What is/was your Best Subject in school?

Strongest Subject?

  • English/Writing/Reading

    Votes: 24 35.3%
  • Math

    Votes: 19 27.9%
  • Science (specify)

    Votes: 4 5.9%
  • History/Government

    Votes: 8 11.8%
  • Other.

    Votes: 13 19.1%

  • Total voters
I never really had a best subject, as everything school ever taught was so basic causing the comparative line between subjects to be so thin.
my best subjects would probably be ICT, which is all multimedia stuff, like photoshop and flash, or Robotics, but that subject wasnt availible to me this year.
Best in English and some others occasionally, there are way more subjects though..
offcourse if I couldn't speak English I wouldn't be here c:

Aww my worst is.. don't know how to say.. :p
Don't you have a subject what's all about Money and Buissness?
what's it called?

Well I'm bad at that :p

I like math actually, cause my teacher is our mentor-daddy :)
I did good in science (earth science/intro geology) this past grading period. :D I thought I'd get a bad grade cause I missed a big assignment, but he gave me 100. o_O Fine with me.

I'm good at math. Not the highest grade because of the teacher's style, but I understanding best. I don't like English. Mostly literature.
Though it was a while ago - English.
I sucked at Maths badly... but I loved history. Still do. Surprisingly I was an average art student. It was only after I left school that I excelled in art - must have, I was a freelance artist for a few years *shrug* and I almost failed it at school, go figure.

But English - that was my forte. :D
Okay, since my last post in here was from last year, I don't think it will hurt to post again...
My best subject would have to be, hands down, Journalism. I'm Editor of the school paper this year, and I'm also the lead writer and lead sports photographer. I really enjoy it alot.
My worst subject would still have to be Math. I'm doing better but I still suck something awful in that class.