what is the best compliment that someone had given u?

I've had a few people say I had beautiful eyes. Someone said I looked like Rob Tomas (I think Rusu did, lol). I've had a few "you're hot"s. then some girl at school said I had a "super sexy haircut".

But it seems like everyone is joking, except when they talk about my eyes, lol.
Bleh, I don't get complimented. The best one I've ever gotten: "Hey, your hair isn't oily today!"

But once, a guy announced to the whole class that I was smarter than them all, when I was transfering to the higher math class. :p

That's as good as it gets.:rolleyes:
Stupid lies like:

Your so pretty.
I hate you...you have such a nice body.
You have a great personality.

and today my friend told me I have '**** me hair' its kinda like saying....you have amazing hair that is just sooo ****ing sexy. Idk we're weird.
dont really get many compliments...
but the best were the day i came home with 4 trophies and 2 medals...
i was flattered
probably the time when all you of called me kumar... *sarcasam* hehe

actually, at one point in time, my best friend and i were laying down looking at the stars and we were in an "instense convo." when my friend said "you know, if the world were to end tomorrow, there is no one else in this world i would want to be with when that happens. i am here with you forever" i cried for a good 20 mins.

...but the sad part to that story is the fact that we're not even friends anymore... :(