What does the right to burn the flag represent?


I totally agree with what you are saying and personally think it is kind of childish to burn thte flag (I may have thought about it when I was an idedalistic teen) but I think it is the fact that you CAN in this country that sets it apart from so many others. I am not saying people should burn the flag just because they can, but that they should not take the right to speak out against the govt for granted and allow the government to slowly strip such an amazing right from our fingertips. It is symbolic of so much more. It is more than free speech it is being able to stand up in public and say your president is an ass!!!!! Or what ever you want (within reason of course) how many other nations share such a devine right? In this country everyone is supposed to be equal and share the same rights, not just those that pledge their allegence to an ever changing govt but also those that oppose the current govt and love this country enough to see it change or restored. A soldier cannot go into battle thinking he is only protecting the rights of the patriotic nationalists, but that he is preserving a sacred ideal that all are equal.
When it comes to things like the Confederate flag i'ld still leave it be. I don't agree with the many dum things associated with it (factuel or not) but i do reconize that it is a representation of somebody else beliefs. In this particular it has been abused as an excuse for nationalism and breeding ignorence, by the ignorent, but there are people who hold to it's ideals (i'm not terribly familier with them, but slavery comes to mind) Now if thats wht they believe in then fine, let them. But its when ppl start usiing their icons (or anything really) to propigate harmful beliefs/ harm people that we must make our stand and lay down the ****. It would be nice to just float them folk off on their own little island to live however the hell they want and leave everyone who just wants to live their lives as is, alone
So just as people can use the name of gad to do harm to others, they can use the flag as the same justification?
No, just as people can worship as they wish so long as they don't harm people or spred hate, a flag is NOT excuse for harming others and things of the like.

"Now if thats wht they believe in then fine, let them. But its when ppl start usiing their icons (or anything really) to propigate harmful beliefs/ harm people that we must make our stand and lay down the ****."

Did you miss that line?
If a person feels the need to burn a flag, they should at least have the balls to wrap themselves up in it first so that they can make a truelly inspirational political statement.