What did you dream last night?

The only dreams I remember fully are ones that are horrible.. lol
I do sort of remember a tiny bit of one last night.
I was at my locker at school.
That's all I remember. Wow, I'm bad at this.
well i had a dream that my friend , scott,and i go in another stupid argument like we always do and our other friend, samantha, was there saying yall always fight...just get married...the weird thing is that before that dream samantah was at my house and was saying that scott and me always argue like a married couple...so yea i guess it was on my mind.
I dreamed that I fell of the balcony in my house and died, then I was a ghost and I was still liveing with my mom and dad. Then I went outside and there was a parade and a kid ran right through me (Aaron) and everyone started screaming and takeing pictures of me to see if I was really was a ghost(duh). Then I had to go to school and I found out that there were two other ghost people.... then I woke up... then I fell asleep again and I was at my friends house and they couldn't see or hear me. Then I found my dead body, and woke up again, and went outside.
It was about me being in a mineshaft with this woman and there was a shootout. The bullets that hit her penetrated her skin, but nothing happened, except she screamed in pain.
Something else happened and I managed to get hold of her hair and bang her head on the floor. I did this twice so she was unconcious (sp?) and i pointed my gun at the hole in the back of her head and was about to pull the trigger, when I thought "why? Why do this? What would it achieve?" Anyway, I didn't do it. Then the door bell went in reality, but I thought it was in my dream, so my subconciousness ignored it. Whatever. So I went to the door, and it was my dad. He followed me upstairs, and I happened to look in my brothers room, and the unconcious woman was asleep in my brothers bed (he wasn't in it). Then my mobile (cell phone for you Americans) rang in reality and woke me up.
i keep having this reacuring nightmare, its so scary, i can't describe it, it would probably give you guys nightmares aswell
I remember having a strange dream last night where my school put on a production, but I hadn't rehearsed at all and I didn't know what I was supposed to be doing lol. 0_o And then the deputy headmistress popped up and starte demanding for me to give my school books to her... scary...
I was back in the hallways at school again. And I think I was eating something. Can't be sure. But anyway, this bitch shows up, waving and smiling and calling to me. I just sorta looked up, and glared at her, and if looks could kill she would have dropped dead, hacked into a billion bloody pieces on the floor... But that didn't happen. Whatever I had in my hand, I threw at her, and it hit her square in the face, but it was like she didn't even feel it. Then it was like my heart stopped, and I just fell to the floor, dying, and I could feel her hand on my back and she was yelling my name, but it was really distant sounding and kept getting farther away... And then my damn alarm clock woke me up.