What Ive Done Premiere


New member
ok its april 2nd is when it shall be released for sure (if it doesnt leak)

itll be America's april second becuase why would an American living in America go by British/Australian/insertcountry time? Wouldnt make sense. all he said is that it will be realeased. so that could mean a lot. and it could mean a little. April 2nd also sounds like the day theyll launch a newwebpage i rekon to coincide with the new single. itd only make logical sense but then again LP isnt a logical band lol. my best guess would be that on april second they will release the song only. i think within the fallowing days WID will be on Itunes


Part Of Me

New member
Presumably on the single CD there will be other tracks as well...

I don't usually use iTunes (but I probably will for WID), are these going to be on iTunes as well?



New member
Sometimes they are on iTunes before release date, but it should be on iTunes on April 2nd the latest.

As for single we will hopefully get more than just WID. Of course I bet the Qwerty will also be on the single.


The will F us in the A (see diagram below) and only give us WID, WID (Radio Version)

8=====> - - -()



New member
hopefully we'll get a B-side, What I've Done and a live track from Japan.

hopefully it won't be QWERTY live since we have gotten that twice already and I know it won't be QWERTY demo because that was the LPU exclusive. it better not be just What I've Done. I doubt there will be a radio edit because LP never cusses :p and I don't think they've ever had a radio edit before besides for Collision Course which wasn't even really all LP.



New member
No I meant Radio Edit as in a shorter version not a clean version

for example life if there was a 30 seconds intro/outro and they cut it out (many bands have this some times it is only like a few seconds sometimes)



New member
No I meant Radio Edit as in a shorter version not a clean version
for example life if there was a 30 seconds intro/outro and they cut it out (many bands have this some times it is only like a few seconds sometimes)
I think that 30 second What I've Done intro is gonna have vocals over it



New member
Sometimes they are on iTunes before release date, but it should be on iTunes on April 2nd the latest
it better be :p lol

on LPAssociasion it says you can email the radio station and enquire why they said they'd play it when mike has stated its all a rumor/lie.

Has anybody done this?

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