What Can America Do To Improve It's Global Reputation?

First of all make up your mind, Somalian warlord or Muslim warlord?

How bout, they are the same thing. Kinda like the whole Allah = God thing. The Somali warlords were Muslim. Same person different descriptor.

For someone who continously says he doesn't hate muslims, you sure do try and make them out to be monsters.
Who on earth fed you that bullshit. Americans didn't shoot back, that's why they lost? Please, american troops shoot at anything that moves.

Rules of engagement caused many casualties to US soldiers, in Somalia. They had to wait until they were damn sure that the shots fired, were at them, not around them, at them, before they were permitted to fire back.

You keep referring to Iraq, when I'm talking about Somalia. What's up with that?
The best way... We stop being hypocrites and ask G.W., Rummy, and Cheney to sacrifice themselves for the good of the country.. We say we're sorry, elect some honest people, and hand them over as war criminals to stand trial. Watch our popularity zoooooooooomm.
wez said:
The best way... We stop being hypocrites and ask G.W., Rummy, and Cheney to sacrifice themselves for the good of the country.. We say we're sorry, elect some honest people, and hand them over as war criminals to stand trial. Watch our popularity zoooooooooomm.

Or use a firing squad.
How bout, they are the same thing. Kinda like the whole Allah = God thing. The Somali warlords were Muslim. Same person different descriptor.

Obviously you haven't grasped the meaning of Muslim.Perhaps you should go to my other post which you pretended to have read. Gosh, people are just so stupid.:rolleyes:

Rules of engagement caused many casualties to US soldiers, in Somalia. They had to wait until they were damn sure that the shots fired, were at them, not around them, at them, before they were permitted to fire back.

Ofcourse, they just stood there and looked at the bullets heading their way. What a funny scenario. ''YOU SHOOTING AT ME DUDE!? Duh, I invaded your country but you still don't have the right to shoot at me. I don't have a problem with you, I just came to change your kid's chest into a sieve, Duh drool ''

Stop making your ''heroes'' seem dumb. Atleast give them some credit by saying that they knew exactly what they were doing and that was to take over a poor country.They just didn't expect them to put up a fight and WIN! Woohoo!

You keep referring to Iraq, when I'm talking about Somalia. What's up with that?

Um, Iraq? Did I mention Iraq? Listen stupid, If you're too dumb to actually read what people are writing, perhaps you should go and play with a baby rattle. That shouldn't be too difficult, unless you don't know where the sound will be coming from, then you got YOURSELF A PROBLEM.:eek:
Obviously you haven't grasped the meaning of Muslim.Perhaps you should go to my other post which you pretended to have read. Gosh, people are just so stupid.:rolleyes:

So he couldn't be a warlord and a follower of Islam at the same time. Look who's being naive, now.

Again I wasn't generalizing Muslims. I was referring to particular Somali Warlords who happen to be Muslims. Why so defensive?

Um, Iraq? Did I mention Iraq? Listen stupid, If you're too dumb to actually read what people are writing, perhaps you should go and play with a baby rattle. That shouldn't be too difficult, unless you don't know where the sound will be coming from, then you got YOURSELF A PROBLEM.:eek:

