What do you know about SATAN...

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Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
I always thought Satan was a fallen angel, an arch angel who was was just below Michael and Gabriel in rank.
I asked the source, my wife who knows. Satan was a fallen angel after Michael and Gabriel got pissed at him for trying a coop to take over god's place they tripped him causes him to be a fallen angel. Since he has been the negative to the positive as in magnetism or as the conduction as heat traveling to cold. Peace attracks evil.
Crispy Critter said:
I asked the source, my wife who knows. Satan was a fallen angel after Michael and Gabriel got pissed at him for trying a coop to take over god's place they tripped him causes him to be a fallen angel. Since he has been the negative to the positive as in magnetism or as the conduction as heat traveling to cold. Peace attracks evil.

yea thats the christianity jist of satan...but perhaps i am missing some point of the "good book" i pose a question about satan to the christians..

Satan gets booted from heaven, looses his wings that countless other angels enjoy...

..and then gets the cushy spot of the ruler of hell?

Isnt that a promotion? Isnt that a better job ruling all in your domain rather than being some lousy foot soldier?

What sort of message is that?
Suppose its kinda "God has faith in you, have faith in him" kinda thing, but thats not my route.

I think satan is very much interpreted to the individuel, as stated earlier about this fourm having Christiens, Muslims, Satanist, Athiest and such. While the figure of satan (or which ever name he happens to be going by) is stated by the respective religions, most ppl will look at wht is told to them and relate it to themsleves and their lives. EG: A child sees a women being raped, that effects them in such a way as to almost cause the perpitrator to 'embody' satan. Thats a extreme case, but i'm sure you get my point. wither or not we were to turn to that man and say he is our religion's definition of satan is quite irrelevant, the fact remains that what we have witness is evil (i hope we all agree on that..) and since, for the most part, we have come up into a world where evil is almost defined as satan, we would then use that name almost as an adjective to get our point across of the terrible intangable evil.

I am Athiest, i don't believe in satan as a being but i have however been born into a world where 'he' exist in that he is what is wrong with the world. Like love, it is not something to be really defined, but understood from the person who has precieved 'satan' and the persons they wish to tell about it. It is a term that we can relate to through our experiences, wither i witnessed rape and one of you saw a familty being tossed into an incinerator, by saying 'satan' as the extrem evil, we can both relate to the term.

That is Satan to me

Note: i'm not trying to forget the Satanist here, but remember that you're going on a different definition of wht satan is so the term as a representive of wht is 'evil' wouldn't be the same to yous (evil as defined through current socital values and oursleves etc..) :p
The way I look at it is some group of people are right, and everybody else is wrong...this leads me to the belief we better all learn to get along...incase we get another chance for not being such a *****! :D

Hell I have been attacked by Christians in my own faith...which has led me to beleive the way I do.....to each his own as long as you don't hurt anyone!
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