What is America?


New member
Bush was constantly threatened.
Yeah, with Impeachment, not death

O'Rilley was taking to Beck and they were also taking of the death threats they receive and how O'Rilley warned Beck he was gonna receive these threats. Beck went on to say how he had to explain to his kid why to cop cars were always in front of his house. It works both ways bud.
Never seen any proof of these threats, just allegations ( from the paranoid freaks). I see like IWS, you have resorted to denial as well. Even trying to find a hypocrisy to compare it to, sorry, there is none..




New member
Yeah, with Impeachment, not death
Never seen any proof of these threats, just allegations ( from the paranoid freaks). I see like IWS, you have resorted to denial as well. Even trying to find a hypocrisy to compare it to, sorry, there is none.


Come on Bender. You believe what confirms your beliefs but doubt stuff you read that doesn't? Hypocrisy? Good lord that is hypocrisy in it's finest! I am starting to think you can't think for yourself.

I believe in the threats to Obama as well as to Bush, Beck and O'Rilley. You're being totally naive if you don't think each and every president and high figure hasn't had death threats.



New member
No spin, everyone knows Beck is a paranoid phreak. :D .

Who exactly is "everyone", Bendy?

I'd like to see the media reports of how EVERYONE knows that Beck is a paranoid (f)phreak.

I would like to know how I was polled without being asked a gawdamm thing.



New member
Who exactly is "everyone", Bendy?
I'd like to see the media reports of how EVERYONE knows that Beck is a paranoid (f)phreak.

I would like to know how I was polled without being asked a gawdamm thing.

MSLSD, The HuffPo and Daily Kos told him. To Bender, that's everyone. Oh, yea. Media Matters also.



New member
MSLSD, The HuffPo and Daily Kos told him. To Bender, that's everyone. Oh, yea. Media Matters also.
That air of aloofness and assumption reminds me of a certain someone.


Who could it be?

IWS... a little help?



New member
I feel bad for you, your rebuttals as of late have all turned out to be denials. Your comeback was... They even discussed on Beck today on how their out to get him. :p .

?The person who posted that video labeled it as ?Project 912 Glenn Beck Tea Party? and described it as ?A Really Good Meeting.? The YouTube account name is cookiecache. If you go to cookiecache?s profile, you?ll see a bunch of videos that don?t really look like something a ?tea party?-goer would post, and then you?ll see a bunch of Glenn Beck videos in her ?favorites.? Well, if you check out the Google cache of her profile page ( - cookiecache's Channel, you?ll notice that her favorites did not include any Glenn Beck videos, but instead included things that are decidedly not ?conservative.? You can also use the Internet Archive:
http://web.archive.org/web/ /http://www.youtube.com/user/cookiecacheInternet Archive Wayback Machine
http://web.archive.org/web/ /http://www.youtube.com/user/cookiecache.
The woman apparently wasn?t even TRYING to really disguise herself as a conservative. She was simply mocking them, but when her video is ?discovered? by the Lefty blogs, she (or whoever it is she was working with here) jumps on the chance to spread the deceit by sanitizing her (incredibly vulgar) favorites list, inserting Glenn Beck videos instead. HuffPo obviously didn?t do any research whatsoever, yet droves liberals just believe it without thinking, as evidenced by the many comments they?ve made on HuffPo and other blogs, cookiecache?s profile page, and the YouTube video?s page itself.
Was "Burn The Books" Woman A Phoney?

Look at that. My sources win, you and Media Matters, Daily Kos, MSLSD, NBC, CBS, etc... lose again...

What is that now, about seven to none.

Come on Bender, you aren't a slow person, you really have to be getting the hint by now. The left wing sites, LIE, and will LIE about anything to get some of the people to believe anything...



New member
Come on Bender, you aren't a slow person, you really have to be getting the hint by now. The left wing sites, LIE, and will LIE about anything to get some of the people to believe anything...
Maybe the left wing sites are in "fear and paranoia" mode?

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