What do you think of Lethalfind?

I miss Tizz too.... and I also miss AIG :/

She was the only Muslim I ever held in high regard :p
I wonder...If she had looked like a wart on Phreakwars' ass would you have held her in such high regard?
ToriAllen said:
I wonder...If she had looked like a wart on Phreakwars' ass would you have held her in such high regard?

Not ****ing likely. She is cute as a button, hot as a tamale. :D
builder said:
Not ****ing likely. She is cute as a button, hot as a tamale. :D
Tizz, cute ?? Ewww !!! That's kind of streching it wouldn't you say ??:rolleyes: But I guess if you compare her looks to Lethal, then yeah.... I guess you could call her cute.
phreakwars said:
Tizz, cute ?? Ewww !!! That's kind of streching it wouldn't you say ??:rolleyes: But I guess if you compare her looks to Lethal, then yeah.... I guess you could call her cute.

Read back three posts or so, Kemo Sabe.
builder said:
Post a poll of your own. You already know how people here hate your guts.

(oh, Smuttbutt wants to **** you, but he'll **** a can full of liver.

You only come here for narcissistic supply. ;)

Why would I want to post a poll? I don't require reinforcement to get through my day, I am more secure in myself then that...I also don't need anyone to 'take my side' (I mean more then already have) where your concerned either...

LOLOLOL, your letting your pathetic insecure side show...
GF Admin said:
...I have no idea what you are talking about in regards to framing you:rolleyes:, obviously you got caught with your hand in the cookie jar and there by added to CES’s conniption fit at that time...
I was framed I tell you... Phreak fueled the fire by screwing with CES's posts and idiot boxing him, all the while saying how horrible I was for doing it. Somehow, I don't believe you were completely in the dark about all the antics.

Ah, the good old days...
phreakwars said:
Tizz, cute ?? Ewww !!! That's kind of streching it wouldn't you say ??:rolleyes: But I guess if you compare her looks to Lethal, then yeah.... I guess you could call her cute.

I think he meant AIG was cute as a button. She was just okay I think.
You know what I think is funny, Poor little Builder has his panties in such a twist, he even gives me bad rep when he can, on things that don't even make sense. I can just be repeating something I have been told.

Could it be that Builder is pissed that I have the amount of rep that I do in spite of how he feels about me??

And by the way he is the only person who has ever given me bad rep.

What a truly pathetic person...

You get more pathetic every day. Coming here has become like a soap opera, you want to tune in to see how much worse things can get.
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
I think LethalFind is great! I'd marry her if I weren't so intimidated by intelligent women... but a roll in the hay, perhaps???? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Lethals great. She may hate Islam, but I know she doesn't hate my beliefs, fore they stay the same by which ever religion I choose to associate myself with. And I think that before she knew I was Muslim she had respect for me, and Now that she fully knows, I can see the same respect from her. :)

We just agree to disagree.
Lethalfind said:
You know what I think is funny, Poor little Builder has his panties in such a twist, he even gives me bad rep when he can, on things that don't even make sense. I can just be repeating something I have been told.

Could it be that Builder is pissed that I have the amount of rep that I do in spite of how he feels about me??

And by the way he is the only person who has ever given me bad rep.

What a truly pathetic person...

You get more pathetic every day. Coming here has become like a soap opera, you want to tune in to see how much worse things can get.

Who gives a **** about rep? :rolleyes:

I'm more interested in how the poll is shaping up.
builder said:
Who gives a **** about rep? :rolleyes:

I'm more interested in how the poll is shaping up.

I don't know about the rest of you but to me builder looks more of an attention whore since he is trying so hard to prove something.

Anybody actually gave a thought that while some people are making real contributions to the website with some common sense topics, instead of trying to lower someone elses standards, people like builder loaf their ass and get the rep for pointing out people.

I think you are right, builder, who cares about rep, it's the contribution that really describes the person, not scapegoat.
builder said:
Who gives a **** about rep? :rolleyes:

I'm more interested in how the poll is shaping up.

LOL and hows that going for you???

Normally when people (especially men) are truly pathetic peices of ****, they have the common sense to try and hide it, its refreshing that you have the courage to let the true inner you shine out for us all to turn our noses up at.