What is islam?

Well I commend ya' for your honesty. Good luck soldier. But I hate terrorists more than you will ever know.
More lies! How many more lies are you gonna spew at us? There is no way that you hate terrorist, unless of course you hate your pedophile prophet(may **** be upon him) since he was the king of terrorism and the sole author of the terrorist handbook (the koran).


New member
.. You don't see it the peaceful way yet I do.. The Quraysh Leader (Clan that opposed Islam), Came to Muhammed(PBUH) held him down, and was waiting for Muhammed(PBUH) to hit him... Muhammed(PBUH) did nothing but neal. The Quraysh leader yelled, hit me... Muhammed(PBUH) did nothing again. The Quraysh Leader left in peace... Muhammed(PBUH) brought democracy to Islam by appointing the first follower of Islam, Abu Bakr(PBUH).

From Donald Rumsfield, and don't worry it's not from CNN or... Fox (Lmao).

The targets of these terrorists are more often than not other Muslims--such as the Iraqi children they murdered last month while taking candy from American forces, and moderate Muslims who reject their extremist views as do the overwhelming majority of Muslims throughout the world.

Indeed, their victims include thousands of Muslims in Afghanistan and Iraq--many killed simply because they had chosen to be free.

The people of Iraq and Afghanistan are defying terrorists' threats and condemning their violence.

They choose to reject Jihads against the West and moderate Muslim nations. And they are not alone.

According to a recent poll, increasing numbers of Muslims are optimistic about the success of democracy in their own countries. They are rejecting the tyranny and the falsehoods offered by the terrorists.

Although the Iraqi people remain determined to build a free society, the terrorists are desperate to stop them. But despite their headline-grabbing murders, the terrorists are failing.

Indeed, the murders of Iraqi citizens appear to be hardening the majority of the Iraqi people's determination to defeat al Qaeda and the insurgents, and to build a free country.

To those of you who think not, oppose your troops! You denounce them! They are out there not only fighting for you but from Iraq, and when you like to flush the Iraqi's you do so too with your troop's purpose! You must understand I do not condone terror and I hate it! It's simple as that. MRIH will tell you otherwise but he knows JACKSHIT about me and my religion, do you really think 1.2 Billion people of Islam are Wrong?!! Why the **** would I waste my time trying to tell you that I love terror? I am passonate about what I am doing, not trying to spread Islam, and I have seen a broader reason than clearing mis-conceptions. Call it what you want but I have no name for it... More than eight million Iraqis defied the terrorists to vote in the January elections, some walking defiantly to voting places that had been recently bombed by suicide bombers. A popular Iraqi television show now interviews captured, disgraced terrorists and reveals them for what they are. Some people might say, "Oh Jihad, oh Islam, oh I saw that on TV". What America is doing will be a tribute to moderate Muslim leaders and the millions who have courageously supported them. It is also a tribute to the resolve of the American people. And to those Muslims who oppose this? What questions would you like from them... Don't ask me because I sure as **** DO NOT oppose it. With the support of their families--who sacrifice as well; and the support of the American people. The Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines will win this war and defeat the terrorists--let there be no doubt. May *** bless them all. And may *** continue to bless the great countries who have fought for there freedom like America and those who are currently doing so like Iraq.

MRIH, respond with what ever bullshit (or pig-**** like you say) comment, but you won't change me? If not change me then your purpose for posting henious comments is gone. People feel what they already feel and trust me, forums won't change them if not for the smallest amount but at all. I am not trying to change anyone, I am laying it down the way it is, and thats that. You're like 20 years my senior most likely yet you enjoy the fun in harrasing me with you idiotic comments... I wan't to see how you would fair on the battlefield in Iraq bud... Go and tell the insurgents that Islam is wrong... I don't think thats why the troops are there, thats why they are slowly yet surley succeeding.



New member
Ok, you dense and stupid person.
"Love your neighbor" means - do not strap bombs on yourself and kill little children in an open air market.

