What did you dream last night?


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2004
north caro-friggin-lina
ok.. i know this is like the stupidest thread ever.. but i just had to share my dream...

ok, we were sitting there, and it was me and like a bunch of my friends.. and we were jumping on this HUGE drum.. (yeah.. i know..) and then, all of the sudden, giant evil monkeys came an attacked us! and then i woke up.. cause i was scared. but yeah. it was so creepy.

I promise i don't do drugs...

so, tell us about your dream last night..
the only dream i remember that i currntle had was: me meeting chester for the first time EVER! (best dream i ever could possibly have):)
cuz most people forget their dream within 10 minutes of waking up unless it was significant.

i can't remember my favorite dream right now, but when i do i'll posti t.
I rarely remember any of my dreams. Although I did remember a dream a while ago. Almost none of my dreams are good dreams though (the dreams I remember, that is)
I cant tell you guys about my dream you will all be like "ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww thats nasty" but i think its hot. one thing i can tell you is that most of my dreams are a ****ing beautiful. dark and mysterious....in most of my dreams i have black wings and a can fly.....::dreams::