You keep talking about invading some country. Somalia was a UN peacekeeping mission. Not an invasion. Do some research.
Atleast give them some credit by saying that they knew exactly what they were doing and that was to take over a poor country.They just didn't expect them to put up a fight and WIN! Woohoo!
Why would we have any interest in taking over a **** hole like Somalia? If we were going to take over a country, don’t you think we would go for one that would provide us with a little more benefit? Yes, Somalia was such a peaceful place before the Americans arrived…
Majeerteen Coup Attempt in Somalia 1978
Siad Barre apparently resented the [Majeerteen] clan's prominence, and as early as 1970 was singling out the Majeerteen lineages for alleged opposition to his reform efforts. Majeerteen officers were the primary organizers of an unsuccessful coup in April 1978, following the army's humiliating defeat in the Ogaden War. An estimated 500 rebel soldiers were killed in fighting with forces loyal to Siad Barre, and subsequently seventeen officers, all but one of them Majeerteen, were executed...
The Red Berets systematically smashed the small reservoirs in the area around Galcaio so as to deny water to the Umar Mahamuud Majeerteen sublineages and their herds. In May and June 1979, more than 2,000 Umar Mahamuud, the Majeerteen sublineage of Colonel Ahmad, died of thirst in the waterless area northeast of Galcaio, Garoowe, and Jerriiban. In Galcaio, members of the Victory Pioneers, the urban militia notorious for harassing civilians, raped large numbers of Majeerteen women. In addition, the clan lost an estimated 50,000 camels, 10,000 cattle, and 100,000 sheep and goats.
Majeerteen Insurgency in Somalia 1978-1986
In 1982 SSDF guerrillas with Ethiopian army units, occupied areas along the border, including two district towns, but it was not until 1988 that they began to extend their control over the western districts of Mudug Region and the southern areas of Nugaal and Bari regions...
Throughout the late 1970s, growing discontent with the regime's policies and personalities prompted the defection of numerous government officials and the establishment of several insurgent movements. Because unauthorized political activity was prohibited, these organizations were based abroad.
The SSF, which received assistance from Ethiopia and Libya, claimed to command a guerrilla force numbering in the thousands. Despite its shortcomings, the SSDF played a key role in fighting between Somalia and Ethiopia in the summer of 1982. After a SNA force infiltrated the Ogaden, joined with the WSLF and attacked an Ethiopian army unit outside Shilabo, about 150 kilometers northwest of Beledweyne, Ethiopia retaliated by launching an operation against Somalia. On June 30, 1982, Ethiopian army units, together with SSDF guerrillas, struck at several points along Ethiopia's southern border with Somalia. They crushed the SNA unit in Balumbale and then occupied that village. In August 1982, the Ethiopian/SSDF force took the village of Goldogob, about 50 kiloeters northwest of Galcaio. After the United States provided emergency military assistance to Somalia, the Ethiopian attacks ceased.
Somalian Revolution 1990-1991
... The fighting forced United Nations staff and other aid workers to abandon the country in May, and the assassination of the Roman Catholic bishop of Mogadishu on July 9, 1989, led to more violence. Under pressure from the rebels and civilian street fighting President Barre, who had nationalized most of the economy in the 1970s, promised to hold multiparty elections. But united rebel groups thwarted elections and eventually launched a successful coup against Barre in late December 1990; Barre fled the country a month later.
Somalian Civil War 1991-1993
The USC's announcement of a provisional government in February 1991 angered its allies, who maintained that they had not been consulted. Other opposition movements, particularly the SSDF, felt that the USC had slighted their long years of struggle against the Siad Barre regime, and refused to accept the legitimacy of the provisional government.
Violent clashes throughout March threatened to return the country to civil war. Although in early April 1991, the USC and its guerrilla opponents in the south agreed to a cease-fire, this agreement broke down in the latter part of the year as fighting spread throughout those areas of Somalia under the nominal control of the provisional government. During February there were clashes between SNM and USF fighters in Saylac and its environs.
On May 18, 1991, the SNM declared the independence of the Republic of Somaliland. The USC interim government opposed this declaration, arguing instead for a unified Somalia. Apart from these political disagreements, fighting broke out between and within the USC and SPM. To make matters worse, guerrilla groups proliferated; by late 1991, numerous movements vied for political power, including the United Somali Front (Iise), Somali Democratic Alliance (Gadabursi), United Somali Party (Dulbahante), Somali Democratic Movement (Rahanwayn), and Somali National Front (Mareehaan). The collapse of the nation state system and the emergence of clan-based guerrilla movements and militias that became governing authorities persuaded most Western observers that national reconciliation would be a long and difficult process.
Interim president Mahammad emerged as the most prominent Abgaal leader whereas Aidid emerged as the most influential Habar Gidir leader. Fighters loyal to each man clashed in the streets of Mogadishu during the summer of 1991, then engaged in open battle beginning in September. By the end of the year, the fighting had resulted in divided control of the capital.
A United Nations-mediated cease-fire agreement that came into effect in March 1992 helped to reduce the level of fighting, but did not end all the violence. Aidid's faction of the USC comprised an estimated 10,000 guerrillas. Many of these men looted food supplies destined for famine victims and interfered with the operations of the international relief agencies. They justified their actions on the grounds that the assistance would help their enemies, the USC faction loyal to Mahammad. The proMahammad forces included an estimated 5,000 fighters. They also used food as a weapon.
In Mogadishu the precipitate appointment of a USC interim government triggered a bitter feud between rival Hawiye clan factions. The forces of the two rival warlords, General Maxamed Farax Caydiid (Muhammad Farah Aydid) and Cali Mahdi Maxamed (Ali Mahdi Muhammad), tore the capital apart and battled with Siyaad's regrouped clan militia, the Somali National Front, for control of the southern coast and hinterland. This brought war and devastation to the grain-producing region between the rivers, spreading famine throughout southern Somalia. Attempts to distribute relief food were undermined by systematic looting and rake-offs by militias. In December 1992 the United States led a multinational force of more than 35,000 troops, which imposed an uneasy peace on the principal warring clans and pushed supplies into the famine-stricken areas. The military operation provided support for a unique effort at peacemaking by the United Nations. In January and March 1993, representatives of 15 Somali factions signed peace and disarmament treaties in Addis Ababa, but by June the security situation had deteriorated. American and European forces, suffering an unacceptable number of casualties, were withdrawn by March 1994. The UN force was reduced to military units from mainly Third World countries, and the clan-based tensions that had precipitated the civil war remained unresolved.

