What I've Done (AUDIO) *Main Discussion*


New member
we dont have much of the track at all....maybe its different in that mike comes in later?

who knows, im still not gonna listen, its only...4 days from now lol



New member
wierd, i spose it wouldnt matter that much right?

eventually we re all gonna see/hear the single, so the order doesnt really matter that much....

i ll be waiting for videopimp to get me a good quality MV, and waiting at HMV on tuesday to pick up my single,stuff school,exams are O V E R!



New member
What is Mike gonna do if he doesn't rap? I mean I know he plays keyboard and does all that other stuff, but honestly, Mike is The Glue. He is what made LP... LP. While giving my full credit to all the other band members who'd contributed, it's like what you've said, without Mike LP is just... "Another rock band". Even though I'd admit that I didn't get into LP for his rapping (Numb was my first song), once i was into it, his voice, lyricism, etc... made LP a band that i stuck with.
Thus I conclude that Mike must rap in this album. (Sorry for my ranting I'm not so cool at the moment)

Theres a Fort Minor song that explains this... Its called Get Me Gone, its Mike talking about a guy who didn't want him to rap in LP and 'be another rock band.'

I think Mike will appear on other tracks, as in this song he does slate the guy who said it pretty well.



New member
I love the song even more now!Can't wait to hear the rest

But as said, i think mike will be in this song like he was in Numb, and ik still think he will rap in the album, but in a different way, i mean a while ago we heard that they've ditched the 'rap-rock', and they have a completely different style now, so who knows, but i'm pretty sure he still raps in MTM



Active Members


Active Members
nice one. i guess we are getting a black and white album this time around?
could be...there was a cover for the album posted on one website...and it looked just like the new intro page..

but who knows?


Part Of Me

New member
What I've Done - 1st Single *Main Discussion*

Is april 2 the release date for the single CD, or is it just the release date for iTunes etc?

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