what is the one thing u wish u had never done?

While I am a Carpe Diem kind of guy...I do have one regret in life...and its that I didn't slap my bitch of a section leader right across the face in marching band this year. I came so close, it would have been perfect...but I didn't.
Now I wish I had.
Other then that, I'm happy. No regrets.
my one regret is that i had gone back out with my ex boyfriend after he cheated on me and lied to me. well it didnt last. and i should have knwon better
I have many regrets that I can not take back.

1) My first boyfriend, Travis. He wanted one thing that I wouldnt give to him. So he cheated and sent his x g/f, and broke up with me that way.
2) Unabling to control my pain, I cut myself many times. I see now how important life is and my friends and family are to me.
3) Going out with David (senior) used me for only one thing.
4) Justin (recent breakup) actin just like all my other ex boyfriends.
5) Wishing that my father never existed!!

Sorry, if I sound too dramatic... but thats how I feel
I got friends 3 years ago (myself walking out on my own friend before that) but they just dumped me after a while. didn't wanna be friends with me anymore 8/

I'm sorry I ever got involved with them.

glad my former friend is now my friend again though c: though I would hate me for that.
I wish I'd never cut myself cause some of the scars are pretty icky & I wish I didn't push people away so much because now it's made my relationships with pretty much everyone bad.
[LP]GotLinkinPark? said:
I wish I'd never cut myself cause some of the scars are pretty icky & I wish I didn't push people away so much because now it's made my relationships with pretty much everyone bad.

Dont worry, things will get better. We all do things that we regret, but that is all part of life though. Hang in there, for there is good in everything *hugs*
Sometimes I say that I regret things, but I don't think I actually do. Without having done certain things in the past, I would've never ended up who I am today. And right now, I'm actually happy. I no longer feel depressed, I've stopped cutting (actually I've stopped months ago, but I never feel the urge to anymore). Things, I guarantee, wouldn't be this way if things in the past never happened. If I could take back one thing, though, it would be cutting myself. I have noticable scars now that I wish I didnt have.