What do you say...


Live. Love. Laugh.
Jan 8, 2004
Under Your Bed (or Orlando, FL)
...when people ask you about Linkin Park?
As in, everyone knew me as a hardcore Linkin Park fan and since they've been gone for a while, what do you tell people when say things along the lines of "are you still a fan? what happened to them? when are they going to come out with a new album?"

I just tell people they're working on a new album.
No one really asks me about them.. because they really don't care, but the other day one of my friends mentioned them, and they were like,"Weren't you a big fan." and I said," They are ok, I used to be a huge fan, but not anymore." The main reason being is that my music taste has changed, and its not because I am one of those people who are like, "I hate Linkin Park", but when the album comes out, they are all like," I am their Number 1 fan."
"Yo, Justin you still a fan of LP?"

"Yeah, they got a new album coming out."

*Akward Silence*

"So hey wanna jam sometime?"


Conversation today ^
Lol, i've got one friend who also listens (or listened) LP... so she's not really aware of what they're really up to right now so she asked me

"So, how's Linkin Park doing?" (She checks with me for LP news that i get from here :p)
"Fine, new album is coming out in 2007 and they're stilll looking as mesmerizing as ever"
"I know, they're such an awesome band..."
"Exactly, how can people think they suck like crap?"
"I know!"

And then the conversation gets nowhere... :D but what really annoys me is when this girl asks me every single day (almost), "So, you still into Linkin Park?" and i'm like "yea" and she's like "omg... i looooooooooove numbbbb" and i'm like "great! now can you stop asking me the same questions!!" ><;
ppl ask
they think they died off
and every member is doin sumthin different
so u know just give them the info.
lol, eveyone knows I'm a Linkin Park fan. I think it's one of the first things people learn about me. So, nobody ever asks me if "I still like LP" because its common fact that I do ^^. And other fans who aren't as obsessive as me, I tend to give them information on whats happening with 3rd albumn and what not.
i think alot of people are closet fans. once that album pops out...IM A BIG FAN,HEAR ME ROAR!!!

anyways, i just tell em theyre working on a new album. nothing really else. a few of my frends are big LP fans, tho they dont really like to keep tabs on things so i give em a monthly update now and then just to remind them of the name "linkin park" lol
i dont get questions about lp... theres a lil fanfic which makes me and my friends laugh... but nothin else...
but if someone says a bad thing about them i kick their asses, bitach!! :p
People never ask me about the new album. They don't care lol, they all hate LP.

Not even the people that heard QWERTY want to know when the new album will be here.
Well, I don't know anyone who'd like LP...so yeah, nobody asks me about them...
But if the convo somehow gets on LP topic I say that I don't listen to them but I will again when new album comes out..I'm not that big fan anymore... My music taste changed plus they're waiting with this ****in new album waaay too long...so yeah, whatever...
Everybody knows I love LP they're my number one favourite band they've been for three years now and never ceased to be not even for a second! Most of my friends here like them (not crazy fans like me but they think they're pretty cool as a band) and all they ask me is: "When the heck do they intend to make a new album anyway??" I just tell them that the album is coming out in 2007 and I add..."It took so long so I guess it's gonna be really cool! Stay tuned!!" lol LINKIN PARK RULES!!!! Hell yeah!!!! \m/
when people ask me. . I just shrug "what do you want to know. . you can ask me anything." I mean everyone has to know by now that Linkin Park IS my favorite band and Iknow A LOT about them. So if they need something then they can come to me to find it out. I just ask them if they want to know something specific or my general introdution to Linkin Park. "They are a great band. Thier music is quite unique, blah blah blah"

yea thats it.
Are you still a Fan) No Not really I barely listen to them anymore.
What happened To them) **** I dunno go look it up on the net, don't ask me.
When are they comming out with a new album?)
Like I Care...All I know is it should be commin out later on....