What Is Your Dream Car?


New member
Mine would be a Lamberginie Diablo (if thats how you spell it). or a Dodge Charger with a 440 Hemmy. Im starting to drool.....


New member
dunno may be tuned Mitsubishi Galant/Eclipse/Spider

but i'd be happy with a polish fiat :)



New member
I am obsessed with cars too. My dad is going to get my a brand new Mitubishi Evolution and 15k in mods, or a Mercedes Benz SLK55 when I graduate college!!! Thats what he says. Any way my favorite is,

The Nissan Skyline modded

Mitsubishi EVO modded

Escalade pimped


BMW M5 modded

Ferrari Enzo

Volkswaggon Phaeton is also nice i guess.



New member
an 8 seater. a sleek black colour...ive ridden on one exactly how im describin it. the car was awesome.


New member
1971 Dodge Charger with 440 Hemmy and Custom block engine re-fit complete with T-66 Upgrades and Nos.

That or a 1960's Monte Carlo with a Lincoln engine complete with re-fit suspension and neon lights.

Both would be painted black.

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