"Love your neighbor" means - do not hijack planes, turn them into weapons and attack unarmed civilians.

"Love your neighbor" means - don't kill people because they want to convert out of a religion.

"Love your neighbor" means - do not kill people fo being a different faith.

It feels like I'm explaining proper behavior to uncivilized barabarian children.
On no no no dear.Funny how you side step.I didn't say explain love your neighbour.I said explain these verse:

EX 21:12 Whoever strikes a man so that he dies is to be put to death--except that, in some cases, *** will appoint a place to which the offender may flee instead.
EX 21:15 Whoever strikes his father or mother is to be put to death.

EX 21:16 Whoever steals a man is to be put to death. (Note: This is in spite of the fact that a father can sell his daughter into slavery; see EX 21:7-11.)

EX 21:17, LE 20:9, DT 21:18-21 A child who curses his parent(s) is to be put to death. A stubborn and/or rebellious child is to be put to death.

EX 22:18, DT 18:10 A witch or sorcerer is to be put to death.

EX 22:20 Anyone who sacrifices to other gods must be destroyed.

LE 20:10-12, DT 22:22 Adulterers (in some cases) must be put to death.

LE 20:13 Practicing male homosexuals are to be put to death.

LE 20:14 If a man has sexual relations with both his wife and his mother-in-law, all three of them must be put to death.

LE 20:15-16 If a person engages in *** with an animal, both the animal and the person must be put to death.

LE 20:27 A medium or wizard is to be put to death.

LE 21:9 If a priest's daughter becomes a prostitute, she is to be burnt with fire.

LE 24:16 Whoever blasphemes the name of the Lord must be put to death.

NU 3:10 An unauthorized person who acts as a priest must be put to death.

DT 13:2-5 Anyone who causes someone to turn to another *** must be put to death.

DT 13:6-10 A man is required to slay his friends and members of his own family who are guilty of worshipping another ***.

DT 17:12 A man who shows contempt for a judge or priest must be put to death.

DT 18:20-22, EZ 14:9 If a prophet's words do not come true, he is a false prophet and must be put to death. This is true even if he has been deceived by *** himself.

DT 22:23-24 A betrothed virgin who is seduced in the city is to be put to death unless she cries for help.

MK 10:2-12, LK 16:18 Divorce is wrong, and to remarry is to commit adultery. (LE 20:10-12, DT 22:22 in turn say, adulterers are to be put to death)

RO 1:26-27, 32 Men and women who commit unnatural sexual acts deserve to die.
And I'm not leaving till you tell me why you are such a ******' hypocrite and why you say the Quran orders killing when your bible issues so many death sentences

Nice try baby.You will not push these verses down a couple of pages,I will just keep pasting them in the next page. Explain,explain,explain!

I mean non of the verses say that these people can be given a second chance,but the Quran says that Allah is all forgiving and Merciful.

Slowly take us through each verse,we are only poor, uncivilised barbarian children.We don't understand,share the wisdom that shines through these verses.



New member
Loving your neighbour.The ultimate excuse.Why should I be a christian? Because it tells you to love your neighbour. :rolleyes: Please explain those verses from your bible.
The last time I tried loving my neighbor..her husband came home unexpectedly.



New member
More lies! How many more lies are you gonna spew at us? There is no way that you hate terrorist, unless of course you hate your pedophile prophet(may **** be upon him) since he was the king of terrorism and the sole author of the terrorist handbook (the koran).




New member
"Stop judging us from a distance"

Posted by AIG

Given my previous experience with your ilk, I don't think I could stand the smell if I got any closer...

"You may not know this but mosques are open for anyone.We get christian visitors at our mosque everyday.They ask questions about Islam."

Posted by AIG

When these hapless souls enter your mosques do you tell them the truth about how you wish the White House had been blown up as well on 9-11 and even more innocent lives lost?? Or do you conveniently leave that part out?

