes. When are you people gonna learn that the world is better off without your ''help''.Maybe people would appreciate your ''help'' if it didn't involve killing their children and setting their homes on fire. And when people choose to defend themselves against your illigal invasion, they are called, ''extremists, terrorist..'' or whatever names you come up with in your sick little minds.

Wallah! I feel like repping you AIG. I bolded the part I love best.

KryptoniteMan, washington has something new to fear.
LOL. Still using that excuse for us kicking your butts,eh? Humanitarian Aid? Last time I checked, my fellow brethren shot down fighter planes. When are you people gonna learn that the world is better off without your ''help''.Maybe people would appreciate your ''help'' if it didn't involve killing their children and setting their homes on fire. And when people choose to defend themselves against your illigal invasion, they are called, ''extremists, terrorist..'' or whatever names you come up with in your sick little minds.

First of all, I was referring to Afghanistan when I spoke of how Clinton wouldn't have done anything when he was in office.

Secon, when I referred to him bombing people for his own gain. He did bomb Muslims.

Your complete rebuttal had no basis on my post intent.

FYI. Until US troops were attacked in Somalia they did not and could not fire upon anyone, based on the rules of engagement (something that the insurgents aren't able to comprehend).

The reason that the Somalian warlords attacked the US soldiers was because they were preventing them from taking the food and medical supplies and exploiting their own, Muslim mind you, people to make a profit from those supplies to fund their own civil conflict. A conflict that was Muslim warlord sect fighting other Muslim warlord sects.

Who was killing women and children in Somalia? Muslims, not Americans.
ImWithStupid said:
First of all, I was referring to Afghanistan when I spoke of how Clinton wouldn't have done anything when he was in office.

Secon, when I referred to him bombing people for his own gain. He did bomb Muslims.

Your complete rebuttal had no basis on my post intent.

FYI. Until US troops were attacked in Somalia they did not and could not fire upon anyone, based on the rules of engagement (something that the insurgents aren't able to comprehend).

The reason that the Somalian warlords attacked the US soldiers was because they were preventing them from taking the food and medical supplies and exploiting their own, Muslim mind you, people to make a profit from those supplies to fund their own civil conflict. A conflict that was Muslim warlord sect fighting other Muslim warlord sects.

Who was killing women and children in Somalia? Muslims, not Americans.

First of all make up your mind, Somalian warlord or Muslim warlord?
For someone who continously says he doesn't hate muslims, you sure do try and make them out to be monsters.
Who on earth fed you that bullshit. Americans didn't shoot back, that's why they lost? Please, american troops shoot at anything that moves.
Keep being delusional and trying desperately to tell yourself that your troops are always heroes. To you they never make mistakes. When they shoot a kid, you say,''He was only trying to get the dude behind him,duh, ofcourse the kid is big enough to hide a full grown man, he's a hero,he's hero.''
Oh, I can't wait for the day that your ''heroes'' will be brought in front of God with so much blood on their hands for all the innocent people they heroicly massacred. You're just another hypocrite. You really think we're dumb enough to believe that you don't hate us? And do you actually believe that those heroes of yours will not face trial? Maybe they'll get away with it in this life but when they enter the grave, there's no one to protect them or stand up for them. No-one to give them medals for the evils they have done.
It's all about the wait and that time will come whether any of you like it or not.