What don't I understand?

What I mean is, are you just gonna go around "preaching" and being general pain in the ass with nothing to do but bitch moan and cry? or are you eventually gonna get around to actually SAYING something?
He reminds me of the religious school I went to. They wanted to sit around the campfire, hold hands and sing kum-by-ya.

My idea of therapy is to be in a place where you can say how you really feel on an issue, even if its not politically correct.

I think his idea of therapy is a place where everyone sublimates their feelings and pretends they love everyone. GAG!!

Maybe I'm out of the loop but I don't hate anyone on here. I have said and probably will say some things that are not positive and I know I will continue to disagree but I don't think people should think what I do and I don't know any of you well enough to hate you...
tizz said:
And this one time?

In band camp?


No, not band camp, any opportunity they ****in had, someone had to pull out the Bible, read a few moving verses and then we had to hold hands and sing kum-by-ya. It scarred me for life...
OTC said:
I didn't mean respect as in oh you are the coolest guy on the board i meant respect towards others feelings.

I know that like to voice opinions and points but the same **** keeps coming out.

I mean we all like a bit of witty banter but full on hatred to others is a bit too far.

If you are actually so brain dead as to think that people here have a full on hatred of anybody else here, you are simply daft.

The fact of the matter is, myself at the top of this list, is that RESPECT is generated by some of the most heated debates and differences of opinions. I have greater respect for NazzNegg, builder, wardmd, fullauto, snafu, ToriAllen, and even that asshole Phreakwars simply because they have at times given me a full out hard run for my money.

Grow up kid. You do not become stronger by being surrounded by like minds. You become stronger and respect yourself more by constantly having your ideas challenged, having them scrutinized and having to defend and rethink your own ideas about how things should be.

The only question now is if you can join in and actually participate and survive.

It's a very satisfying feeling. Good Luck.
****....not ONE person here has answered my question. And you're all complaining about not taking part in the forum? **** that.
Think Pink said:
****....not ONE person here has answered my question. And you're all complaining about not taking part in the forum? **** that.
OK so I missed something here... what exactally is the question ??:rolleyes:
"Why can people not be judged on who they are instead of where they were born, what colour they were born or who they choose to ****?"
Think Pink said:
"Why can people not be judged on who they are instead of where they were born, what colour they were born or who they choose to ****?"
Ah well in a perfect world that is how things would work, but, we are not living in a perfect world. There is really no point in debating ANYTHING really, on this site...

That is not why the site is here.

We are here for YOU to open up to us and give us YOUR view on things... doesn't really matter if we agree with you or think your a ****ing nimrod.

The point is, no we can't make the world a better place, but you sure can break down a lot of walls by getting past stereo types, and by confronting people who follow a different idealism then you.

There are no RACIST people on this site. Not a one... but there are many people here who have their own views of the world.

And since we are a free speech board, we throw out the conventional "RULE" book here as to how others are treated and as to how we treat anybody who happens to stay or just pass through for a couple of posts to complain.

Nobody is twisting your ****ing arm to read anybody Else's bullshit, but you are welcome to participate.
Think Pink said:
"Why can people not be judged on who they are instead of where they were born, what colour they were born or who they choose to ****?"

Because that's the real world. Everybody has a stearotype, not all of that race fall into that stereotype but most of the time there not far off.

Lets say Muslims not all hate the U.S. but most do. Mexicans will work harder and do jobs others won't, not always but mostly true. Whites good mix of all...Lazy like the welfare, hard working made there money, silver spoon up there ass living off daddy's money. Blacks it's been my experience that there's no middle your either hard working money making can't be stopped, or a lazy drive by shooting gang loving loser.

There's all types in each race and depending where you live, and how you were brought up is how your going to think and feel about others.

As far as the ****ing you can **** who you want long as we can watch.:D
OTC said:
"Yeah dudes you know what"


"We totally rock dudes yeah"

air guitar

bahahaha, nice one man, wetting myself here.

Saying that though, I know this site is designed to bitch; freedom of speech and all that malarky... but there does tend to be a bit of an 'Elite' attitude around that I find fooking hilarious.
WullieTheRed said:
bahahaha, nice one man, wetting myself here.

Saying that though, I know this site is designed to bitch; freedom of speech and all that malarky... but there does tend to be a bit of an 'Elite' attitude around that I find fooking hilarious.
Oh you got that right buddy, this site is FILLED with ego.. We wouldn't want it any other way..

We hope you stay.:D But if you leave... we really don't give a ****.:rolleyes:
WullieTheRed said:
bahahaha, nice one man, wetting myself here.

Saying that though, I know this site is designed to bitch; freedom of speech and all that malarky... but there does tend to be a bit of an 'Elite' attitude around that I find fooking hilarious.

Why thankyou wullie.

It came to me when i hit the peak of my high.
I tell you man don't mess with that northern lights cross going around at the minute.
To sum it up in one word i would have to say ohmygodi'mdroolinoohwhatsthatshinythingoveigottogetmesomefeed.
Think Pink said:
"Why can people not be judged on who they are instead of where they were born, what colour they were born or who they choose to ****?"

You really are a dumb one aren't you? Must have been a small litter otherwise I'm sure they would have bashed you on the head and tossed your dying carcass on the rubbish heap.

We don't judge anybody here based upon where they were born or what color they are or who they choose to ****. Where did you get that idea? We have every color, every sexual orientation, every age generation, every narrow minded religious ***** money cannot buy, and we even have some damn Muslims, but hey, they are here...contributing!

Some people here judge you on your religion, some on your sexuality, some on any or a host of different things, but collectively, I don't think you could find one single topic that everybody would agree on and if you did, I'd disagree with the collective just to stir the **** pot and make people think and defend their position.

What a wimp you are.

If you don't have the stomach to bristle and chest pound with the big boys, might I suggest www.disney.com

Get real.