What kind of a monster would you have to be....

emkay64 said:

My kids just say..."you're not as fancy as some of the other moms but we still love you" :(

Oh well..

We can't all be popular.

Maybe you should wear a diamond encrusted scrunchie, and bedazzle your yoga pants. :p
emkay64 said:

My kids just say..."you're not as fancy as some of the other moms but we still love you" :(

Oh well..

We can't all be popular.

What do they mean "not as fancy"? Your not as flashy or dressed up maybe?

I still love the fact I was born male, life seems so much easier to not have to go through this stuff, lol.
timesjoke said:
What do they mean "not as fancy"? Your not as flashy or dressed up maybe?

I still love the fact I was born male, life seems so much easier to not have to go through this stuff, lol.

I think that's right...prolly not as flashy. I never wear makeup shrugs . Thing is most of the Moms I see aren't "flashy" either lol...It could simply mean they'd like me to wear more colors...it's hard to say. I didn't want them to define it...so I never asked.
emkay64 said:
I think that's right...prolly not as flashy. I never wear makeup shrugs . Thing is most of the Moms I see aren't "flashy" either lol...It could simply mean they'd like me to wear more colors...it's hard to say. I didn't want them to define it...so I never asked.

True, the definition might not be what you expect, kids can see things very strange sometimes, lol.
Any man worth his salt would be the one to uproot and leave. Any man worth his salt would not put his children out in the cold no matter how much he despised his wife. Any man worth his salt can survive, start from scratch, and rebuild everything in the wake of a divorce.

Any man who throws his kids out in the cold.... IS NOT A FUKKEN MAN.
BrotherMan said:
We need an update Ali...

She's actually doing well, RaE. She has her own apartment now and she and the girls are ok. A bunch of us chipped in to help her stock her cupboards and get some of the basic household items she needed since he wouldn't give her a thing.

Now they are in the process of divorcing. He's being an ass, as expected, but her lawyer says there's no way he'll get custody since he hasn't worked for awhile and shows no intention in finding a job. She can provide a safe home and steady income for the girls, so that should be a no-brainer for the judge to make a sound ruling.

I have a hair appt. coming up so I'm sure I'll get more details then. :)
Ali said:
She's actually doing well, RaE. She has her own apartment now and she and the girls are ok. A bunch of us chipped in to help her stock her cupboards and get some of the basic household items she needed since he wouldn't give her a thing.

Now they are in the process of divorcing. He's being an ass, as expected, but her lawyer says there's no way he'll get custody since he hasn't worked for awhile and shows no intention in finding a job. She can provide a safe home and steady income for the girls, so that should be a no-brainer for the judge to make a sound ruling.

I have a hair appt. coming up so I'm sure I'll get more details then. :)

I'm glad to hear that she is doing well. I still stick by my original comment. The dude in this story needs to be beaten.