What do you know about SATAN...

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Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2005
Everyone here seems to have thier own ideas about thier God...

EL / ALLAH / Elohim / Yahweh / Jahova / GOD

who is the incarnation of the same ancient being, but what do you know about his half-brother, whom you probably have heard of as Satan....

Just put down everything you know about Satan and let's see just how distant or close our understanding of this enigmatic figure is...
fullauto said:
Everyone here seems to have thier own ideas about thier God...

EL / ALLAH / Elohim / Yahweh / Jahova / GOD

who is the incarnation of the same ancient being, but what do you know about his half-brother, whom you probably have heard of as Satan....

Just put down everything you know about Satan and let's see just how distant or close our understanding of this enigmatic figure is...
I always thought Satan was a fallen angel, an arch angel who was was just below Michael and Gabriel in rank.
Satan to me, has always been ones desire to stray away from the normal rules of life that mankind follows to one another, and commit an act that makes them have a different perspective then the norm.

Well the bible explains who satan is. I do not remember it all though. I know he was an angel and I think his name was Gabriel. I think he betrayed God or did something wrong. Don't really remember.
but if satan is the lord of the underworld then it clashes with the ideas of Greek mythology wherin Hades is the lord of the underworld. so in a sense satan (the fallen angel) somehow took over hell from lord hades. or maybe hade's never existed or maybe satan doesn't exist. maybe they co-exist in hell and act as joint rulers. perhaps satan is hades lap dog doing his bidding. my ramblings are partially founded on actual thoughts about ten seconds into this post.
captainfrenchfry said:
but if satan is the lord of the underworld then it clashes with the ideas of Greek mythology wherin Hades is the lord of the underworld. so in a sense satan (the fallen angel) somehow took over hell from lord hades. or maybe hade's never existed or maybe satan doesn't exist. maybe they co-exist in hell and act as joint rulers. perhaps satan is hades lap dog doing his bidding. my ramblings are partially founded on actual thoughts about ten seconds into this post.

Yes, you were babbling, but you were making sense.....its all GREEK to me.
damn now i'm stuck on this thought. which really is the lord of the underworld?
hey i'll start a poll to see what others think.
Whould all or most of you agree that almost all religions based on EL/GOD (Judaism, Xtianity, Muslims) would agree that Satan is Inherantly evil and has never done anything good for us humans?
captainfrenchfry said:
but if satan is the lord of the underworld then it clashes with the ideas of Greek mythology wherin Hades is the lord of the underworld. so in a sense satan (the fallen angel) somehow took over hell from lord hades. or maybe hade's never existed or maybe satan doesn't exist. maybe they co-exist in hell and act as joint rulers. perhaps satan is hades lap dog doing his bidding. my ramblings are partially founded on actual thoughts about ten seconds into this post.

Actaully.... Hades is just another name for satan... which is just another name for P'tah, which of course is just another name for enki/Horus

there was no dispute over the under world... which happens to be in south east Africa... :D
To me, Satan is a jin that God had liked because he spent all of his time worshipping and repenting, so after X amount of time, (that time is far longer than a human life, so don't get your hopes up :rolleyes: ) so God allowed him to live amongst the angels. When God created man, Satan explored mans body (I'm saying, when God created man's body, but nothing internal was made - our skin and bones only,) and this is the reason why he can trick you (ie, make you sin against your better judgement.) When God then gave Adam his spirit, he told all the angels to postrate in respect. Satan, being a jin, had a will of his own, apart from the "perfect" creation of angels who cannot defy God's will. So, Satan, being as ****y as he is (seriously, accepted to live amongst the angels with God~,) did not respect Adam. "I am superior to him, he is mortal, fordged from clay. I have longevity, and I was made from fire. I will not respect him."
For this, God was going to cast Satan out of heaven, but then Satan challenged God. "Everyone that lives amongst you knows of the final day, yet only you know its time. Give me until then, and I will make more of these humans follow me than that which follow you."
God allowed Satan to live, in hell. "I will allow you to do as you please, but you do not have power over man, you can only whisper and compel, not force."
So now, Satan manipulates people into sinning, and drags them to hell, even though he has no power over God.

So, I believe Satan is not an angel (well, my religion does,) because:
1.) Angels are perfect and perfectly obiedient. Saying Satan defied God as an angel is blasphemy, and is calling God inept.
2.) Satan conviences people to sin.

So, to me, and my religion, he is a Jin that defied God, was casted out, convinced Adam/Eve to eat from the forbidden tree, all that good stuff.
Master_Jaffer said:
To me, Satan is a jin that God had liked because he spent all of his time worshipping and repenting, so after X amount of time, (that time is far longer than a human life, so don't get your hopes up :rolleyes: ) so God allowed him to live amongst the angels. When God created man, Satan explored mans body (I'm saying, when God created man's body, but nothing internal was made - our skin and bones only,) and this is the reason why he can trick you (ie, make you sin against your better judgement.) When God then gave Adam his spirit, he told all the angels to postrate in respect. Satan, being a jin, had a will of his own, apart from the "perfect" creation of angels who cannot defy God's will. So, Satan, being as ****y as he is (seriously, accepted to live amongst the angels with God~,) did not respect Adam. "I am superior to him, he is mortal, fordged from clay. I have longevity, and I was made from fire. I will not respect him."
For this, God was going to cast Satan out of heaven, but then Satan challenged God. "Everyone that lives amongst you knows of the final day, yet only you know its time. Give me until then, and I will make more of these humans follow me than that which follow you."
God allowed Satan to live, in hell. "I will allow you to do as you please, but you do not have power over man, you can only whisper and compel, not force."
So now, Satan manipulates people into sinning, and drags them to hell, even though he has no power over God.

