What do you know about SATAN...

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fullauto said:
Like so many Muslims, when someone asks you how you feel about something, you just parrot what the Qu'ran says....

That is actually pretty true. While its not a BAD THING per say that they just quote the Qu'ran, its actually kind of a shame. MUSLIMS should be able to have there own such inner thoughts on something like this, its one of the things about the Qu'ran that I don't like... its spelled out too exact for some and leaves no room for interpretations in ones mind. Its this type of freedom that seperates a MUSLIM from alot of the world.... there inability to show there OWN personal opinion, not one that they were taught in a book. Its the teachings in the BOOK OF CHRISTIANITY that influence alot of our laws in America...although this influence AWAY from the book, makes up the more sensible laws. Simply because they were thought out by a HUMAN standpoint and not a religious one.
No offense to some of the religious folk hee but usually when ou ask them a question pertaining to how their religion percieves life or anything regarding their article (such as the bible or Qu'ran) they usually can only quote the book or other article. Or at least change it up in their own words. Some of them just cannot come up with a hypothesis or conclusion to answer the challenge. Why is that?
My fault. Okay, I sometimes get into religious debates with religious folk (I am atheist.) When a question such as "What do you know about Satan?" or "How come God doesn't do this or that?" pops up, in most cases just the bible or whatever is quoted. I know that is a possible answer but what I am trying to say is we like to see if the person being challenged has a mind of their own. Could they give us THEIR OWN answer instead of a "textbook" answer. Their ownwords sound like a more satisfying answer than just quoting a book. A book answer just makes them look like they have no thoughts of their own. Not trying to crack on anyone but I (and a few others I am sure) get that impression.
Oh I don't take it as a crack. In this day and age it's really easy to answer a question by Googling everything. I try to gain knowledge by searches and or books....bibles, etc., then try to communicate my opinions based on gathered information.

I have stated that I am a Christian...but I am not your average fundamentalist, pain in the ass Christian.

Trust me...I ask the same kind of questions as far as God, and I believe in the dude!

Pose me a question and I will try to answer it. If I don't know....**** I'll tell you! My answer might be wrong as well......but I'll try to give you MY answer. :D
That is appreciated. Although I am atheist, I don't crap on any religious lk unless they go around thinking they are correct and EVERYONE should be their religion and all that stuff. That is when I show my hostility against the extremists behind it. People are free to believe in whatever they choose. If I think we should all worship the hamster then hey, that's my case. LOL
Spleef, Outlaw.... that is what is great about this forum.... here we have a Satanist, Christian, Muslim, and an Athiest.... all with differing oppinions (whether or not we parrot them) and no one has chopped off anyones head yet! :D

Wonderful! for the first time in ages i have hope!
Hey, as long as one person don't completely **** on the other it is all good. I mean, there is going to be some shitting going on because we are all different but so far, I haven't seen anything outrageously offensive. BTW, who is the Satanist in here?
Outlaw2747 said:
BTW, who is the Satanist in here?

Uh... look above you...or go read the post "THE ARMY YOU HAVE .VS THE ARMY YOU WANT, on page 2 I believe....DEBATE FORUM
phreakwars said:
Uh... look above you...or go read the post "THE ARMY YOU HAVE .VS THE ARMY YOU WANT, on page 2 I believe....DEBATE FORUM

That was a good post.... I wish it had some sort of renewd interest... maybe I'll start a thread with just that BS on it.... if anything, it's a good bed time story! ;)
'I know what the Qu'ran says about satan... and the Torah, and the miriad of versions of the Bible... but you missed the whole point of this post... Like so many Muslims, when someone asks you how you feel about something, you just parrot what the Qu'ran says.... I didn't ask what the book says...

As a Muslim woman, you may not be used to people asking you how you feel or what YOUR opinion is, but that is exactly what I'm asking....

What do YOU know about satan.... '

I know of satan what the Qu'ran and Allah has taught me.I'm not gonna make up anything that goes against what the Qu'ran says,i guess that's the difference between us muslims and christians.
So i have answered your question.
I think ur an Idiot,oh no-one needed to ask me my opinion on this!
'I know what the Qu'ran says about satan... and the Torah, and the miriad of versions of the Bible... but you missed the whole point of this post... Like so many Muslims, when someone asks you how you feel about something, you just parrot what the Qu'ran says.... I didn't ask what the book says...

As a Muslim woman, you may not be used to people asking you how you feel or what YOUR opinion is, but that is exactly what I'm asking....

What do YOU know about satan.... '

I know of satan what the Qu'ran and Allah has taught me.I'm not gonna make up anything that goes against what the Qu'ran says,i guess that's the difference between us muslims and christians.
So i have answered your question.
I think ur an Idiot,oh no-one needed to ask me my opinion on this!

I think your an idiot too.... I don't ever remember asking you that particular opion, but.... as long as you feel the need to give me your opion about me without asking, don't get defensive when I call you a name or two.....


Your a ****ing knuckle-dragger.... ;)

1. Scare tactics used by Christians to get people to follow their ways and to control masses

2. Saddam Huessein's Gay lover

3. A scapegoat used to deem everything people enjoy as wrong, and as a way to convince people to refrain from doing these things (again, Scare tactics)

4. One of those cute little red dudes with a pitchfork
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:

1. Scare tactics used by Christians to get people to follow their ways and to control masses

2. Saddam Huessein's Gay lover

3. A scapegoat used to deem everything people enjoy as wrong, and as a way to convince people to refrain from doing these things (again, Scare tactics)

4. One of those cute little red dudes with a pitchfork
Satan IS a scare tactic used by the churches to get people to conform....
hmm, if i remember right the bible said something about tossing Satan into the lake of fire or something, that might work here....
Or fire and brimstone.
You don't have any handy do ya?
If you want to understand something.... first you have to throw away any notion that you already understand it.... strip yourself down to the point mentally where you can re-examine the fact objectivley without the auto-bias option... If you really want to know what satan, or god for that matter is, you have to do so without the Bible/qu'ran/torah....

if you had been told your whole life that your house is yellow, and you had never gone outside your house.... how do you actually know that it is yellow? And how pissed would you be if it turned out to be red? ;)
fullauto said:
Satan IS a scare tactic used by the churches to get people to conform....

Yep just like childrens fairy tales are "warnings" to behave in a certain manner. Then the warning of a spanking replaces those as the child ages...

children grow up and now know right from wrong the need for a fairy tale or a butt whooping no longer work with conforming...

And much like those children may parts of society are growing up and the fairy tales arent working, and neither is the butt whooping of the government..Its time for something more real....a realist religeon.

From that sound of it fullato thats what satan is to you......at least the simple way of saying it
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