What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?

I really have no idea...
I'm studying computer and information science, though...just (actually) finished my 1st year...but don't really see myself in the future...maybe I could specialize in www programming and ****...*shrugs*

i "did" want to play sports professionally as a child

currently studying to a pharmacist(prolly gonna fail first up...bwahahaha)

but prolly end up going to be a doc in a few years when i;ve matured properly and learn to nail down a sturdy study pattern
Graphic Designer... and well on my way...

Starting college in the fall, plan to major in Graphic Design Communication. Working once a week this summer in the graphics lab at a different college... getting tricks/tips/plugins from the graphic designer they have there... doing large-scale printing/mounting... stuff like that.

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