Pyro4298 said:
Why do we need to improve our rep? We're the most powerful country on Earth!

I agree, but we're sliding at a rate that I'm not comfortable with. Every great nation or empire in history has had it's downfall. Don't think that the US is immune.
So he couldn't be a warlord and a follower of Islam at the same time. Look who's being naive, now.

If he followed Islam, he wouldn't be a warlord.

Again I wasn't generalizing Muslims. I was referring to particular Somali Warlords who happen to be Muslims. Why so defensive?

Iam defensive because stupid people like you haven't grasped the idea that a person is only a muslim when he/she follows the law of God. If they do anything outside of that (eg killing innocent people), then they are not muslims.Maybe for christians it is OK to consider a person a christian even though they don't even carry out the basics of christianity, but not for us. I don't like people to say things about my religion without knowledge.

You keep talking about invading some country. Somalia was a UN peacekeeping mission. Not an invasion. Do some research.

It might have been, but they certainly didn't do much.Just added more fuel to the crises.
ImWithStupid said:
I agree, but we're sliding at a rate that I'm not comfortable with. Every great nation or empire in history has had it's downfall. Don't think that the US is immune.

You know, it's a fact that every "empire" downfall has at least one thing in common.. The breakdown of gender roles, debauchery abounds. I **** you not.
wez said:
You know, it's a fact that every "empire" downfall has at least one thing in common.. The breakdown of gender roles, debauchery abounds. I **** you not.

That is why I never help the ole ball and chain with the laundry.
hugo said:
That is why I never help the ole ball and chain with the laundry.

Teach, you're gonna go down in history as the man who saved western civilization.
wez said:
You know, it's a fact that every "empire" downfall has at least one thing in common.. The breakdown of gender roles, debauchery abounds. I **** you not.
Why don't you **** me out some facts to back that up?
Iam defensive because stupid people like you haven't grasped the idea that a person is only a muslim when he/she follows the law of God. If they do anything outside of that (eg killing innocent people), then they are not muslims.Maybe for christians it is OK to consider a person a christian even though they don't even carry out the basics of christianity, but not for us. I don't like people to say things about my religion without knowledge.


Hitler was a Catholic.
Osama is a Muslim.

Just cuz you would rather not have some psycho rallying behind the same banner as you doesn't mean he isn't. If someone believes in religion X, uses religion X to justify their actions, then they belong to religion X, even if they're interpretation of it doesn't match up with yours.
Originally Posted by ALLAH IS GREAT
Choose a better government. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the american public.

Why is it that the world view of American government is so negative? No it's not perfect. A "perfect" form of government is not possible, when you consider the diversity of the millions of citizens, all with their own ideas and agendas. Yes our government has supported the wrong people and intrests in the past, probably doing the same today.

Contradictary to what AIG has said, there is "something wrong with the American public". Of course there is, as in any society, democratic or otherwise.

American government is the joining of ideas. The Muslim nations are often representative of a collective agenda. Nations such as Syria and Iran show us that the injection of religious fanatasism into government, creates a terrible imbalance.

As to the original question that sparked this thread, "what can America do to improve its reputation". I say cut off all economic and social support of any nation that questions our agenda. America grants billions of dollars annualy to many countries, that as a collective, HATE US!
We can do all sorts of things that should improve our global reputation, but whether it would or not is anyones guess. Probably the most important thing we can do is be consistent and at least remotly honest in our positions. We stick our feet in our mouths so often, it's depressing to watch.

Also, there IS something wrong with the american public, because no matter how you slice it, we are the ones choosing our elected leaders. If the choices are bad, that's out fault. If money and the media influence us to make bad choices, that's out fault. If we would rather have political demiguages decide our opinions on issues, that's our fault.

One example I've noticed is that many will accept any opinion of an elected official, no matter how rediculous it may be, as long as that elected official agrees with them on a particular issue. ie; Abortion....If an official is, for example, against abortion, that's all some need to know to support them 100%, regardless of their stance on other issues. Yes, that works both ways.

How can we possibly expect to improve our global reputation when we tout our system as the best, and then promptly show how easily it can be subverted and corrupted?