I wouldn't enter a mosque to get of the rain. I wouldn't cross the street to **** on one of you if you were on fire. I don't trust you people any further then I could pick you up throw you.

I do have to admit that you guys can run a good corner shop but you can't really base your whole existence on that can you? How funny that you swagger around WYPO like your something when to the world your people are the corner shop keepers...lol. How auspicious.

"I wish people would approach things with open hearts. I'm not saying that you should agree with our beliefs,but I wish you would just respect them."

Posted by AIG

Is that really why your here, trying to influence us to open our hearts?? How noble of you and what a complete waste of time on your part...

I can respect them just fine if you would all go back home...NOT the UK or the US but back home.

"No!People are killing people. Muslims are said to be brainwashed,but I think you are the ones who are truly brainwashed,cos you believe the explanation of what Islam is from non-muslims and throw what muslims tell you behind your backs."

Posted by AIG

I believe what people like Bin Laden have said on tape, I believe the blood of my own people, their bodies scattered and mutilated after the explosions of 9-11, I believe the stories of husbands and wives, mothers and fathers never to return home to their families, people that have NOTHING to do with the military establishment.

I don't read sources about what Islam is because I don't give a ****.

In fact I feel a little superstitious about it because I feel its as unclean as you probably feel pork, alcohol and *** knows what else is. That coming from someone who is not religious.



New member
I believe what people like Bin Laden have said on tape, I believe the blood of my own people, their bodies scattered and mutilated after the explosions of 9-11, I believe the stories of husbands and wives, mothers and fathers never to return home to their families, people that have NOTHING to do with the military establishment. I don't read sources about what Islam is because I don't give a ****.

In fact I feel a little superstitious about it because I feel its as unclean as you probably feel pork, alcohol and *** knows what else is. That coming from someone who is not religious.
Well those are ideal feelings if you were to have a country you love so much, be attacked. I completely understand.



New member
Well those are ideal feelings if you were to have a country you love so much, be attacked. I completely understand.
How noble of you.The woman says she hates you but you understand her.

Listen,she doesn't give a **** if your people are mutilated,which they are.She feels that the death of more than 30 000 is a just revenge.

And you understand how she feels?

I think you should start being a little realistic Hamza.



New member
Given my previous experience with your ilk, I don't think I could stand the smell if I got any closer...
Yeah,we only clean ourselves five times a day.Use water to wash away the smell of ****.Don't drink alcohol ultimately not puking in the bus and ******* in every corner. Yes you shouldn't come near us.

When these hapless souls enter your mosques do you tell them the truth about how you wish the White House had been blown up as well on 9-11 and even more innocent lives lost?? Or do you conveniently leave that part out?
Nope I just wanted the white house to blow up.So there is no ''as well as''.

If there is any group of people that are far from being innocent,it's your government.

I wouldn't enter a mosque to get of the rain. I wouldn't cross the street to **** on one of you if you were on fire. I don't trust you people any further then I could pick you up throw you.
Oh we are just gagging for your company.We could have had fun,done stuff more to your taste.Some rascist talk over some english tea and delicious cakes.

I do have to admit that you guys can run a good corner shop but you can't really base your whole existence on that can you? How funny that you swagger around WYPO like your something when to the world your people are the corner shop keepers...lol. How auspicious.
My people? Based on facts,corner shop owners earn far more money than nurses.

And no,I don't own a corner shop.I study medicine in Uni.Wanna be a doctor.Oh and since you're coming here,I could offer you a job.

Most of the corner shop owners here are pakistani or bangladeshi and most of the doctors here are pakistani,indian or bangladeshi.

The real british people are either pub owners,bus drivers or they take up the space on the streets with their sleeping bags.

Is that really why your here, trying to influence us to open our hearts?? How noble of you and what a complete waste of time on your part...I can respect them just fine if you would all go back home...NOT the UK or the US but back home.
Us? Speak for yourself woman. I believe that the other people here have less constricted hearts than you. No,I don't want to open up your heart.That's up to you.And Yes,you are a complete waste of time.