So, I believe Satan is not an angel (well, my religion does,) because:
1.) Angels are perfect and perfectly obiedient. Saying Satan defied God as an angel is blasphemy, and is calling God inept.
2.) Satan conviences people to sin.

So, to me, and my religion, he is a Jin that defied God, was casted out, convinced Adam/Eve to eat from the forbidden tree, all that good stuff.

Props.... of all the versions of 'who is satan', your is closest to the truth... only about 10% true, but still the closest! Let me tell you a few facts about satan and you tell me where it fits into the 'story' you were given

(BTW - I don't like to evangelize, but I figure the Jews, Christians, and Muslims are represented.... I think it's time for the last 1%)

1. Satan... his name is Enki/En.Ki which means 'Lord of the earth'... En = Lord, and Ki means Earth... the word King has it's roots in it.... God's name is En.Lil/Enlil which means lord of the heavens... Micheal Flattley is En.Dance which means... you guessed it LORD OF THE DANCE!

2. He Created man... Both versions!
3. after makeing the first version... he gave them the ability to procreate... IE he was the snake that walked an talked in the garden of E.Din

4. He had many children... some with other gods, of which he and enlil where one, and some with adamites (decendants of adam)... ever wonder why Noah was instantly identified as a child of one of the gods?! snowy white skin, and sky blue eyes!(not racist, biblical) his father imediately took him to the city of the gods Eridu... Where Enki did not admit to the deed but did take then Ziusudra into his aprentiship as 'his own son'....

see if you can make any of this fit into your story of satan... keep in mind that jesus said "beware the false profet"
RoyalOrleans said:
Satan and I are very good friends. He and I karaoke every Wednesday night together down at the Hole.

that's impossible.... he and I crochet on wednesdays.... you must be thinking of someone else!
I believe that satan is a fallen angel,because the Qu'ran says:

(remember) when your Lord said to the angels:''Truly,Iam going to create man from clay.''

''So,when i have fashioned him and breathed into him (his) soul created by me,then you fall down prostrate to him.''

So, the angels prostrated themselves,all of them,

Except Iblis(satan),he was proud and was of the disbelievers.

(ALLAH) said:''O Iblis(satan)! What prevents you from prostrating yourself to one whom I have created with both my hands.Are you too proud(to fall prostrate to Adam)or are you one of the high exalted?''

(satan)said:''Iam better than he.You created me from fire,and You created him from clay.''

(ALLAH) said:''Then get out from here;for verily you are outcast.

''And verily,My curse is on you till the Day of Recompense''

(satan) said:''My Lord!Give me respite till the Day the (dead) are resurrected.''

(ALLAH) said:''Verily,you are of those allowed respite;

''Till the Day of the time appointed.''

(satan) said:''By your Might,then i will surely mislead them all,

''Except Your chosen slaves amongst them.''

(ALLAH) said:''The truth is-and the truth I say,__

''That I will fill Hell with you and those of them(mankind) that follow you,together.''

Say(O Muhammad (pbuh):''No wage do I ask you for this(the Qu'ran),nor am I one of the Mutakallifun(those who pretend and fabricate things which do not exist).

''It(this Qu'ran) is only a Reminder for all the Alamin(mankind & jinn).

''And you shall certainly know the truth of it after a while.''

chapter 38 verses 71-88
RoyalOrleans said:
Satan and I are very good friends. He and I karaoke every Wednesday night together down at the Hole.

So you are saying that you do Barry Manillow tunes??? That's pretty Satanistic!
I believe that satan is a fallen angel,because the Qu'ran says:

(remember) when your Lord said to the angels:''Truly,Iam going to create man from clay.''

''So,when i have fashioned him and breathed into him (his) soul created by me,then you fall down prostrate to him.''

So, the angels prostrated themselves,all of them,

Except Iblis(satan),he was proud and was of the disbelievers.

(ALLAH) said:''O Iblis(satan)! What prevents you from prostrating yourself to one whom I have created with both my hands.Are you too proud(to fall prostrate to Adam)or are you one of the high exalted?''

(satan)said:''Iam better than he.You created me from fire,and You created him from clay.''

(ALLAH) said:''Then get out from here;for verily you are outcast.

''And verily,My curse is on you till the Day of Recompense''

(satan) said:''My Lord!Give me respite till the Day the (dead) are resurrected.''

(ALLAH) said:''Verily,you are of those allowed respite;

''Till the Day of the time appointed.''

(satan) said:''By your Might,then i will surely mislead them all,

''Except Your chosen slaves amongst them.''

(ALLAH) said:''The truth is-and the truth I say,__

''That I will fill Hell with you and those of them(mankind) that follow you,together.''

Say(O Muhammad (pbuh):''No wage do I ask you for this(the Qu'ran),nor am I one of the Mutakallifun(those who pretend and fabricate things which do not exist).

''It(this Qu'ran) is only a Reminder for all the Alamin(mankind & jinn).

''And you shall certainly know the truth of it after a while.''

chapter 38 verses 71-88

I know what the Qu'ran says about satan... and the Torah, and the miriad of versions of the Bible... but you missed the whole point of this post... Like so many Muslims, when someone asks you how you feel about something, you just parrot what the Qu'ran says.... I didn't ask what the book says...

As a Muslim woman, you may not be used to people asking you how you feel or what YOUR opinion is, but that is exactly what I'm asking....

What do YOU know about satan.... :D
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