What kind of cell phone do you have?


New member
I've got like the oldest phone there is out there. But it works, so I'm cool.

Nokia 3310, looks something like this:


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New member
BANANA PHONES! Lol, I love those.

My cell phone is now my brothers..so..yeah.*cries*

Sorry this is off topic,but the Elite Lounge is kinda dead..



New member
Talking about phones,look at the new and sexy Sony Ericcson W800:



Here´s the link with more info about it:


My bday is bday is on November,so any1 who would like to give me that phone as my bday present?jkjk :p :p:p



New member
Yep it is,lol every time I look at it,it makes me wanna buy it:p,but I know that if I´d try to buy it,it would be so **** expensive to buy it:(.

I really can´t complain about the phone I have(sony ericsson t290a)but may be some day I´ll buy the Sony Ericsson W800:p



New member
I might be getting a new phone soon, because I'm just cool like that. I read in the news that some chick with the same model phone as me (LG VX6000) had her phone in her pocket, and out of nowhere, it just blew up and she got 3rd degree burns and stuff. So my mom doesn't want it to happen to me, even though the chances are very unlikely. So I'm going along with her and pretending to be all concerned and **** so that I can get a new phone! mwuhahahaha the world is mine...>_> Anyway, I'm looking at the Motorola V276. I use Verizon and theyre selling it online for $50.00 with a 2year contract...so maybe i'll just sign for ANOTHER 2 years for like...the 3rd time now....so I can get it for $50...because otherwise, its $220.00 which is ****** ridiculous for a cell phone. But yeah, I want it. And I'm excited. But I can't do anything about it until next week when my dad gets back home. (He travels for business). So I'm kinda anxious about it. But yeah. Froshizzle.


New member
oh yeah, btw i got that new phone. not the one i had originally said i was getting, but instead a Motorola E815. I love it! hehe yeah...


Active Members
I finally got one...its an Verizon LG VX3300. Its nice....but Vash's phone is probably one of the sexiest things I have ever seen with a dial tone. ****!


Active Members

^my current phone..

and just to start a thread back up in the elite lounge

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