I believe what people like Bin Laden have said on tape, I believe the blood of my own people, their bodies scattered and mutilated after the explosions of 9-11, I believe the stories of husbands and wives, mothers and fathers never to return home to their families, people that have NOTHING to do with the military establishment. I don't read sources about what Islam is because I don't give a ****.

In fact I feel a little superstitious about it because I feel its as unclean as you probably feel pork, alcohol and *** knows what else is. That coming from someone who is not religious.
Well tough,that's life.People are dying everywhere in the world.And I'm sorry if I just don't feel so sad about 9/11 anymore.You wanna know why? It's cos I'm sick of you people acting like 9/11 is the worst disaster to ever hit this earth.Get over yourselves and try for once to show concideration to people that are not american who have gone through worse and are still suffering.I'm sick of you using 9/11 to justify every attack on innocent countries.You expect us to care,while you don't give a ****.

Wake up and try and look outside your country,Then you'll know what true pain and suffering is.



New member
Most of the corner shop owners here are pakistani or bangladeshi and most of the doctors here are pakistani,indian or bangladeshi.The real british people are either pub owners,bus drivers or they take up the space on the streets with their sleeping bags.
Wow, I wish I'd thought of that one. You are on fire, Sweetheart. ;)

Get over yourselves and try for once to show concideration to people that are not american who have gone through worse and are still suffering.I'm sick of you using 9/11 to justify every attack on innocent countries.You expect us to care,while you don't give a ****.Wake up and try and look outside your country,Then you'll know what true pain and suffering is.
Another gem. So true.



New member
MRIH,ever gonna explain the wisdom behind these for me?

EX 21:12 Whoever strikes a man so that he dies is to be put to death--except that, in some cases, *** will appoint a place to which the offender may flee instead.
EX 21:15 Whoever strikes his father or mother is to be put to death.

EX 21:16 Whoever steals a man is to be put to death. (Note: This is in spite of the fact that a father can sell his daughter into slavery; see EX 21:7-11.)

EX 21:17, LE 20:9, DT 21:18-21 A child who curses his parent(s) is to be put to death. A stubborn and/or rebellious child is to be put to death.

EX 22:18, DT 18:10 A witch or sorcerer is to be put to death.

EX 22:20 Anyone who sacrifices to other gods must be destroyed.

LE 20:10-12, DT 22:22 Adulterers (in some cases) must be put to death.

LE 20:13 Practicing male homosexuals are to be put to death.

LE 20:14 If a man has sexual relations with both his wife and his mother-in-law, all three of them must be put to death.

LE 20:15-16 If a person engages in *** with an animal, both the animal and the person must be put to death.

LE 20:27 A medium or wizard is to be put to death.

LE 21:9 If a priest's daughter becomes a prostitute, she is to be burnt with fire.

LE 24:16 Whoever blasphemes the name of the Lord must be put to death.

NU 3:10 An unauthorized person who acts as a priest must be put to death.

DT 13:2-5 Anyone who causes someone to turn to another *** must be put to death.

DT 13:6-10 A man is required to slay his friends and members of his own family who are guilty of worshipping another ***.

DT 17:12 A man who shows contempt for a judge or priest must be put to death.

DT 18:20-22, EZ 14:9 If a prophet's words do not come true, he is a false prophet and must be put to death. This is true even if he has been deceived by *** himself.

DT 22:23-24 A betrothed virgin who is seduced in the city is to be put to death unless she cries for help.

MK 10:2-12, LK 16:18 Divorce is wrong, and to remarry is to commit adultery. (LE 20:10-12, DT 22:22 in turn say, adulterers are to be put to death)

RO 1:26-27, 32 Men and women who commit unnatural sexual acts deserve to die.
What's the matter,cat got your tongue?

