That sounds pretty cool too. I also like the old model Pontiac GTO's (like the one out of the Vin Diesel movie "***") and the '69 Dodge Charger (like in The Fast and the Furious). Hmmm....... notice a trend? Almost every movie Vin Diesel is in has awesome classic muscle cars. Except for that movie he was in called "Knockaround Guys". Ever heard of that one? It also has Berry Pepper and Seth Green in it. It wasnt that great of a movie' date=' but it was okay. The plot line in it was kinda weak. Anyways, random subjects popping up now so i'm gonna go.[/quote']you mean the one that GOT OWNED BY THE TRAIN dream car would be the Nissian actually the EXACT repliuca of the nissan skyline from 2fast 2 furious...if not that then a competition viper(check it out on google images