what is the best compliment that someone had given u?

One guy told me he found a "trace" of death in my eyes that keeps calling out for him...He said he was "chasing" it for a very long time and finally found a "sign" ...He also said I was the only person who can help him find the peace he requires to be able to continue his life...
The "trace" of death in my eyes, according to him, can either destroy either bring closer to 'nirvana' the person who recognises it...

So..what do you think about it? I was shocked...
Black_Thought said:
One guy told me he found a "trace" of death in my eyes that keeps calling out for him...He said he was "chasing" it for a very long time and finally found a "sign" ...He also said I was the only person who can help him find the peace he requires to be able to continue his life...
The "trace" of death in my eyes, according to him, can either destroy either bring closer to 'nirvana' the person who recognises it...

So..what do you think about it? I was shocked...
o god, sometimes there is a look in this guy's eyes that i cant understand,...maybe there is something deep in your eyes.
stupidsoul1 said:
fifi isnt a whore
fifi says fifi maybe be a whore, a liar n a cheat but she isnt cute

i was thinkin about the nicest compliment i would of gotten would be you are like a rock.......you are always there

0.o a rock...
a rock?? that is wierd..LOL
That was kinda used in the bible....Jesus called Peter a rock. Something that stands firm against trails and tribulations. A strong and solid object that you can always rely on. Well at least that's my interpretation of a rock-_-

I haven't had compilment in a long time-_- Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...... Does "Hi" count? o_0
immortal89 said:
o god, sometimes there is a look in this guy's eyes that i cant understand,...maybe there is something deep in your eyes.

Yeah, i guess..lol
This guy is depressed all the time..that's why i was shoked when he just "snapped out" of his usual behaviour and started telling me these things...
Hope he doesn't commit suicide or something... i wouldn't like to be the cause of someone's death.. *keeping her fingers crossed*