What I've Done (VIDEO) *Main Discussion*

doesn't have to go from prs to make that a bad change lol
Fender might be good guitar..for cleaning parts..and nothing else. Distortions are quite fuzzy and weak. LP is often using dropped distortions, and PRS combined with mesa cabinets can do some fat drive distortions which is obviously needed to make LP sound.

+ look at the strat and take a look at PRS (strat looks like a "village" guitar :lol: )

well..lets say Brad wants some change :clap:

oh yeah..afro again + strat = Jimi Hendrix?
My Friend if you put a nice start (not a cheap ass squire or cheaper model of fender) they can put out some fat distortion on a Mesa cab especially if you match it with an Ibanez Tube Screamer pedal

but PRS still rocks (only type of guitar I have ever owned besides my acoustic)
honestly...who cares, maybe brad just went with the guitar because it brought the sound he wanted for the album, not the sound YOU think is better
Hazi[LP]Tonz;478995 said:
honestly...who cares, maybe brad just went with the guitar because it brought the sound he wanted for the album, not the sound YOU think is better
And, who are you to tell me what sound is better?
I play lots of guitars for almost 4 years, so I know what I'm talkin about
and yes, I CARE about it. you probably don't even know whats PRS

Maan..all I can see that people must say:"everything about LP is excelent, perfect,wooooow!!!", and if somebody like me has something different to say, or if has some dislikes, you all start to attack.. Well nevermind. I forgot that most of you are around 12-16 years old...and that refusing some facts is initial...well...
sorry my friend that is incorrect >.>

but really it doesn't matter what guitar he used, but he is not allowed in my PRS club if ever wanted to join now

What I was trying to get at was Change of a band's sound=Change of guitar

ex. (Live) Richard Kruspe and Paul Landers using a guitar for Herzelied/Sehnsucht/some-Mutter era songs and a guitar for Reise Reise/rest of Mutter songs
yeah for example when they started playing so much in drop C (Reise Reise and then Rosenrot), Paul started using a Gibson Les Paul for that tuning
oh please, it really doesnt matter as long as the sound LINKIN PARK wanted for their album is the sound they got, whether it be fender or prs honestly shouldnt matter to you or i, its their preference, maybe THEY think prs was more suited to this song than fender, who cares if uve had 4 years of guitar, iv had 12 in violin, doesnt make me a big shot on what type of violin someone should use, its user preference and confidence in the sound they want.simple
plus brads been playing guitar a helluva alot longer than 4 years, so u hafta give him credit that if YOU think that 4 years is good enough expierience to decipher guitar quality, then brad can decipher his view on guitar quality for himself.
Dude he's allowed to express his opinion over which guitar sounds better. No one has to agree with every change LP makes. If LP changes something that they feel needs changing then good for them, if a fan who listens to their music disagrees with change he is allowed to say so.

So pull your head out of your ass and let other people have their own opinion without you whining at them with poor grammar and spelling.
It's not worthy to argue, because all I can see is that, if LP make a change, we all must agree with that and say...wooow it's perfect change..they're so cool..everything they do is so greeat...
I mean, I know there are a lot of diehard fans who will not accept a single word of negative answer about LP, but...

mahh...nevermind.you won't understand.
Of course I understand, I just said that I keep lovin' their sound.. personally, I like their new sound (of course I dont understand nothin about kinds of guitars, and that stuff...)
But, I mean, I'm not one of those fans that don't accept a negative word about LP

AND, of course there are some people that like more this guitar than that one... IT's all about preferences!
Hazi[LP]Tonz;478995 said:
maybe brad just went with the guitar because it brought the sound he wanted for the album

That's right...
i never said i was an expert ever, all i said was merely that yackie is making such a big deal over a guitar change, hes allowed his opinion...and thus so do i,all i said was maybe brad wanted the chage or maybe it was suited for the song,i never said PRS is better than fender or anything,and hes chuckin at me that hes had "4 years of guitar expierience",and consider hes bleeting on about how good fenders are and such, all i said was that it was BRADS choice, and my OPINION was that he was maing such a big fuss over something so insignificant

bunch of ****ing hypocrites