The only answer you've given me so far is: ''Aren't you leaving?'' :rolleyes:

MRIH,ever gonna explain the wisdom behind these for me?

What's the matter,cat got your tongue?

The only answer you've given me so far is: ''Aren't you leaving?'' :rolleyes:
1) What do you want explained, AIG? You just list a bunch of laws which Christians don't adhere to, why don't you ask a jew?

2) Cat got your tongue? WTF :confused:

3) Well, aren't you? It seems like you're a liar like your pedophile prophet (PP for short.. may **** be upon him).



New member
1) What do you want explained, AIG? You just list a bunch of laws which Christians don't adhere to, why don't you ask a jew?2) Cat got your tongue? WTF :confused:

3) Well, aren't you? It seems like you're a liar like your pedophile prophet (PP for short.. may **** be upon him).
HAHA! YES AIG... Caught him.. If they don't... "adhere" to them, then they aren't good Christians right? Just as you say with Muslims... And for 3)... Don't try and change the subject. You're good at changing subjects and **** slinging, this is not to be used in debates.

AIG, I have never heard such better points. :D



New member
I was born in America. If we kick immigrants out the agriculture industry and the NHS will collapse. If we don't accept more immigrants by the time today's workers retire, there won't be enough new workers to support them in their old age. Just look at this little article.

Most developed countries will have to open their doors to millions of immigrants because their populations are ageing so fast, according to a United Nations report. Declining birth rates mean increasing ranks of pensioners, with a diminishing work force to support them. Without mass immigration, the only alternative would be a big increase in the age of retirement, the UN report adds. One country facing severe problems is Italy which is set to lose between a quarter and a third of its population within 50 years.
By the year 2050, the average Italian will be 53 years old compared to 41 now, and 41% of the country will be over 60.

"Governments are going to have to look at these numbers," said Joseph Chamie, director of the UN Population Division. "These are cold sobering statistics. There is nothing political about them."

"People have become accustomed to certain benefits and lifestyles. The sooner [governments] address these issues the easier the problem will be."

Click here for chart showing ageing populations

The report looks at the likely population trends over the next 50 years in eight countries with fertility rates below 2.1 children per woman, the level required to keep the population constant.

These are Italy, South Korea, Japan, Britain, France, Germany, Russia and the United States.

Japan's population has aged faster in the last 50 years than any other industrialised country due to low birth rates and long life expectancy. To keep its work force steady Japan would need to bring in 647,000 immigrants a year until 2050. But to maintain its current ratio of workers to pensioners, it would need 10 million a year. This would mean an enormous change for a country where 99.3% of the population are native Japanese. The alternative would be to increase the retirement age to 77. To keep its current support ratio without immigration, Britain would have to increase the age of retirement to 72.
South Korea, at the other end of the spectrum, would have to keep people working until 82.

The UN says these population trends pose crucial questions for governments about future immigration policies, what age they set for retirement and what benefits they provide for the elderly.

The problems appear more pressing in Europe than in the United States.

According to present trends, the US is expected to grow from just under 280 million people to nearly 350 million in the next 50 years.

By contrast, the 15 European Union countries will see their combined population fall from 375 million to 330 million.

The greying EU would need 674 million immigrants over the next 50 years to keep its ratio of workers to pensioners constant, or 79.4 million to maintain a steady workforce, according to the report.
If at any cost, immigrants are only making the US economy better than other superpowers...



New member
Actually, I like Hamza, he seems like a nice guy.

However AIG you are very predictable...I use a couple of often heard statements and your on fire...LOLOL

I love to poke a chained dog with a stick and stand back and watch it burst into barking...a true charactre flaw of mine.

Your little tirade gave me some fun. Your like a puppet and I have your strings in my hands...now I'm bored by you.

As for you being my boss, that will be the day.

I guess you were thinking my only source of income is/would be nursing...NOT.

Given whats happened in the UK how long do you think it will be before the British will be unwilling to put their lives in your hands...

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